Jango Fett

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Name: Jango Fett
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Relationships: Boba Fett (father)
Fandom: Star Wars
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Jango Fett is a Star Wars character that appears in the prequel trilogy, as well as supplementary material such as comics and video games. Played by Temuera Morrison, the character is a Mandalorian bounty hunter, and is the template from which the clone troopers of the Star Wars prequels were made.


Fett's most prominent canon portrayal is in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. He is hired to kill Padmé Amidala, which allows Obi-Wan Kenobi to track him to Kamino, where he has been helping to develop a clone army. Fett and Kenobi have a conflict on Kamino, and Fett is later killed by Mace Windu during the first battle of the Clone Wars.

Fett also appears in Star Wars Legends content, though this material is not considered canon after Disney's acquisition of Star wars. In Legends, it is established that Fett has a sister named Arla Fett, and that he was adopted by Jaster Mereel after the death of his parents.

Later, during the Mandalorian Civil War, Mereel and his followers are betrayed, leading to the death of Mereel. Fett becomes the leader of the True Mandalorians, one of three factions of the Civil Wars. Under Fett's leadership, the True Mandalorians are manipulated into a trap that leads to a battle between the Jedi and the True Mandalorians - a trap that leads to the death of all except Fett.

Fett is then captured and enslaved on a spice ship for several years. He escapes, and is eventually approached by Count Dooku with a proposal to create the clone army, which will eventually be used to genocide the Jedi. Fett, who blames the Jedi for the death of his people, agrees. This leads to the events in the Star Wars films.


Despite Fett's intially short appearance, he quickly developed a cult following.


The most popular pairing for Fett is Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi. Content created for the ship commonly incorporates Fett's non-canonical Legends backstory, and might be set in a variety of alternate universes.

Fett is also sometimes paired with Shmi Skywalker.

Boba Fett & Jango Fett is a popular gen pairing exploring his father-son relationship with Boba Fett. His relationship with his adoptive father Jaster Mereel is also a common topic of gen fic.

Tropes and Headcanons

  • Fix-it fic (geonosis didn't happen, etc)
  • Jango & Obi-Wan meet early/get together/etc
  • Mandalorian Empire AU, alternate universe in which the Mandalorian Empire either still exists as a powerful force or has recently seen a rise in power, these works sometimes take inspiration from Integration (Star Wars).
  • Good dad Jango vs bad dad Jango
  • A common trope in fics seeking to redeem or explain Jango's treatment and creation of the clones is Sith mind manipulation. This can commonly include memory manipulation, passive/active mind control. Physical threats or kidnapping is less common but still present.


