Osomatsu Matsuno

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Name: Osomatsu Matsuno
松野 おそ松 (Matsuno Osomatsu)
Occupation: NEET
Relationships: Karamatsu Matsuno (younger brother)
Choromatsu Matsuno (younger brother)
Ichimatsu Matsuno (younger brother)
Jyushimatsu Matsuno (younger brother)
Todomatsu Matsuno (younger brother)
Matsuyo (mother)
Matsuzo (father)
Chibita (childhood rival, friend)
Totoko Yowai (childhood friend, love interest)
Tougou (kidnapper)
Fandom: Osomatsu-kun, Osomatsu-san
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In Osomatsu-san

Osomatsu Matsuno is the first-born Matsuno sextuplet, and is the title character for both Osomatsu-kun and its reboot Osomatsu-san. He remains largely unchanged from his childhood, save for being cruder and an avid gambler, playing pachinko and betting on horses. In Osomatsu-san, he is color-coded in red.

Osomatsu doesn't want to grow up and become a real adult, preferring to stay home and live off his parents forever. As much as he likes being the eldest, he is frequently irritated and stressed by the rigid responsibility that position places him in and sometimes wishes he was an only child because it would be easier. On the other hand, Osomatsu relies heavily on his brothers' presence as his identity and becomes anxious when it looks like they'll move on without him. This can cause strife between him and the rest of his family. It is implied that he is to blame for their NEET status.

He is childish and a pervert and never quite takes anything truly seriously. This can either get him in trouble or defuse tension in a situation. Despite his uncouth behaviour, Osomatsu is still seen as the one in charge and his brothers typically follow his lead. There are moments where Osomatsu is forced to be responsible or help his brothers with something difficult and this is where he usually shows his talent as the eldest. When push comes to shove, Osomatsu can be a very good big brother.

Even with that in mind, Osomatsu isn't properly respected by his little brothers which annoys him greatly. He's clingy and can be a bother to them, but he doesn't seem to understand that he's doing this and only becomes angry at his brothers for excluding him or ignoring him. With his casual disregard for the rest of society and non-judgemental perspective when it comes to his brothers, he is the one most often shown as a reassuring voice to his little brothers' concerns, although it's debatable if the advice he gives them is actually good for their future.

In Osomatsu-kun

Osomatsu and his brothers are all identical, which is used as a common gag in both the manga and the anime. He was considered the eldest and the leader of his five brothers. His name means lousy. His partner-in-crime and brother seen most with him was Choromatsu.


Common Headcanons

  • He is second chubbiest next to Ichimatsu, due to his frequent drinking.
  • After the Osomatsu-kun chapter “Osomatsu and the Terrifying Lodger”, it is thought that he has PTSD from being almost taken away from his family by Tougou.


Osomatsu is a popular enough character to be shipped frequently with all his brothers, but is most shipped with Choromatsu or Karamatsu. He is also shipped with Totoko Yowai, his childhood friend and crush. Some people ship him with Chibita as well, his childhood rival and sometimes friend. Reader insert is also popular.
