Queen Morgause

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Name: Morgause
Occupation: Queen of Orkney
Relationships: Wife and widow of King Lot, lover of Sir Lamorak, mother of 5+ children, sister of Arthur Pendragon (Arthurian) and Morgan Le Fay
Fandom: Arthuriana, Arthurian Legend
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Queen Morgause, also known as Anna, Orcades, and other variations, is the daughter or Igraine and Gorlois, wife of King Lot, mother of the Orkney siblings, sister of Morgan Le Fay, and half or occasionally full sister of King Arthur Pendragon.

In the most commonly known version of her story, she is married off to King Lot and has four sons, Gawain, Agravaine, Gaheris, and Gareth, with him. When Arthur becomes high king, Lot opposes him and wages war against him with a number of other petty kings, but Morgause supports Arthur's cause. Arthur, often but not always without realizing they are related, fathers Mordred on Morgause. Eventually, Lot is killed by King Pellinore, leading to a mostly one-sided feud between some of the Orkney brothers and some of the Pellispawn. Years later, Gaheris finds Morgause in bed with Sir Lamorak (one of Pellinore's sons) and kills her.

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Fandom members often express aggravation with how Morgause is treated in modern media.

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