Rats and Sinking Ships

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Title: Rats and Sinking Ships
Author(s): Barb G
Date(s): 2000 or before
Length: 155K
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Rats and Sinking Ships
Rats and Plagues
Rats and Cages (Barb's Multi-FanPlex)
Rats and Sinking Ships (Wayback link)

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Rats and Sinking Ships is a Mulder/Krycek slash series by Barb G.

  • Rats and Sinking Ships (NC-17 [m/m] 155 K) This is a Krycek tale filled with lots of angst. Within Krycek and Mulder are thrown back together again at the whims of the Shadows That Be.
  • Rats and Plagues (NC-17 (for torture and m/m) - 147 K) The sequel to Rats and Sinking Ships...
  • Rats and Cages (NC-17) The conclusion of the series.

Recs and Reviews

Plain Old Rape (if there is such a thing...)

XF: Krycek allows himself to be Mulder’s biggest fear in the dark, complex and sordid Rats and Sinking Ships, by Barb G.

XF: Krycek is even more out of control in the sequel, Rats and Plagues, also by Barb G.[1]

Ooh what wonderful terrible things happen to Krycek in this one! :-)[2]


  1. ^ Sandy Herrold. Issues of Consent: Sandy’s mostly "Slash Without Consent" link page, via Wayback. (Accessed 20 October 2019)
  2. ^ Juxian Tang. Juxian Tang's Favorites: X-Files Favorites, 2000. (Accessed 15 November 2019)