Miya Atsumu

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Name: Miya Atsumu
Occupation: Volleyball player
Relationships: Miya Osamu (twin brother)
Fandom: Haikyuu
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Miya Atsumu is a character in the manga and anime Haikyuu.


Miya Atsumu is the starting setter on the Inarizaki Volleyball Team. He is a second year and a year older than the protagonist, Hinata Shouyou. His skills landed him an invitation to the All-Japan Youth Intensive Training Camp, where he meets Kageyama Tobio. After high school, Miya Atsumu goes on to become part of the MSBY Black Jackals, a Division 1 Team in the V-League. He also becomes a member of the National Japan Volleyball Team and participates in the Olympics.

He has a very close relationship to his twin brother, Miya Osamu, who plays a wing spiker on the same team. Their synergy has allowed them to perform moves on the spot that usually require a lot of practice, such as Hinata and Kageyama's famous minus tempo spike.

Atsumu seems brash and cocky, confident in his skills. He can seem very condescending to others. He holds himself and his setters to very high standards, and has been known to confront them in a harsh, insulting manner if they don't meet his standards. He is also fiercely competitive. A quirk that he has is that while serving, he prefers silence. The cheering squad for the Inarizaki Volleyball Team has learned this and is trained to fall silent when Atsumu steps up to the serving line.



  • Miya Atsumu's low self-esteem: While Atsumu's canon personality seems arrogant, fans like to headcanon that his arrogant and loud personality is a facade to cover up his insecurities.
  • Bullied Miya Atsumu: This trope is often paired with the one above, where Atsumu is bullied/tormented by others in middle and high school. This usually occurs without anyone else's knowledge of it happening.
  • Miya Atsumu's crush on Kita Shinsuke: It's a commonly accepted headcanon that Atsumu, at some point, had a crush on his high school captain.


The most popular pairing for Atsumu is Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, with over 14,000 fics on AO3.[1] Other popular pairings include:






  1. ^ [1], Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi AO3 taggings. Accessed Aug 8 2024.