Kirk/Spock Online Festival/KSOF 2002

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The second Kirk/Spock Online Festival was announced to various mailing lists and e-groups by kira-nerys in April 2002 and very quickly took on a life of its own with a suggestion by Liz Woledge that art challenges would be a great inclusion. Festival rules remained largely the same, in particular the exclusivity requirement, but changes were made to accommodate the inclusion of artwork challenges. In addition the way scenarios were handled varied both from the previous KSOF and from Wave 1 to Wave 2 of KSOF 2002.

In early May 2002 the decision was taken to present KSOF 2002 online as a Special Edition of the Side by Side e-zine, and a few weeks later it was announced on the SBS-ezine egroup that all Side by Side works would be distributed to the egroup before being published online. This was apparently done in an effort to encourage feedback to participating writers and artists.

The stories and art were released in two 'waves', the first in June 2002 as Side by Side Special Edition 1, the second in stages from August to October of the same year, as Side by Side Special Edition 2.


Dear fellow K/S authors.

First, apologies to anyone who gets this more than once.

Second.... in late 2000, I started the Kirk/Spock Online Festival which was the follow-up of the very first Fuck-fest made, the Spock-Fuh-Q-Fest that started the whole landslide that's still in motion.

Now, I've managed to get some rest from the timeconsuming fun that the first Fests were, and I would like to start another. Would you like to join? The rules can be found, right here:

And to join the KirkSpockFest Mailinglist, you can go right here. But before joining, be aware that the same rules that were for the last one still apply. You *have* to write a story, in response to the challenge given, and there are NO lurkers allowed! Anyone who fails to participate will get unsubscribed.

If the idea still appeals to you, go here:



I've made some significant changes for the Kirk/Spock Online Festival 2002. Per suggestion from an esteemed artist - Liz Woledge - I've added an art-challenge section for the KSOF, for people so inclined. Now artists can join the KSOF and participate by pushing pens, pencils, brushes or pixels.


I have changed the rules accordingly and added scenarios suggested by Liz and a couple of my own. If you have suggestions of what to challenge artists with, please feel free to share with the KSOF![2]


From the KSOF 2002 main page:

Rules - of course there are rules - and please read them before joining the list, 'kay?

NOTE! By joining the Kirk & Spock Online Festival list you acknowledge that you have read all the rules and are aware of their contents and subsequently that you give permission to archive your stories, as well as that you're committed to writing a story in response to a challenge scenario for the Festival.

  • If you're a lurker, this list is not for you. Everyone who joins is required to participate, by writing, that means writing a challenge fic. By art, that means meeting one of the drawing/art challenges! You have to choose either!


  • Stories can be any rating, but R or NC17 are encouraged, and the only pairing allowed is Kirk/Spock. Same goes for the art challenges, they may be explicit or they may not be. It's your choice. We love seeing K/S in the flesh though.
  • No stories or art are to be posted anywhere except the KSOF list until the deadline is up, when we will post the stories and the art at large to the 'net simultaneously, and on a specific KSOF site. [...]
  • You will be assigned a scenario to write or an art challenge to take on. You may not choose. This is the challenge. The second round will consist of ONE scenario, where all authors meet the same challenge, and ONE art challenge where all artists meet the same challenge.
  • You may swap scenarios/art with a friend or ask for a second chance if the scenario/art challenge that you draw does not give you the slightest bit of inspiration. This is supposed to be fun - not a hardship. There is also the option of bribing list-mom. Bribes can take the form of either a drabble, a sketch, a photomontage or filk, poetry or even a haiku. The bribes will also be added to the KSOF site when the first wave is over. There will likely be a second wave as well!
  • All stories will be archived at the KSOF site at when the Festival is over. By joining you give permission for this to be done.
  • All stories and art from the FIRST WAVE will be archived at the Side by Side Special Edition at when the Festival is over. By joining you give permission for this to be done.
  • When the stories and artworks are finished, you may post them to the KSOF mailinglist, and then you send a Word 97, txt or HTML version of the story to [...] Art should be submitted in jpg/jpeg/gif or bmp and the art/montages should not exceed 200 kb!
  • The stories must be beta-read and edited, i.e - arrive to the site and to kira-nerys with correct spelling and no grammatical errors.
  • PWP's are allowed. Preferably the stories should be a few pages long though, which rules out poetry, vignettes and drabbles as a challenge fic in response to the scenarios. Such 'short work' should only be added as either a bribe, or out of own free will. You may also submit such things after you have finished the 'challenge-story' you've been assigned.[3]


Story Scenarios[4]

In Wave 1, participants could choose either to have one story scenario given to them OR they could combine three different scenarios of their own choosing. Although it appears at least two authors attempted the three-scenario challenge, neither of these works was published as part of the KSOF.

For the second wave just one scenario was given for all written works, a first-line challenge with the opening line of the story to be: "Spock's fingers dug into the sensitive flesh of Jim's shoulder, and his world went instantly black."

The majority of the story scenarios proposed for KSOF 2002 were 'leftovers' from the KSOF 2000 festival, with only a few new inclusions, one of which was "Outside Pon Farr Vulcans aren't interested in sex. Kirk's and Spock's relationship started during Pon Farr. Now Pon Farr is over. What is going to happen?" There was also a 'picture challenge', where a story could be written about a picture provided by T'Guess explaining 'Why is Spock wearing the clothes he's wearing?'. Unfortunately the picture itself is no longer recoverable and it does not appear that any stories were written for this scenario.

Art Scenarios[5]

A variety of art scenarios were developed for KSOF 2002, some examples of which are listed below. For the second wave, the 'one scenario' plan does not appear to have occurred and neither do the three artworks posted appear to meet any particular scenario.

  • Kirk and Spock have been living on a deserted planet after an accident with the ever unrealiable shuttle craft, how do they look after several months?
  • Spock and Kirk in leather. As in tight leather pants, and leather coat (long or semi-long) Not 'kinky' leather.
  • Kirk asking Sarek and Amanda permission to marry Spock. (think sheepish bridegroom here, could be fun and is very challenging because it hinges on subtle postures. A stipulation that it be in Norman Rockwell style would be funnier).
  • One of the boys sick/injured in a bed in sickbay and the other hovering nearby.

Wave 1

For full story and art lists, together with reactions and reviews, see Side by Side Special Edition 1.

Wave 2

For full story and art lists, together with reactions and reviews, see Side by Side Special Edition 2.


  1. ^ ASCEM] Apr 2002 (accessed 8 April 2022)
  2. ^ Posted to ASCEM in April 2002, sourced from personal copies on 8 April 2022 as records no longer available online.
  3. ^ Lady Kardasi's Domain KSOF 2002 Entry Page (accessed 8 April 2022)
  4. ^ KSOF 2002 Scenarios page (accessed 8 April 2022)
  5. ^ KSOF 2002 Art Scenarios page (accessed 8 April 2022)