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Loose Notes
Zine | |
Title: | Loose Notes |
Publisher: | Buffalo Chip Press |
Editor(s): | Susan Landerman |
Organizer(s): | |
Author(s): | |
Cover Artist(s): | |
Illustrator(s): | |
Type: | |
Date(s): | 1986-1987 |
Topic: | |
Medium: | |
Frequency: | |
Fandom: | multimedia |
Rating(s): | |
Warning(s): | |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Loose Notes is a filk songbook. It has the subtitle, "A Zine for Filky-Minded Fans."
Issue 1
Loose Notes 1 was published in 1986 and contains 46 pages. From the editorial: "Welcome to the first issue! Filksongs herein have been collected from the pages of The Clipper Trade Ship, Somewhen, and Purple Filksong Eater, as has some of the artwork, but you CAN submit never-before-printed (or printed elsewhere) work and artwork for future issues!"
- contributors: Bill Armstrong, D.W. Chong, Mike Colcord, E.C. Deneweth, Dirk Deppey, Bob Dolsay, Meg Fine, Sue Fine, Kathy Fink, Nancy Freeman, Thomas Franklin, Guy Gorhm, Jay Ingram, Sourdough Jackson, Mathew Kohn, Carl Lamb, Susan Landerman, James Lummel, Shirley Meech, Susan Mitchell, Larry Proctor, Roberta Rogow, Sue Ann Sarick, Jack Sherer, Lisa Scott, Cyndy Smith, Sharon Jane Smith, Bernita Stark, Donna Whistler.
- art credits: Mark Banning, Barbara Cummings (cover), Mark Lachance, Patrick Jidaro, Susan Landerman, David Lawter, Charles Matheny, N.S. Pirason, Melody Rondeau, and Lisa Scott (back cover)
- Filkers On the Roof (1)
- It's A Grand Night For Filking (1)
- The Regency Filkers' Song (2)
- Filk Music Ban (3)
- Instafilk 101 (3)
- Good '01 Filking Tire (3)
- Tiptoe Through the Filkers (4)
- Stealing Songs From Leslie Fish (4)
- I'm In the Mood For Cons (4)
- Fan Harmony (5)
- The Hotel Manager's Flea (6)
- Parties (6)
- The Filkwriter's Theme (6)
- Properly Conned (7)
- The Film-Room Draftee's Nightmare (7)
- The Angry Artist's Theme (8)
- Mundanes Gone (8)
- Filk It (9)
- The SF Collector's Song (9)
- Invasion of Filk (9)
- The SF Collector's Song (9)
- Invasion of Filk (9)
- Panel Discussion (10)
- TREK-Filk and Other Exalted Goals (10)
- Search For the Perfect Hyatt (10)
- A Treatise On Starship Cafeterias (11)
- "It's Impossible," Tribble Style (11)
- Beam Me Up, Scotty! (12)
- Spock's Lament (13)
- Advice To A Lovesick Nurse (13)
- The Ballad of NCC 1801 (14)
- Enterprise (14)
- Fight at K-7 (15)
- Tribblesfestation (16)
- Going Out Of My Mind (16)
- The Ballad of Tribble Road (17)
- Transporter Ballad (18)
- Romulans' "Victory Song (18)
- Space Station Blues (18)
- Tribbles (19)
- Little Klingon Ship (19)
- Klingon's Lament (19)
- Cyrano's Giant Tribbles (20)
- Captain Don't (20)
- The Saga of Mary Sue (21)
- A Crazed Whovian's Song (22)
- Whovian Wonderland (22)
- Doctor, My TARDIS (22)
- Science Fiction TV Series (23)
- Fussy Dresser (23)
- The Celery Song (24)
- Time Dreamer (24)
- Blow Up K-9 (25)
- The Terrible TARDIS Song (25)
- Gallifrey (26)
- The DOCTOR WHO Stereotype Song (26)
- Call Doctor Who! (26)
- The Ballad of Luke Skywalker (27)
- Luke and Han's Decision (28)
- Luke Skywalker (28)
- For Who Like Villains (28)
- Luke's Lament (29)
- I Feel the Ground More (29)
- Millenium Falcon Song (29)
- Somewhere Over Elstree (30)
- Darth Vader (30)
- The Corellian's Song (30)
- God I'm a Jedi Knight (31)
- Snow Trooper's Battle Song (31)
- Tatooine (31)
- Catina (32)
- Poor Frozen Han (32)
- Darth's Battle Song (32)
- For Once In Hy Life, Lucasfilm Style (33)
- Bad, Bad Vader Man (33)
- The JEDI Moneymaking Song (34)
- Chatanooga Starship (34)
- Matrix Engineers (35)
- The Darkovan '68 Chevelle (36)
- Trillian's Song to Zaphod (36)
- The "Dish" Song (36)
- Raiders of the Lost Filksongs (37)
- An Untitled Indy Song (37)
- When You Search for an Ark (37)
- Song of Red Sonja (38)
- Talk to the Aliens (38)
- Weyr Song (39)
- Over Weyr?! (39)
- The Rules of Luton (39)
- World's Shortest Space: 1999 Song (39)
- Bink's Balland/Xanth-oo-oo (40)
- The Late-Late-Late Show Song (40)
- Dreamberry Pie (41)
- A Friendly Warning (42)
- A Slightly Ridiculus Vampire Song (43)
- K-K-K -Kolchak, the Knightstalker (43)
- Rainy Days and Mundanes (44)
- Fumbler's Anonymous (44)
- The Roasted Fighter (44)
- Hero Anonymous (45)
- King of the Hole (45)
- Dragon Lore (46)
interior from issue #1 art by N.S. Pirason
interior from issue #1 art by Susan Landerman
interior from issue #1 art by Susan Landerman
Issue 2
Loose Notes 2 was published in 1987 and contains 52 pages.
The filksongs in this issue have been collected from The Clipper Trade Ship, Somewhen, The Purple Filksong Eater, and Stone Hill Filk.
Filk contributors: Bill Armstrong, Adrian Barton, Mike Colcord, E.C. Deneweth, Bob Dolsay, Nancy Freeman, Sourdough Jackson, Susan Landerman, Marilyn Maffia, Ann Morris, N.S. Pirason, Larry Proctor, Melody Rondeau, Jim Rousey, Lisa Scott, Sharon Jane Smith, Bernita Stark, Maria Weston, and "C.F.A, (Chaotic Filkers Anonymous).
Artists: (some art was previously reprinted elsewhere): Barbara Cummings, Patrick Jidaro, Susan Landerman, David Lawter, Charles Matheny, Melody Rondeau, Lisa Scott, and Gennie Summers.
- Lords of the Fllk-Sing (3)
- Mundane Monday (4)
- An Old Fannish Filksong (4)
- Editor's Blues (4)
- If I Were a Rich Fan (5)
- Convention Morning After (5)
- It's An Ose Song (6)
- Singin' At the Con (6)
- Sing Every Filksong (6)
- Song of the Overloaded Fan (7)
- Filking! Filking! Filking! (7)
- Never Set the Con On Fire (7)
- Where Have All the Filkers Gone (8)
- The Plagiarized Pianist's Plight (8)
- Just Another Convention Filk (9)
- Mundane Songwriter's Reaction To Filk 9)
- Trek Con Junkie (9)
- You'll Never See Your Filkers Anymore (10)
- Last Filksong, or, We Sang Them Our Way! (10)
- Con Farr (11)
- Filk Is a Many-Splendored Thing (11)
- Where's My Zine?! (12)
- Zine Gripe Song (12)
- The Unstapllng Filkbook Song (12)
- Chaoticon (13)
- The Hun-Crazed Fan's Theme Song (13)
- The "Con"tinual Filkers' Song (14)
- All of the Mundanes Are Leaving (14)
- The Three (15)
- McCoy's Song (16)
- James "Tomcat" Kirk (16)
- The Lovesick Yeoman (16)
- Kirk's Enterprise Song (17 )
- The End of the Battle (17)
- Sweet Mary Sue (17)
- What Do You Get On the Enterprise? (18)
- Kirk's "I Found My Whales!" (18)
- You Gotta Have Spock (18)
- Syndication Lane (19)
- Vulcan On My Mind (19)
- Christine Chapel (20)
- Captain's Week (20)
- Scotty's Song (21)
- Kirk's "I Can See Clearly How" (21)
- Scotty the Engineer (21)
- A Slightly Pre-"Logopolis" Song (22)
- I Hate Little Metal K-9s (22)
- The Doctor is the One (23)
- The Generic TARDIS Song (23)
- We're Off To Fight the Daleks (23)
- Time Filker (24)
- You're Sevateem (25)
- Leela, the Sevateem Warrior (25)
- A Preppie's Questions (25)
- We Love Who! (25)
- Gonna Build a TARDIS (26)
- A Sarah Scream Song (26)
- Key of Time (27)
- The "Key To Time" Song (27)
- Romana's Frustration Song (28)
- Sarah's Lament (23)
- Who Rumors, Etc. (28)
- I Hate Metebelis Spiders (28)
- Time To Flee! (29)
- All I Have To Do Is Scream! (29)
- The TARDIS Goes Spinning Along (29)
- Trooper Coward (30)
- How Do You Solve a Problem Like Han Solo? (31)
- Cruising Through Asteroids (31)
- Mos Eisley, or, The STAR WARS Disaster Area! (32)
- There's Darth Vader (32)
- Song of the Han Solo Fans (33)
- Chewbacca's lament (33)
- The Lonesome Wookiee (33)
- Luke's Goodbyes (34)
- The Empire's Schemer (35)
- Luke's Ben Song (35)
- Revenge of the Wookiee! (35)
- Can't Get Ben Out of Hy Head (36)
- Have You Never Met Solo? (36)
- Darth's Theme Song (37)
- Han's Goodbye (37)
- Get Thawed! (37)
- Han Solo's Love Song (38)
- Close Encounters of a Vader Kind (38)
- Luke's Lament #2 (38)
- What's It All About, Darthie? (39)
- This Song Is Luke's Song (39)
- Flyin' Out To the Stars (40)
- Crystal Blue Starstone (40)
- Luna City (41)
- Song For Isaac (41)
- Brandy of Lavender Hue (41)
- Blake's Seven Ballad (42)
- Anime Fen's Song (42)
- So This Is It (43)
- Thoughts of Aahz's Apprentice (43)
- "Mister Sandman," Logan's Run Style (43)
- No, You Can't Kill a Vampire With a Philly Cheesesteak (44)
- Are There Speed Bumps In Space? (45)
- E.T. (45)
- My Favorite Meals (45)
- Life Is Hard and Then You Die (46)
- Emily Post's Conan Song (46)
- Drinking At Callahan's (47)
- The Viking Song (47)
- Beebleteox (47)
- Send In the Four (48)
- Cerebus (48)
- First Impressions (48)
- Nine Little Princes (49)
- Dungeons and Dragons (49)
- My Favorite Dungeon Things (49)
- Dungeon Cowards (50)
- Opus 57 (50)
- The Adventuring Couple (50)
- Fifty Ways To Kill a Dragon (51)
- Shall We Search? (51)
- Doomcaves (52)
- The Rhinestone Dungeoneer (52)
inside issue #2 by Gennie Summers
inside issue #2 art by Susan Landerman