So Happy

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Title: So Happy
Creator: Holdt
Date: March 2010
Music: "So Happy I Could Die" by Lady Gaga
Fandom: Stargate SG-1 Jack/Daniel
URL: So Happy by Holdt

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So Happy is a slash Stargate SG-1 vid by Holdt to So Happy I Could Die by Lady Gaga. It was made for the Kawoosh! 2010 Are You Still Alive Challenge. Premiered at Con-TXT 2010 Vid Show.

Summary:Jack and Daniel are tied together across all dimensions, and are willing to give their lives for their principles, especially since every time, an endless eternity of every moment that ever was or will be, and all the quantum impressions of them that have ever been, await on the other side.

Basically, this is a "hero factor" J/D vid where I defy the whole "Jack cant/wont ascend" trope. They think on each other as they were in life and reflect on the personality changes that made theirs a relationship of equals. Even at the worst, everything really is alright.