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Title: Sapien
Author(s): Myurra
Date(s): 2014
Length: 225,892 words
Genre(s): Slash, Secret Relationship
Fandom(s): The Walking Dead
Relationship(s): Rick Grimes/Daryl Dixon
External Links: AO3

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Sapien is a The Walking Dead fic by Myurra focused on the pairing of Rick Grimes/Daryl Dixon.


Rick knows he already owes Daryl far too much - his life, for a start - so he doesn't want to keep asking for more. This isn't just about what he wants, though; it's about what they both need. Daryl is the one thing keeping him tethered, whether he likes it or not. Of course, Daryl isn't helping at all. Whatever he's doing to try and stop what's happening between them, he's doing it wrong.

Sapien was supposed to be the first in series called "We Are Only Human After All", but the second story in the series "Stasis" was put on hold by author and never published.

Reactions and Reviews

This was oddly peaceful for a Walking Dead fanfic. There’s not much violence and action, because what makes this fic great is the character development and the slow build relationship. Of course, the rest of the group is not forgotten. The tag “Glenn & Maggie are little shits” is completely accurate. I really loved the portrayal of Carl and his relationship with both Rick and Daryl. One scene with him and Daryl nearly broke my heart. So did Daryl’s past. What a journey. At some point I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hug Rick and Daryl or smack them around the head. Only thing I didn’t like was the mix of past tense and present tense, because sometimes the author used both in the same scene, aka “Carl sat at the table” and then “he looks up”. But I got over it eventually because the rest of the story makes up for that. I’m just a little disappointed ther is no part two.[1]

It’s Daryl/Rick from The Walking Dead, and holy hell I absolutely adored this fic. I’ve been wanting to reread it recently because I remember being utterly captivated by it when I read it years ago. It’s still one of the few fics I have in my bookmarks on ao3 because I love it so much. The characterization was spot on and it really captured their developing relationship while still showing the rawness of who these characters are and how coming together was not something easy for either of them. It’s gritty and difficult and emotionally stilted in the best ways.[2]

You know a fic hit home when you can recite an entire scene[3]

THIS is amazing. Best I’ve read so far. Absolutely recommended.[4]

I personally just FINALLY read Sapien which has always been referred to as Rickyl required reading. Although the last paragraph sets up a cliffhanger that for a sequel that was never written, it was a beautiful story.[5]

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