Choromatsu Matsuno

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Name: Choromatsu Matsuno
松野 チョロ松 (Matsuno Choromatsu)
Occupation: NEET
Relationships: Osomatsu Matsuno (older brother)
Karamatsu Matsuno (older brother)
Ichimatsu Matsuno (younger brother)
Jyushimatsu Matsuno (younger brother)
Todomatsu Matsuno (younger brother)
Matsuyo (mother)
Matsuzo (father)
Chibita (rival)
Totoko Yowai (childhood friend, love interest, fan)
Nyaa Hashimoto (fan)
Fandom: Osomatsu-kun, Osomatsu-san
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Choromatsu Matsuno is the third-born Matsuno sextuplet. In Osomatsu-san, he is color-coded in green.

In Osomatsu-kun

Choromatsu and his brothers are all identical, which is used as a common gag in both the manga and the anime.

In Osomatsu-san

He is color-coded in green. He looks and acts serious, but is just as not-so-above-it-all as his brothers.


Common Headcanons

  • He is one of the skinnier brothers.
  • He was rather studious during his junior high and high school years.


In BLMatsu, he is frequently shipped with Osomatsu, who shares many interactions in both Osomatsu-kun and Osomatsu-san. Choromatsu is also sometimes shipped with Nyaa Hashimoto, his favorite idol.
