Of Love and FanFiction

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Name: Of Love and Fanfiction
Date(s): 19 January - 29 June 2011
Moderator(s): Sakura Blossom Storm
Founder: Sakura Blossom Storm
Type: Uncommon Pairing Prompt List
Fandom: Total Drama
Associated Community: Total Drama fandom on FanFiction.Net
URL: Of Love and FanFiction, Archived version original post on FFN
Of Love and FanFiction, Archived version official forum on FFN
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Of Love and FanFiction was a writing challenge in the Total Drama fandom, started and moderated by Sakura Blossom Storm on FanFiction.Net in 2011. Once a month, from January to June, she would provide a pairing from the categories of Crack, Fanon, Yuri, Yaoi and Canon[1] then challenge writers to write a one-shot incorporating that pairing. The majority of submissions were songfic, ficlets or drabbles.

During the second challenge, an official forum was created for contributors.

Right, I though of this today at work, I thought about how everyone here has preferences, we all have our favourite characters of Total Drama and favourite couples, and that may not suit the needs of other people.

For example, as you may or may not know I am an avid Bridgette and Geoff fan, I have been since I watched the very first episode of Total Drama: Island (2007) and always plan to be a fan of theirs, some people reading this may look at it and think that they are the worst paring on the show and they both could do better.

Another good example would be the famous Courtney/Duncan/Gwen/Trent square, I've noticed that they are the most pivotal stories on this website, nearly most of them are based around one of those, I have no problem with that, I am in fact a Courtney/Duncan fan and a Gwen/Trent fan…however I am slowly leaning towards Courtney/Trent and Gwen/Duncan is a guilty pleasure.

You must be wondering where I'm going with this…well that is pretty simple:

I want us all as a Total Drama Community to be a lot more open minded about things!

Because we all have our preferences about our favourite couples we're all a little blind to notice other people's good works, I'm guilty of that too and I know I am, as soon as I read a story that either breaks Bridgette and Geoff up or they are not together in the first place I'm switched off.

But doing that we're all missing great talent here…and that is not what FanFiction is about.

So, how can you all come into this? Well, depending how many people show an interest to this then I want everyone to join me in writing a One-Shot about a certain Total Drama Couple every now and then.

Every month or so (depending on the results) I will announce a brand new couple, and it's up to you to write a One-Shot about the said couple. Then to make it a little more fun, I then want you guys to choose another authors' One-Shot and review that, or as many as you like!

Make sense…probably not, but hey ho, I just want to know if people fell the same way about this as I do, I just suppose I want everyone to bond a little more and get more involved in people's stories.

This is all coming from the World's Worst Reviewer…I want to be a better reviewer because I know I'm missing out there.

So, let's kick things off shall we?

I want you all to send in a Review letting me know if you are interested in taking part in this challenge, any kind of author and any kind of style can enter, that's all apart of the fun!

Then, a bit like my reviewer influenced story 'We're Getting Married', you can vote for your favourite Total Drama couple, and we may do that One-Shot next.

Please, please show an interest in this…another reason why I'm doing this is to beat down some of the infamous 'Troll' stories that are going around, I want to be in a tighter community that can stamp this kind of thing out and can't do it alone.

So, submit a review letting me know if you are interested and I will update more information soon.

PM me if you're unsure of anything

Much Love to you All.

Sakura Blossom Storm.

from Of Love and FanFiction's first chapter on FFN

First Challenge

The first Of Love and FanFiction challenge was to write a one-shot for Cody/Sierra, which was under the canon category. This was chosen in the challenge's second chapter on FFN. The challenge lasted from January 20th to February 1st. On the 1st, HowlingWolf4Life was chosen as the challenge winner, drawn randomly, at the end of chapter 4. They won a one-shot as a gift from Sakura Blossom Storm. The gift fic appears to not be no longer available online, however, or it was never made.

Fulfilled Fics

Some of the fics considered to be lost/deleted may be online, and even included in the list, but their username on FFN has since changed.

Second Challenge

The second Of Love and FanFiction challenge was to write a one-shot for Gwen/Heather, which was under the Yuri category. The fulfilled fic could either be Yuri or Friendship.[Notes 1] The challenge lasted throughout February to March 1st. On the 1st, Melissa MM was chosen as the challenge winner, drawn randomly, at the end of chapter 8. They won a one-shot as a gift from Sakura Blossom Storm. The gift fic appears to not be no longer available online, however, or it was never made.

Fulfilled Fics

Some of the fics considered to be lost/deleted may be online, and even included in the list, but their username on FFN has since changed.




  • A now deleted/lost fic from EgoistaSince94, aka GabrielaMaria
  • A now deleted/lost fic from Punk Rockette

Third Challenge

The third Of Love and FanFiction challenge was to write a one-shot for any pairing, but the challenge was to write it as a song-fic to Paperweight by Joshua Radin and Schuyler Fisk. The challenge lasted throughout March to April 1st. On the 1st, GwendolynD was chosen as the challenge winner, drawn randomly, at the end of chapter 9. They won a one-shot as a gift from Sakura Blossom Storm. The gift fic appears to not be no longer available online, however, or it was never made.

Fulfilled Fics

Some of the fics considered to be lost/deleted may be online, and even included in the list, but their username on FFN has since changed.

Fourth Challenge

The fourth Of Love and FanFiction challenge was to write a one-shot for Eva/Ezekiel, which was under the Crack category. The challenge lasted throughout April to May 1st. On the 1st, PurpleFunkyTown was chosen as the challenge winner, drawn randomly, at the end of chapter 11. They won a one-shot as a gift from Sakura Blossom Storm. The gift fic appears to not be no longer available online, however, or it was never made.

Fulfilled Fics

Some of the fics considered to be lost/deleted may be online, and even included in the list, but their username on FFN has since changed.

Fifth Challenge

The fifth Of Love and FanFiction challenge was to write a one-shot for one of a handful of pairings: Ezekiel/Geoff, Duncan/Katie, Bridgette/Gwen, Beth/Owen, Gwen/Trent, Beth/Harold, Alejandro/Heather, Noah/Trent, Harold/Izzy or Bridgette/Geoff, to one of the following scenarios/songs/places/topics: Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart (Song by Alicia Keys), A Broadway Show of your choice, At a Karaoke Bar, Circus (Song by Britney Spears), The last day of School, Lean On Me (Song Cover by the Glee Cast), A TV show of your choice, Mamma Mia (Song by ABBA), Feeling alone, or Desire.

The challenge lasted throughout May to June 1st. On the 1st, EgoistaSince94 was chosen as the challenge winner, drawn randomly, at the end of chapter 13. They won a one-shot as a gift from Sakura Blossom Storm. The gift fic appears to not be no longer available online, however, or it was never made.

Fulfilled Fics

Some of the fics considered to be lost/deleted may be online, and even included in the list, but their username on FFN has since changed.

Sixth Challenge

The sixth and last Of Love and FanFiction challenge was to write a one-shot around the prompt "Heaven or Hell." The challenge lasted throughout June to July 1st. No winner was chosen.

Fulfilled Fics

Some of the fics considered to be lost/deleted may be online, and even included in the list, but their username on FFN has since changed.


  1. ^ "since it is a touchy subject, I am giving you the option, you can either write a Yuri fic where they are potentially in a lesbian relationship or have feelings for one another *OR* you can simply write a friendship fic." (from chapter 4)

References/Further Reading

  1. ^ As seen in chapter 2: Rules and Regulations [Unable to archive]