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Idiot Triplets Press

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Zine Publisher
Name: Idiot Triplets Press
Contact: Linda McGee (and Nancy and Pat)
Fandoms: Starsky & Hutch
Status: active
URL: S/H Zines from Idiot Triplets Press, Archived version
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Idiot Triplets Press is a Starsky & Hutch zine publisher.

a flyer from around 1996

From Media Fandom Oral History Project Interview with Linda McGee (2017):

“Idiot Triplets Press”— Well, it was Nancy and Cath and me for the first zine, and Nancy got involved in other things, and it was Pat and Cath and me for the rest of them....As time went by, it really just kind of was me. But you know, I had my foot in the water and knew I wasn’t going to drown, so that was okay, and Cath was so tremendously helpful. And so were Nancy and Pat in the moral support department.

Online Visibility

In the early 1990s when they began publishing, they asked fans not to discuss or list their publications on "any computer network" or "through email." This request stopped appearing on flyers by 1999. In July 2008, they got their own website. [1]

Published Zines
