MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on Rainne

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Interviews by Fans
Title: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on Rainne
Interviewer: MCU Wintershock
Interviewee: Rainne
Date(s): February 27, 2015
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
External Links: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on Rainne, Archived version
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Part of a Series

See MCU Wintershock Spotlights.


"What about Wintershock as a pairing appeals to you? It’s just so full of potential. Like, sassypants times two, right? Just the IDEA of the pained expressions they could put on Steve’s face - or the way they could, between the two of them, make Steve LAUGH. (Because Steve needs to laugh.) And the epic prank wars between them and Clint and Tony. The whole idea of the two of them together is just FUN, to me."

"How did you first encounter it? Ooh. Probably in fanfic somewhere. I’ve been reading ShieldShock for some time, and then after CA:TWS, when everything was Bucky and everything hurt, I started branching out. I’m not sure which is the first WinterShock I read; probably it was actually WinterShieldShock. But, you know, everything good starts with OT3, in my opinion, so. :)"

"Do you have any specific Wintershock headcanons? Are there any particular fic tropes you like concerning the pairing? Well, like I said, I love the idea that they just have a lot of fun together. As for tropes, I love the idea that Darcy, who is such a caretaker, gets to caretake Bucky and help him get better. And Bucky is such a protector - we see that with Steve - and I love the idea of them just having that sort of give-and-take in their relationship. You take care of me, I take care of you, that kind of thing. It’s all very ~healthy~. :D"

"Of the stories that you’ve written concerning them, which one is your favorite and why? Oh man, make me pick my favorite kid, why don’tcha? To be honest the only thing I’ve written that’s explicitly WinterShock, as opposed to OT3, is my series “To Live Without the Sun,” which I affectionately call my HYDRA!Verse, even though they are only with HYDRA for like five minutes. But if I include my OT3 stuff in that… I would still have to say I think “Breaking (Saving) You” is my favorite. Seconded by “Sweet Child of Mine.”"

"What Wintershock fic by someone else would you recommend to others to read? What about this fic appeals to you?

Oh, MAN. Okay. The first one that comes to mind is “I once started out to walk around the world but ended up in Brooklyn” by suzukiblu. The epic saga of the Wintern Soldier! It’s hilarious and I love it.

Wynn’s story “That Which You Seek” is another one of my favorites - it’s full of caretaking!Darcy and protective!Bucky and the part where Bucky voluntarily goes back to the chair just SLAYS ME every time.

"To Find the Happiness I Seek" by amusewithaview is an OT3 WIP that I’m currently completely obsessed with. I mean, I ought to be; she’s writing it FOR me. But yeah. It’s amazing. Check the warnings, though, because homg."