Kat's Multiverse

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Kat's Multiverse
Author: Kat Sanders
Dates: active in 2001
Fandom: Star Trek Voyager, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel: the Series, Poltergeist: The Legacy, Marvel, Anita Blake, The Sentinel, Original Fiction
URL: http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Station/2520/ (2001)
http://katsmultiverse.tvheaven.com:80/slash.htm (2001)
intro page featuring a banner with Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Kat's Multiverse was a personal fanfiction site. Description from Spirit's Heavens:

Kat's Korner - a relatively new slash writer. Some C/P, with the promise of more to come.[1]



Title Author Pairing Fandom Rating Date Summary
You Called Him Chief! Kat Sanders Jim/Blair The Sentinel NC-17 1999 Blair gets pissed when Jim calls the bad guy from Spare Parts Chief!
Wal-Mart Rendezvous Kat Sanders Jim/Blair The Sentinel NC-17 1999 Challenge Story - also the first fan fiction I ever wrote.
Riverdance Kat Sanders Jim/Blair The Sentinel G May 1999 Jim and Blair's first kiss.
A Night to Remember Kat Sanders Simon/Rafe The Sentinel PG 1999 Simon and Rafe get stuck on a late night stake out together.
Shameless Kat Sanders Jim/Blair The Sentinel NC-17 1999 A look at Jim's feelings for Blair
History Paper Kat Sanders Jim/Blair The Sentinel G April 1999 Blair drags Jim to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts while they are in Richmond, VA.
Under the Milky Way Kat Sanders Chakotay/Tom Star Trek: Voyager PG Dec 1998 Tom Paris tries to decide what to do.
A Jim Note Kat Sanders Jim/Blair The Sentinel NC-17 1999 Jim leaves Blair a note.
Advice Taken Kat Sanders Chakotay/Tom Star Trek: Voyager PG 1999 Sequel to Under the Milky Way.
To Be Warm Again Kat Sanders Wolverine/Gambit X-Men NC-17 Jan 2001 Remy feels so cold after getting back from Antarctica. Maybe Logan can warm him up.
Initiation 1: Voices Marsha Alterescu Jim/Blair The Sentinel PG 23 March 2001 Blair is hearing voices and he can no longer ignore their message.
To Be Or Not To Be Kat Sanders Jean-Claude/Richard Anita Blake NC-17 16 Feb 2000 Jean-Claude has been trying to seduce Richard in his dreams. Will Richard give in?
Away Mission Kat Sanders Chakotay/? ST: Voyager PG 9 Feb 2000 Chakotay must decide who will accompany him on a three week away mission.
Blood Type Kat Sanders Angel/? Buffy/Angel PG 9 Feb 2000 Angel chooses what he wants to eat.
Boyz Bash Kat Sanders Jim/? The Sentinel PG 9 Feb 2000 Jim must ask a date to the ball.
Prey Kat Sanders Wolverine/? X-Men PG 9 Feb 2000 Wolverine is in search of prey.
Sex Magic Kat Sanders Derek/? Poltergeist PG 9 Feb 2000 Derek must decide who he wants to help him defeat a demon.


  1. ^ Spirit's Heavens links, via Wayback: 09 December 2004. (Accessed 12 July 2020)