Mirrors of Mind and Flesh

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Title: Mirrors of Mind and Flesh
Publisher: KSX Press
Author(s): Gayle F
Cover Artist(s): Gayle F
Illustrator(s): Gayle F
Date(s): 1979
Medium: print
Size: 80 pages
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
External Links: Mirrors of Mind and Flesh at AO3; Mirrors of Mind and Flesh (K/S Archive) (offline)

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Mirrors of Mind and Flesh is a Kirk/Spock slash 80-page novella, written and illustrated by Gayle F.

It has ten illustrations and required an age statement to purchase.

It was reprinted in Kirk Enslaved.

Its Place in K/S History

It is one of the first K/S full standalone novels published.

Alternative: The Epilog to Orion, a novel published in 1976, was the very first.

Nightvisions was another novel published in 1979.

Thrust was the first all K/S anthology published. It was in 1978.


From Gilda F: "In a magical cave, Kirk and Spock meet each otherʼs mirror counterparts in what might be dreams."

Author's Notes

From the zine:

Here, for your pleasure, is "Mirrors of Mind and Flesh." I hope you will find it deliciously tantalizing, both a sensual delight and a fascinating mind trip.

From AO3 (though it likely originated at the The Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive):

Since this was a first time story separate from the Cosmic Collected universe, I decided to design a different cock for Spock [1]. That was fun. I wanted a double hot fudge sundae of erotica and hope I succeeded, but the story itself was very difficult to write - trying to get the mirroring to work effectively without being repetitive. And I wanted to do a Mirror story. Although I’d always rather thought the Mirror Spock should take Jim’s advice and take over the Enterprise, the Mirror Spock wanted to save his Captain. Of course.

Transformative Works

In the 1980s, a filk group featured the fanzine in their series of Zine Melodies:

(sung to the tune of "These Boots Are Made For Walking")
These boots are made for Pon Farr,
And that's just what we'll use.
The pictures, they will tell the tale,
Of who's got hold of who.


Art has been included on Fanlore with the artist's permission.

Reactions and Reviews


This is a highly erotic and sensual KS story, written in Gayle's inimitable style. It is a story in two parts, featuring Kirk and Spock, and their Mirror Universe Counterparts... whilst visiting a Cave in their own Universes, a time displacement causes the two couples to exchange partners. The writing is of course fantastic. The only fault I might have is that I would have liked a little more story line, but as a purely emotional experience it is excellent. To sum up, if you are a KS addict you'll love it! If not don't waste your money. [2]


The zine is an absolute must for any fan who even wants to consider the possibility of the K/S relationship. And this zine gives the reader 'two for the price of one' since not only are the Kirk and Spock from the TV present but also their alternates from the Mirror, Mirror universe. It is a zine filled with material that is graphic in the extreme, but the actions and interactions of the characters seemed perfectly suited to the situation the story presents. Through almost a mystical process, the Kirk of our universe finds himself paired with the alternate Spock while 'our' Spock is faced with the brutal, sadistic alternate Kirk. Each pair is faced with some startling realizations about their feelings for each other. The sexual acts are presented in the usual straight-forward style for which Gayle is known, and her illos are perfectly suited to each encounter. Highly recommended for open-minded adults!! [3]

[Gayle F] is [Gayle F]. This is definitely a Good Thing. 'Mirrors of Mind and Flesh' will make those prone to her style, squirm, PANT, sweat, or get stomach aches, depending on how your own personal repressions choose to make its subtle or otherwise return appearance. 'Mirrors' is a story of two universes, four men, and mixed doubles. Though at times confusing the question of Who is doing What to Which One is enlightened by the illos, which are copious. (And you leather freaks are going to have a ball with this.) The story, what little there is of it, doesn't seem very important. And that's the flaw of 'Mirrors.' In the series begun in Desert Heat, the problem, though less urgent, was essentially the same, but those four stories took a thread, fleshed out, and most steamily carried it to an intriguing if not necessarily logical conclusion. 'Mirrors' is the story of an acceptance and a bonding, playing out in a cave which seems to be playing Matchmaker For a Day, or night, for all you literalists. True, with the alternate universe of 'Mirror, Mirror,' we get to see a bit more arrogance, i.e. cheap thrills (but thrills is thrills, folks), and the question of who's going to wind up on top is neatly dealt with here, with two chances for first contact. Needless to say, it all ends up erotically ever after for everyone concerned. Note: double ridges have now been replaced by a carillon effect. The zine is computer-typed, with justified right margins. If this sounds neat, it could have been a lot neater. There are too many typos — you don't want to stop and wonder, nice times, how acquiesce is spelled — and the borders, though flashy, could have been accommodated far more print on a page. Considering postal and offset rates, the tremendous margins are a waste. But [Gayle F] is still [Gayle F]. She's better, but she's still the best erotica around. [4]


Opinion on 'Mirrors' tends to be divided, even among K/S fans themselves, between those who do and do not delight in what it has to offer. To be the subject of debate is, in itself, a compliment; well-deserved in this instance.

The plot cannot, except in moments of lunacy, be described as action-packed for it makes extensive-use of atmosphere. 'Mirrors' is sheer fantasy; but within the framework she creates, [Gayle] produces a story, not only of stunning sensuality, but also with some excellent character development - although that realisation usually comes only with later, re-readings.

Dreams and reality mix in the Cave of Tomorrows, a place where dreams have a habit of coming true, as the Christopher Pike of two universes discovered. The protagonists are a mirror universe Kirk and Spock, who have come (with Spo'k entering Pon Farr) to the cave to mate, and their 'innocent' counterparts of the Federation universe, who have come to the cave to dream.

The mirror Kirk, having decided his Vulcan will have to fight for whatever he wants begins to strip. 'Caught between sheer lust and apprehension, he turns to find himself facing another Spock, the 'innocent'. Inevitably, he sees an advantage in the situation. As the night progresses, however, his barriers dissolved by passion (and tenderness), he discovers the luxury of being able to surrender and trust, two things he cannot afford in his own reality, where Spock is turning rebel. For the mirror Spock there are similar realisations to be faced when he meets Jim Kirk, 'the gentle one'; like, yet painfully unlike his own Kirk.

The mirror pair learn to speak of love to their 'innocent' partners, finding with them what they fear is impossible in their own very different universe. As the dream fades and they are together, again, they remember the demonstrations in trust - and need - they have been shown; they are left staking their commitment to each other in typical mirror universe fashion. Jim Kirk and Spock have also learned from their dream encounters. Not only have they recognised the inevitability of their coming together, but they have also learned to acknowledge that fact to each other.

That is the main theme of 'Mirrors', for all its sexuality - the inevitability of the bond between a Kirk and Spock of any universe. Yet there is no trace of sentimentality at any point in the story; [Gayle] is too good a writer to need that device.

It is not easy to encapsulate the essence of 'Mirrors', nor to assimilate all it has to offer in just one reading. Nor is it easy to give more than an indication of the sexual duelling, love-play and consummations which abound and are described in explicit and rich detail. Every one of the five senses is invoked in lush detail. While on the topic, the one device which I found distracting, is the exotic arrangement of Spock's sexual organs. However, a difference which makes no difference...

[Gayle] possesses a powerful yet sparse and elegant style; there is never a word out of place, nor an unconsidered phrase. The characters live and because of the strong visual quality to the writing, the reader is drawn into the world she has created.

This is one of the much-spoken-of 'greats' that I do not regard as over-rated; as much for [Gayle's] irrepressible enjoyment of the sexual aspects of the K/S premise, as for the quality of her writing. But then, as must be obvious, I am biased in favour of 'Mirrors'; I should be happy to debate the topic with those who disagree. [5]


How do I feel about: 1. Violence in K/S — it has no place. 2. S&M in K/S — a little is OK as long as both partners enjoy it and it is written well. [Gayle F's] "Mirrors of the Mind and Flesh" had just about enough for me (maybe a little too much). 3. Humiliation/degradation in K/S — I think that is disgusting. The only place where it might be feasible is in a story like [Gayle F's] "Night of the Dragon", where Spock is so freaked out that Kirk almost died, that he "punishes" Kirk by the violent way that he takes him. Wait a minute, maybe this is an example of #1 and not #3. Besides, Spock is ashamed and sorry afterward. [6]


A K/S classic, circa 1979, this is 80 pages of torrid fantasy in the inimitable [Gayle F] style. As the title suggests, the story fades in and out of a dreamlike atmosphere from one scene to another—first pairing Spock with a mirror Kirk, then Kirk with a (bearded) mirror Spock—in a series of radically erotic encounters, prolifically illustrated with vintage [Gayle F] drawings. If you like your K/S starry-eyed and low-key, this one will blow you out of the water. It should have been printed on asbestos, has absolutely no redeeming social value, and is an immensely entertaining tale. Although the physical appearance of a zine is not relevant to the quality of the contents, this one has a classy look and feel to it, due to the soft gray cover, off-toned paper, beautifully bordered, uncrowded pages and full-size typeface. It was obviously produced with loving care. Incidentally, there IS a plot to the story, although it tends to be overwhelmed by [Gayle F's] powerful imagery (now THERE'S a euphemism!). [7]


I was really confused by this story. How did the wrong Kirk get with the wrong Spock? What did the crystal cave have to do with all this? And how did the right Kirk get with the right Spock? I think the best way to describe this story would be just one long sex scene. [8]


People talk today like old fandom never had harder edged stuff, like it is something that M. Fae personally introduced into fandom (not a slam on M. Fae, I've never heard her agree--) Gayle F wrote two of the harder edged early stories, 1) Mirrors of Mind and Flesh -- short on plot, long on imagery and sex and betrayal and lowering of barriers, and 2) Desert Heat--a four story collection with one of the first "Spock rapes Kirk in pon farr" stories. [9]


As voluptuous as her drawings. A gregarious sensuality; a sexuality that leaves you panting. [10]


This story is what is called a PWP; the story is just a frame to write some very hot sex scenes; Kirk and Spock spend the night in a cave in which you can have wonderful dreams. And dream they do: they mix up with their counterparts from the mirror universe and have some great sex which makes them understand their own Kirk and Spock and what they feel for each other. Put to that the very graphic art of Gayle and you have a nice well illustrated K/S story. [11]


Now, let me just say up front that I have never been a fan of mirror!verse at all. I am not into the violence and excessive cruelty that most of this genre is comprised of, so imagine my surprise when I came across some mirror fics in which that is not the case at all... Mirrors of Mind and Flesh (TOS) by Gayle F. In a magical cave, Kirk and Spock meet each other’s mirror counterparts in what might be dreams. Angst and tenderness and OMG THE HAWT. *fans self* Proof that Kirk and Spock are meant to be together no matter what universe they inhabit. [12]


3/5: It's incredibly difficult to make 20k words of pure smut not boring and repetitive, and this fic failed at that. Frankly, I would much prefer a full length fic on Mirrorverse Pike, which we get a glimpse of in this. That sounds like a much more interesting story. Still, this was pretty well written, and if you can ignore the rape, the smut is pretty good.[13]


Wonderful story! You really have a way with words. There are so many wonderful passages describing their lovemaking that I couldn't choose a favorite. Thank you for writing this! Oh and the artwork is amazing! [14]


  1. ^ Also see Famous Spock Cocks in K/S History
  2. ^ from The Scapegoat
  3. ^ from Datazine #3
  4. ^ a review by T'Yenta from Universal Translator #1
  5. ^ from Communicator #4
  6. ^ from K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits) #5
  7. ^ from Not Tonight, Spock! #3
  8. ^ from The LOC Connection #14
  9. ^ by Sandy Hereld from Virgule-L, quoted with permission (Feb 26, 1993)
  10. ^ from The K/S Press #26
  11. ^ from The K/S Press #31
  12. ^ from Past and Present Intertwined - Star Trek Kirk/Spock fic recs post, posted February 28, 2010, accessed June 19, 2013
  13. ^ K/S Fanfiction by uss-genderprise.tumblr.com/
  14. ^ from LovinJamesT at Archive of Our Own