Lady Gaga

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Name: Lady Gaga
Also Known As:
Occupation: Musician, actress
Medium: Music, film
Works: 5 studio albums, numerous singles
Official Website(s):
Fan Website(s): Lady Gaga World, Lady Gaga Now,
On Fanlore: Related pages
At the top is an image of Lady Gaga playing a guitar on a back ground of gray, green and purple clouds. The bottom image is of a castle set. Text reads "Lady Gaga Presents: The Born This Way Ball"
Lady Gaga Presents: The Born This Way Ball by cutmyhairatnight (2012), fan made tour poster

Lady Gaga is an American musician and actress.


Lady Gaga's fans are called The Little Monsters, a moniker given to them by Gaga, fans in tern gave her the nickname of Mama Monster.

It's fairly popular to use her songs in vids, Holdt used her song "Teeth" for a Multifandom Vid about Vampires titled BITE: The Big One. He also made So Happy, a Slash Stargate SG-1 vid set to her "So Happy I Could Die."[note 1]. "Bad Romance" was very popular for shipping vids[1][2], especially for ships that were angst filled or possibly problematic, see Bad Romance (Merlin vid) and Bad Romance (Smallville vid).

RPF Pairings

Her most common Femslash pairing on AO3 is with Taylor Swift. Her most common Het pairing is with her A Star Is Born co-star Bradley Cooper.



Archives and Links



  1. ^ Both songs are from 2009's The Fame Monster.