In defense Of Hansonerotica: Sin Or Pleasure

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Title: In defense Of Hansonerotica: Sin Or Pleasure?
Creator: Nanaja
Date(s): April 3, 2001
Medium: online
Fandom: Hanson
Topic: erotic fanfic
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In defense Of Hansonerotica: Sin Or Pleasure? is a 2001 meta essay written by Nanaja for Boy Harlot, a meta focused subdomain of Hanson Erotica.


There are hanfic aficionados out there that are uncomfortable with the idea of sex in hanson fiction. Perhaps the discomfort stems from the fact that we've watched these boys grow up, and it's difficult to let go of the image of three very young, very innocent, angel-faced boys. However, the reality is that hansonerotica as a subgenre of hanfic is ever-growing and definitely here to stay--the phenomenon can be either ignored...or explored.

To begin this journey into the strange but wonderful world of sex in hansonfiction, let's compare the hanfic community to the so-called "world out there." The similarities between the hanfic community and the literary community are quite striking. Just as the literary world has become more accepting of erotica as a legitimate genre, hansonerotica is becoming more accepted as well. Think of it this way--the literary world has Tale of Two Cities, the hanfic world has Tulsa 74132. The erotic literary world has the Pauline Reage's Story of O, we have J. Robinson's Story X.

It's a product of time. Just as the boys are growing up, their fans are growing up as well. As a result, the world of hanfic is evolving and expanding to more mature subject matter.

Most importantly, if writing about Hanson getting down and dirty between the sheets gets someone to write, then damnit, write about Hanson getting down and dirty! Writing is healing--like exorcising demons on paper or on the computer screen. It's an art form that should be encouraged. Furthermore, for a writer, there is nothing more satisfying than having the opportunity to capture emotion--to encapsulate that intensity of feeling in a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph, a scene. Where else but during the physical coupling of sexual union do the most heart-wrenching, tear-jerking emotions occur?

And besides, erotic hansonfiction, or any fan fiction for that matter, is the highest form of flattery. Think about this way--it is more likely that in the cyber-pages hansonerotica would Zac get to have sex with three girls at the same time or Isaac have the opportunity to live out his Jonny-centred fantasies.

1.) It's fiction. Fantasy. The product of the author's imagination. Which means that you shouldn't take anything too seriously. And taking things too seriously takes the fun out of anything.

2.) Read with extreme discretion. The great thing about the Internet is freedom of expression. We are protected by a shroud of double identities, fake screen names and only words to relay our deepest desires and darkest fantasies. Don't take that freedom away by harsh judgement. If you don't like what you're reading, the back button is always at your disposal. (But if you do like what you're reading, remember that feedback fuels creativity.)

3). Again to quote Oscar Wilde, "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden itself." Give in to indulgement and temptation. Make yourself a cup of tea with honey, light some candles, put on some sexy music and turn on your computer. We take pleasure in writing it, so you should take pleasure in reading it too.