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Name: Mosh
Alias(es): moshes, moshesque, moshi, miss_mosh, jackdaw_
Type: fan writer, fan artist, reccer, moderator
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Peter Pan, Saiyuki, Bleach, Kyou Kara Maou, Yami no Matsuei, Loveless, Prince of Tennis, Meine Liebe, Brokeback Mountain, Shounen Onmyouji, others
Communities: the_nether_land, stagnight, luciusmarauders, remus_draco, padfootnprongs, seeking_draco
URL: Remnants (fanworks site, offline)
moshesque at DeviantArt (offline)
Mosh at Archive of Our Own
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Mosh is a slash author and fan artist. In the early to mid 2000s, she was primarily active in Harry Potter and Peter Pan fandoms, but later branched out into many others.

Mosh maintained two separate LiveJournals for several years: miss_mosh which became moshes then moshi for Harry Potter fandom, and jackdaw_ which became moshesque for multifandom activity.[1] The "moshi" journal was closed in September 2007 and "moshesque" became Mosh's only active journal.[2] Both journals are now deleted.

Mosh joined Harry Potter fandom around April 2003.[3] Her website, Remnants, was started in May 2004 for her Harry Potter fanfiction, but it eventually became the multifandom home to all of Mosh's fanworks.

Mosh was a moderator of a number of LiveJournal communities. In December 2004, Mosh co-founded and modded stagnight, an invite-only James Potter community linked to the Potter Slash Archive, with Sarvihaara.[4] Mosh also helped Sarvihaara run the Stag Night archive when it was split off from PSA in 2005.[5]

Around 2011, Mosh announced that she was on indefinite hiatus.[6] She deleted her LiveJournal and DeviantArt accounts, removed her fanfiction from Archive of Our Own, and took down Remnants. Since then, some fans have sought saved copies of her fanworks from other fans.[7]


  1. ^ Mosh's GreatestJournal profile stated as of 20 February 2007:
    "On LiveJournal my active Harry Potter-centric journal is moshes. I post fics and squee about my other fandoms (mostly Bleach, Saiyuki, Loveless, Death Note, PoT, Shounen Onmyouji, Yami no Matsuei, Meine Liebe and Peacemaker Kurogane) in moshesque, along with movie reviews, icons, music spam and a little bit of RL."
  2. ^ moshi at LiveJournal. "An important note about moshi.", posted 25 September 2007. (Archived 08 September 2008 by the Wayback Machine.)
  3. ^ Mosh wrote in April 2005 that it was "around this time two years ago that [she] stumbled upon the Harry Potter fandom". moshes at LiveJournal, post dated 15 April 2005 (archived 23 May 2005 by the Wayback Machine.)
  4. ^ moshes at LiveJournal. Post dated 13 December 2004. (Archived by the Wayback Machine on 12 February 2005.)
  5. ^ sarvihaara at LiveJournal. PSA - Harry section up for grabs, posted 06 November 2005. (Accessed 02 September 2018.)
  6. ^ moshesque - User Profile at LiveJournal. Archived 22 August 2011 by the Wayback Machine.
  7. ^ cyanloid in conradxyuuri at LiveJournal. Looking for a certain author's fic~, posted 30 October 2015. (Accessed 02 September 2018.)