Over-30 Philes

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Name: Over-30 Philes
Date(s): 1999 or earlier - 2000?
Moderator: XayanFay
Fandom: X-Files
URL: HomePage
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Over-30 Philes, or O3P, was a mailing list, AOL message board, MIRC chat room, and website for X-Files fans over the age of 30. The email loop became locked to new members after reaching 45 by 1999, but other community interaction was still available.


During "The X-Files" regular season, O3P members gather at least once a week in our very own private O3P AOL chat room. We welcome guests who are over 18 years of age, but you need AOL access to enter the private chat room. Our only rule for participation is that guests must be capable of mature discussions; however, we frequently deviate from this standard once we're in the room . A list of recent chat topics would include: episodes, characters, writers, fanfic, international snack foods, naysayers, and how nice it is to be in a chat room without teenagers! Occasionally we invite guest "speakers" to our chat, such as fanfic archivist Scullysfan (ChronicleX) and fanfic author Ann Haynes.

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