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Title: Involution
Publisher: Orion Press
Editor(s): see below
Date(s): 1991 - 1998
Medium: print zine
Fandom: Star Trek: TNG
Language: English
External Links: Orion Press
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Involution is a gen and het Star Trek: TNG anthology fanzine published by Orion Press, focusing on the character of Jean-Luc Picard. It was first published in December 1991 and ran for twelve issues until January 1998. In 1994 Joey Rodrigues was nominated for a FanQ Award as Best Artist for her work in the zine.

Summaries below from the publisher.

Issue 1

cover of issue #1
flyer for issue #1

Involution 1 was published in December 1991 and edited by Janna Stockinger. It contains 172 pages.

  • "Balancing Point"—Mary Soon Lee starts the zine off with an extremely well written, highly detailed story about two men stranded on a lifeless planet. For 'Jean' and 'Will', it is a test for survival as they confront both physical injuries and a strange form of amnesia.
  • The next five stories comprise the P/C section of this zine, and we find Jean-Luc and Beverly either together, apart, with someone else, or just plain confusedl
  • Jo-Ann Lassiter starts it off with "Into Each Life"—a warm look (and I don't mean 'heated'! Shame on you!) at our favorite twosome. A soft rain, a warm fire, and a good friend can do wonders, sometimes, when you're feeling down.
  • Next up is a light-hearted story by Lynn Lorton: "The Date"—What would happen if the Captain and the Doctor ever went on a REAL date? Lorton gives us a peek at such a possibility.
  • Of course for every light side, you have the reverse, and Daphne van Owens explores the down side to any emotional give-and-take with "The Strength to Dare."
  • In "By Every Thought," J.M. Martin shows us a Picard who finds that the old saying, "two's company but three's a crowd" still holds true—even when one of the group is all in his imagination. Of course it doesn't help when it's the imaginary companion that is his true heart's desire.
  • The final story to this section, "Coming Out of the Dark" by Jordan Trevor, sees the Captain with all his companions ... on a plantation in the antebellum South. It is one dear friend however that consumes his thoughts. Lost between the world of the Enterprise and the Old South, Picard clings to the one person whose presence bridges both worlds.
  • In "This Stranger, My Brother," Brenda Shaffer explores the early childhood of Jean-Luc Picard, an area that is sadly neglected in the literature. We all need to remember that the man is the extension of the child, and a little insight into a young Jean-Luc and his brother, Robert, is just what's needed.
  • It's now time for a little comic relief and we can thank our next two writers for that.
  • BEKi provides us with a cozy little scenario with the Captain and his First Officer deposited in a dungeon, more than a little the worse for wear. While a discussion on the wine to serve with roach fricassee provides the levity, the struggle by Riker to stay conscious after a barroom brawl adds a dark undertone in "Last Call at Dead Lazlow's."
  • Tanya Chang's "Quarantine" shows that while a little hay fever is no tempest in a teapot, when it gets out of control it is nothing to be sneezed at (sorry .... )
  • We end now with a couple of 'darker' stories.
  • The Borg cannot be dismissed and Carol Davis' "An Hour of Darkness," explores Wesley Crusher's reactions to both the Borg and the whole idea of being 'in command' some day—both scary thoughts.
  • Finally, as usual, I personally have fun looking at Captain Picard under conditions that are not exactly cheerful, to say the least. With the help of three children, though, Picard realizes that he may, indeed, be able to "Build Again."
  • Artwork by Barbara Caldwell, M.J. Millard and David Lawrence. Poetry by Carol Lance, M.J. Millard, Brenda Shaffer, and Daphne van Owens ("Borg" was the winner of a 1992 FanQ). Cartoons by Fran Wong, BEKi, M.J. Millard and Ann Davenport.

Issue 2

cover of issue #2

Involution 2 was published in 1991 and edited by Janna Stockinger. It has 132 pages and five stories.

  • Contents (1)
  • Iditorial (2)
  • Engage (3)
  • "R & R" by Lynn Lorton (Picard and Crusher are joined by Riker and Troi for a little fun and relaxation but sparks are bound to fly.) (9)
  • And One to Grow On by Deborah Nicholson (This story looks at why Picard might have failed his Academy entrance exam the first time around.) (50)
  • Nightshade by Tanya L. Chang (54)
  • Desiree by Brenda Shaffer (102)
  • Wrong Place, Wrong Dimension by Anne Davenport (104)
  • P.S., a Closing Editorial by Janna Stockinger (132)
  • poems by Carol Lance, cartoons by Lara Miles and Anne Davenport, art by David Lawrence and Barbara Caldwell

Issue 3

Involution 3 was published in May 1993 and edited by Janna Stockinger. It contains 166 pages.

cover of issue #3
  • Iditorial [1] (ii)
  • The Best Laid Plans by Lynn Lorton—Provides a highly satisfactory answer as to the question of whether the doctor and the captain will, or won't... It also tackles that tricky question of where Wesley fits into this budding romance. (1)
  • A Stirring of Memories by Gonzo Ketterer—Unravels a mystery from Picard's past concerning someone very dear to him. Beverly Crusher inadvertently opens old wounds and will apply her soothing, healing touch. (60)
  • Final Act by CarolMel Ambassador—There is not always a 'happy ending' to every episode, particularly when the captain is trapped in a turbolift with some children. (77)
  • Farewell by Mindi French—Wesley has the chance to say "Farewell" to Picard before he leaves for the academy. He leaves behind two people who find comfort in each other's friendship... (80)
  • First Frontiers by Brenda Shaffer—A look at Cadet Picard's first day at the academy. His new roommate turns out to be much more than a young Jean-Luc had expected! (88)
  • The Burden by D.J. Nicholson—We visit with the Borg again. Out of the myriad of lives affected by their rampage, one young man will meet with his nemesis, as he confronts the man he holds responsible for the Borg attack on the fleet: Captain Jean-Luc Picard. (99)
  • Red Light: GO by Tanya Chang—A teenager, a racy car, and a driving instructor all the elements for some fun! (122)
  • picard/dracip by Bill Hupe and Peg Kennedy—A dramatic look at our captain in a very different light. In every psyche there are light and dark sides and, in this story, we get a first-hand look at Picard's. What we will see may be a little shocking to some readers, but then I am always surprised by the human creature—and its good to be reminded of 'the dark side' once and a while. (131)
  • P.S., a Closing Editorial by Janna Stockinger (166)

Issue 4

cover of issue #4 by Joey Rodrigues

Involution 4 was published in October 1993 and contains 142 pages. It was edited by Jo-Ann Lassiter.

  • Introduction (2)
  • Memory to Mend by Anne Davenport, is set after BOBW II and Family. Captain Picard's having a pretty hard time of it as he tries to put himself back together after his rescue from the Borg, and Counselor Troi and Doctor Crusher are right there to ease his efforts. (3)
  • The Last Nightmare by Darla Redifer, gives us a closer "look at Jean-Luc's and Robert's relationship. While Jean-Luc is still trying to free himself from the Borg, he finds that he must grapple with this stranger he calls a brother. (34)
  • Memory Loss by Mindi French gives us a taste of what might have happened in Conundrum if Picard and Crusher had been "closer." (56)
  • Revelations by Priscilla Ball, a Picard/Crusher adventure that finds the doctor and an injured captain kidnapped by scavengers after a shuttle crash. After they escape their captors, they share a little more than an adventure together. (59)
  • Maya's Touch by Kimberly Blaisdell, wherein Picard and various members of the crew are given a clearer insight into their dreams after experiencing ... Maya's touch. The results are, depending upon those involved, touching, surprising, enlightening, amusing. (83)
  • One of Our Own Mindi French's second story, is set during "The First Duty." Jean-Luc Picard tries to comfort Beverly Crusher...and he succeeds. (103)
  • Father of the Man by Jordan Trevor, has the thirteen-year-old Jean-Luc Picard from "Rascals" trying to cope with a little too much "help" from his friends, especially one Beverly Crusher. And the grown-up Jean-Luc Picard is left with a question only she can answer. (110)
  • I Wish For Youby Jo-Ann Lassiter, is a very short look at our captain right after receiving the flute at the end of "Inner Light." (119)
  • Twenty-Five Minutes, also an "Inner Light" piece, by D.J. Nicholson, in which Jean-Luc is struggling between two worlds. And trying to decide in which one he belongs. (122)
  • Timeless Reunion by Deb Galeone, a short, sweet, Picard/Crusher piece. Jean-Luc learned a lot from his mindmeld with Sarek-and he decides that Beverly is the one with whom he needs to share what he discovered. (134)
  • In Closing by Jo-Ann Lassiter (142)
  • Artwork by Anne Davenport, Jo-Ann Lassiter, and Joey Rodrigues.

Issue 5

front cover of issue #5, Beverly Chick
back cover of issue #5

Involution 5 was published in April 1994 and contains 177 pages.

It was edited by Jo-Ann Lassiter.

  • Introduction (2)
  • LoCs (3)
  • "Fun with Will and Jean," by Betty Dam and Brenda Shaffer, takes us along on shore leave with our top two Enterprise men, each agreeing to one day of activities of the other's choosing and their resolution to enjoy themselves—even if it kills them. (6)
  • "Sleep, Perchance to Dream," by Judith Allison, is Riker's first person account of his vigil at Picard's bedside immediately following Picard's release from the Borg. (31)
  • "Ahzdar," written and illustrated by Janet D'Airo, follows our captain to the planet "Ahzdar," on what is supposed to be a week-long convention of endless lectures and boring speeches. Picard should be so lucky. Although he does meet up with an old flame, his reunion is short-lived as he finds himself drugged, tortured, and kidnapped. (36)
  • "Driving with Dad," written by Judith Allison. Ever had a driving lesson with your dad? What if you were twelve years old and your father was Captain Jean-Luc Picard—teaching you to pilot a shuttlecraft? (88)
  • "Spru Season," by Elizabeth KnaueI, depicts Picard's attempts at avoiding a dreaded meeting with a visiting admiral, much to the crew's amusement—and dismay. (94)
  • "Facades and Other Mysteries," Judith Allison's third story, is a humorous look at Jean-Luc Picard's decision to spend Valentine's Day with the lady of his choice, Beverly Crusher. (108)
  • "Truths and Consequences," by Becky Woods, begins with the captain's return from the hands of the Cardassians and covers the weeks following, as Picard accepts Beverly Crusher's offer of companionship—and more. (119)
  • Beverly, poem by Robin M. Lyster (138)
  • In Mindi French's "Resolution," we find the good captain again seeking his favorite doctor's help and friendship after he parts with the metamorph, Kamala. The doctor, as always, is up to the challenge. (140)
  • "The Personality of Command," by Melissa Davis, explores the irmer psyche of Captain Jean-Luc Picard during a typical day on the Enterprise. A fascinating look into the mind of a complex man. (144)
  • "Beyond Suspicions," by D.J. Nicholson, shows us what might have occurred after the episode, "Suspicions." After Beverly Crusher's return to the Enterprise, she must face Jean-Luc Picard—and Jean-Luc Picard must face a board of inquiry for Crusher's unauthorized autopsy of the Ferengi scientist. (151)
  • In Closing (177)
  • Artwork by Anne Davenport, Beverly Chick, Janet D'Airo, Joey Rodrigues, GabiStiene and RAG.

Issue 6

front cover of issue #6, Gabi Stiene
back cover of issue #6, Gabi Stiene
inside art from issue #6, Gabi Stiene

Involution 6 was published in October 1994 and edited by Jo-Ann Lassiter. It contains 170 pages. Art by Beverly Chick, Renee Levy, Anne Davenport, Joey Rodrigues, Gabi Stiene (front and back covers) and Linda Wan.

Summaries below are from a flyer.

  • Half a Victory by Joey Rodrigues (We have quite a varied assortment of offerings this issue, starting with a "Chain of Command" story. We've read many stories of how Picard felt during his torture, but how about his torturer? Joey Rodrigues gives us a chilling glimpse into the mind of Gul Madred in "Half a Victory.") (2)
  • There But for the Grace of God by Marge Robles (Those who watch Deep Space 9 will recall the episode in which Kira and Bashir find themselves in an altemate universe—one where Humans are slaves. In Marge Robles' "There but for the Grace of God," we find the situation reversed. Two Humans from the other universe are thrust into our universe. Their names are Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher.) (9)
  • Family Traits by D.J. Nicholson (Fathers and sons. As Lt. Jean-Luc Picard wrests with his feelings for his dying father, he uncovers a few truths about that relationship-and about himself, in "Family Traits," by D.J. Nicholson.) (24)
  • Half-Sick of Shadows by Gail Molnar (Gail Molnar's "Half-Sick of Shadows" has Jean-Luc home at last after his stay with the Cardassians. But is it really over? Beverly Crusher helps to convince him that it is.) (31)
  • Time to Reflect by Lynn C. Lorton (Picard's coming face to face with-and being remonstrated by-his father in the episode "Tapestry" dredged up some unpleasant memories. This, and the many traumas of his recent past, begin to take their toll on the captain while on shore leave with his first officer. Can "big brother Will" help Jean-Luc to become himself again? Find out in Lynn Lorton's "Time to Reflect." (40)
  • An Imperfect Hero by Pricilla J. Ball (Just how did Jack Crusher die? In Priscilla Ball's "An Imperfect Hero," we find out that there was more to that tragedy than Picard revealed to Crusher's grieving widow. (86)
  • Isolation by Joey Rodrigues (In "Isolation," by Joey Rodrigues, a shuttlecraft accident has left Captain Picard severely brain-damaged. His long, slow recovery is aided by his friends, and as he learns, they learn. A heartwanning story of hope, encouragement, friendship, and love. (97)
  • Unfinished Business by Gail Molar (A little "Unfinished Business" prompts Picard to visit Beverly Crusher in her cabin, directly following the episode, "Attached." Jean-Luc is confused and wants to know: just how does Beverly feel about him? Gail Molnar offers this hopeful and tender scenario. (121)
  • Breakfast at Denneez by Anne Davenport (For a change of pace, we have Anne Davenport's "Breakfast at Denneez." Denneez: a planet teeming with heat, humidity and sex. Picard and Crusher barely tolerate the first two, but wholeheartedly indulge in the last. Suffer along with our favorite captain and doctor as their...activity...takes on near-celebrity status. (126)
  • Venus' Eye by Robin Lyster ("Venus' Eye," by Robin Lyster, is a touching story of just how our captain might have played the cruel hand, had he been dealt it.An aged Jean-Luc Picard is experiencing the beginning throes of lrimadic Syndrome, and his marriage to Beverly is showing the strain. (154)
  • Expectations by Jo-Ann Lassiter (In "Expectations," by Jo-Ann Lassiter, Picard reminisces about his not-so-happy childhood. Time does not heal all wounds.) (161)
  • In Closing by Jo-Ann Lassiter (170)
  • Artwork by Gabi Stiene, Beverly Chick, Anne Davenport, Joey Rodrigues, Linda Wan, and Renee Levy

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 6

The zine contains 11 stories set after Chain of Command and before Generations. Half a Life by J Rodrigues: Gul Madred's view of events- Chilling. There but for the Grace of Cod by Marge Robles two Humans from the universe of the DS9 episode Crossover are thrust into our reality - Jean-Luc Picard & Beverly Crusher, who smuggle Human slaves to freedom. They are devoted to each other and intense in their hatred of the Circassians. This story highlights a point which I am sure has occurred to many fans - is Picard more than just sympathetic to the Maquis? First class. Family Traits bv D.J. Nicholson: Maurice Picard is dying. Jean-Luc fears that if he takes leave to visit his father, he will be blackmailed inio leaving Starfleet. Half Sick of Shadows by Gail Molnar: Picard returns to the Enterprise after being tortured. He needs friendship, comfort and love and Crusher is there to provide it. Time to Reflect by Lynn Lorton: Picard and Riker are on leave shortly after Tapestry. The camping trip turns into a nightmare for Riker as Picard reverts to a child-like state, becoming suicidally irresponsible. Classic H/C. I found this story a bit disturbing and to be honest I was acutely embarrassed on the Captains behalf. However, it did highlight the friendship and trust between the two officers. An Imperfect Hero by P Ball: Beverly finds out that Picard has lied lo her about Jack Crusher's death. Will their new relationship founder? Isolation by J Rodrigues: Another H/C story. Picard is severely brain-damaged following a shuttle accident. Well after saying I don't like to see the Captain regressed to infancy, I have to take it all back and announce that this story was a joy. Starfleet wants to remove Picard from the ship but his family' rights for the right to nurse him at home. There are some lovely scenes as each of his officers realise how much they love Jean-Luc. Geordi and Riker are especially well portrayed. Ace. Unfinished Business by Gail Molnar: At the end of Attached, Bev walks out. In this story, Jean-Luc follows her to her quarters! Breakfast at Deneez by Anne Davenport: Deneez is a planet famous for humidity and sex. P & C indulge in the latter but are caught out when a Ferengi voyeur is found dead in their bathroom. The serious part of this tale about Ferengi corruption is fine but it is the description of P's acute embarrassment, B's nonchalance and Riker's unhoiy glee that makes it truly worth the read. Venus' Eye by Robin Lyster: An explanation of the Picard divorce. Expectations by Jo-Ann Lassiter Another look at Picard s unhappy childhood. The Involution series is a must for all Picard fans. These authors know and love the Captain and their stories let us see right into his heart. This is fan writing at its best. Don't miss it.[2]

Issue 7

front cover of issue #7, Gabi Stiene

Involution 7 was published in April 1995 and edited by Jo-Ann Lassiter. The art is by Beverly Chick, Janet D'Airo, Anne Davenport, Renee Levy, Joey Rodrigues and Gabi Stiene (front cover).

  • Introduction (2)
  • Letters of Comment (3)
  • Old Pain, New Memories by Judith Medina ("is a powerfully-written piece dealing with the captain's nightmare-filled recovery from his ordeal with the Borg, and the important role Beverly Crusher plays in that recovery.") (6)
  • The Guilty Party by N.B. Thayer ("has Picard valiantly—and vainly—trying to confess his role in a barroom brawl to a first officer bound and determined to find the guilty party...for his captain.") (63)
  • Who We May Be by Gail Molnar ("Romance is in the (holodeck) air when Picard and Crusher spend midsummer's day together.") (78)
  • Tender Loving Care by Anne Davenport ("The Borg. The Cardassians. A family that existed only in his mind. A real flesh-and-blood son—who is not his son after all. Dreams shattered, hopes dashed...time after time after time. Is it any wonder that Picard's feeling a little reckless? How the doctor ended up in the captain's bed is the talk of the ship. Of course, this being a story from the fiendishly twisted mind of Anne Davenport, they're not having an iota of fun. But with a little "Tender Loving Care" from one sick friend to another...who knows?") (87)
  • And Though I Walk... by Rosemary Cullen ("Picard may very well be facing the valley of death as he undertakes a rock climbing expedition in the holodeck...sans safeties. Is the Human race worthy of membership in a highly-evolved alien alliance?") (107)
  • Shadows of Time by Kria Bacal ("With no memory of his life as Jean-Luc Picard, he must prove his worth as he is thrust into varying settings and circumstances: as a colonel in the French army, a World War II resistance fighter, and a galley slave. A man out of his own time.") (112)
  • The Path of the Arrow by D.J. Nicholson ("In this alternative ending to "Time's Arrow," his unwillingness to leave an injured friend has cost him dearly. Unable to get back to his own time, Picard must live out his days in nineteenth-century San Francisco, where the closest he can come to his stars is a bluff overlooking the bay.") (147)

Issue 8

cover of issue #8
flyer for issue #8

Involution 8 was published in July 1995, contains 240 pages, and was edited by Jo-Ann Lassiter.

  • Introduction (2)
  • Letters of Comment (3)
  • Homeward Bound by Becky J. Woods (It's Christmastime, and Jean-Luc Picard is home. But there are no arguments, no sounds or youthful enthusiasm this time. The house is empty. Yet it is full of memories long past and painfully recent. Beverly Crusher helps Jean-Luc Picard ... to remember, to mourn, to love ...) (8)
  • A New Tradition by MizVoy (The captain is feeling down. Beverly Crusher discovers the reason, and the two friends share a drink, a memory) (30)
  • Fireside Chat by Margaret Basta (His ship is gone, his friends are scattered, and he is planetside. With just a fire, a comfortable chair-and Q-for company. The master of mayhem is strangely subdued, though, as he drops in.) (39)
  • The Road to Recovery by Marilee Rafferty (Beverly Crusher is leaving the Enterprise. Odan has gone. and Beverly has been left alone-by Odan and by her friends. Nothing Jean-Luc Picard says can convince her to stay, but when Jean-Luc is injured.) (53)
  • Rudy (may have been called "Three's a Crowd" in ads/flyers) by Lynn Lorton (They say, "Three's a Crowd," and you'll get no argument from Jean-Luc after Beverly introduces him to Rudy. How does a "living legend" cope with a two-month-old ball of fur who thinks Beverly is his, and not Jean-Luc's? Find out in Lynn Lorton's amusing tale (tail?).) (53)
  • Imperfect Ending by N. B. Thayer ("I Am for You, Ulric of Valt." But she wasn't. In this well thought-out piece, Ulric has come to realize that Kamala is not his, and he plans to kill the one to whom she truly belongs.) (106)
  • Mindscape by Robin M. Lyster (A journey into madness. The Enterprise's chief medical officer is lying in Sickbay, and Jean-Luc Picard is full of questions. How did this happen? Why did it happen? What can he do to help her? His anger and his anguish lead him to embark on a most dangerous mission: into the mind of Beverly Crusher.) (124)
  • The End of the Tunnel by Rosemary Cullen (The poker game has ended, the universe is safe, and there will be a future after all. But what future? Divorce, illness, and loneliness await him. Or do they?) (178)
  • The Stranded Heart by Joelle Augustine (Is nothing sacred? Not to Q. Not a starship captain's private journal, nor a starship captain or his CMO. Q takes Picard's journal and uses certain entries as a catalyst for a grand experiment. But can Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher survive their "adventure" on an uninhabited planet, cut off from everyone but each other?) (184)
  • A Light in the Darkness by JoAnn Lassiter (Eight-year-old Jean-Luc Picard meets someone who has a profound influence on his future: William T. Riker.) (222)
  • artwork by BEKi, Janet D'Airo, Anne Davenport, Joey Rodrigues, and Gabi Stiene.

Issue 9

Involution 9 was published in January 1996, contains 260 pages and was edited by Jo-Ann Lassiter. It contains 247 pages.

cover of issue #9
  • editorial (2)
  • Letters of Comment (3)
  • Confidences by Becky J. Woods—Crusher and Picard make a commitment to one another, one which is put to the test all too soon when Beverly is injured. (9)
  • In The Box by D. J. Nicholson—Picard awakens to find hlmself trapped in a coffin-like enclosure. But why and how did he get there? (9)
  • Finding Time by Louise Ellis—Beverly Crusher is finally coming to terms with the destruction of the Enterprise. Jean-Luc Picard convinces her to let him help. (47)
  • Perchance to Live by Ulrike Schaefer—On the Picard estate in France, Jean-Luc says goodbye to Robert and Rene. And as one part of his life ends, another begins—with Beverly Crusher. (71)
  • Union by Rosemary Cullen—The planet's name is Green. When Picard becomes lost, injured, and ill, he discovers it is a bit more than just a planet. And he finds someone he thought he had lost. (84)
  • A Time to Mourn by Anne-Marie Flowers—Ro's defection has hit Picard pretty hard. A holodeck program—and a friend—help to ease the pain.
  • Solved Mystery by Marilee Rafferty—It was a harrowing mission, and Q decides that Picard needs a little ... relaxation? The setting is Dixon Hill's San Francisco, and Picard and Crusher must solve Q's 'mystery' before he'll return them to the Enterprise. (117)
  • The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship by Robin M. Lyster—Ever wonder just how Jean-Luc and Beverly met? Jean-Luc recalls that bittersweet moment. (129)
  • Nothing Beside Remains by Gail Molnar—Crusher accompanies Picard to La Barre, and later to Paris. When Vash shows up, both Beverly Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard discover their true feelings toward one another. (167)
  • Marooned by Marilee Rafferty—Picard's shuttle is destroyed by Cardassians, and he is marooned on a strange planet in mid-winter. He is cold, sick, and exhausted when he meets Emily, who saves not only his life, but his heart as well. (177)
  • The Captain's Dance, by Ulrike Schaefer—To atone for a joke he played on the doctor, Picard accepts her 'punishment': dinner and dancing. Which only leads to more 'punishment'--for both of them. (209)
  • Involution 1-9 Index (226)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 9

This zine has 11 stories spread over 212 pages, the rest or the space being taken up with letters or comment, ads and an extensive index of all the stories to be found in previous issues.

There's something for everyone here. For instance, there are three stories which take up where Generations left off, Two find Picard taking Beverly with him to Labarre, but my favourite was Finding Time by Louise Ellis, which is set aboard the Farragut immediately after the crash. Ignoring her own injuries, Beverly has struggled to stay on her feet and tend the wounded. At the end or a very long day she comes to find Picard and they have a change to talk (and bathe and share a pair of pyjamas!)

The Box by D J Nicholson is a very different kind of story. Picard is trapped in a coffin-like box. He doesn't know how or why he got there, no-one answers his shouts and he can't be sure of rescue. Suffering from hunger, thirst and sensory deprivation, he is prey to terrible mood swings and begins to fear for his sanity. As a pure character study, I suppose this story has merit, but I found it quite unsettling and the ending was particularly unsatisfactory.

Union by Rosemary Cullen is a much longer work. While on leave on the planet Green. Picard gets lost, falls and is injured. This leads him to discover that the planet is actually a sentient life form. Shortly after this event the Borg once again threaten Federation space and the Enterprise is ordered back to Earth. Here Picard is reunited with Nella Darren and they resume their relationship. Together they work on a strategy to defeat the Borg, which requires co-operation from Green and other sentient planetary bodies. This story is interesting with many original elements, but ultimately it is rather sad. and I felt quite sorry for Nella (which is amazing, because I couldn't stand her in Lessons).

Robin Lysters The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship was billed as 'bittersweet", and I would certainly agree with that. It tells of the first meeting between Picard and his best friend's wife. However, neither one knows who the other is, and by the time they find out. it's too late for the Captain. This really was my kind of story and definitely my favourite this time around.

I suppose you could say that A Time to Mourn is also my kind of story, because I wrote it. lt's my version of Picards reaction to Ros' defection in Pre-emptive Strike. I think you can tell from the title that he's a bit upset.

Marooned by Marilee Rafferty is another serious story which sees Picard crash-landing on a desolate planet where his only companions are an ex-Starfleet Lieutenant with a grudge again him and her large dog. I really did enjoy this one and its a good illustration of how interaction with a new character can help to reveal hidden aspects of our old friends.

There is also a lot of artwork in this zine, some excellent, some good, some not so good. I wouldn t say this is the best Involution but, nevertheless, it's a great read and the index is very handy if you want to lind out more about back issues...[3]

Issue 10

Involution 10 was published in July 1996 and edited by Jo-Ann Lassiter. It contains 180 pages. Art by Janet D'Airo, Davenport, Renee Levy, Nancy Lee Morgan, and Robbie Lee Perkins.

cover of issue #10
  • Introduction (2)
  • Letters of Comment (3)
  • With a Little Help (The captain enjoys his shore leave "With a Little Help" from Will Riker, Deanna Troi, and especially Beverly Crusher.) (6)
  • Just a Chair by Ulrike Schafer (Center seat of the Enterprise. Is it "Just A Chair" or is it something much more?) (24)
  • Second Chance by Susan Bredon-Smith (Ensign Picard's first landing party assignment almost turns out to be his last. His belief in the Prime Directive is sorely tested when he finds himself protecting the life of a young boy in "Second Chance.") (24)
  • Voices in the Dark by Marge Robles (He can hear them, but they can't hear him. In a coma in Sickbay, they're all just "Voices in the Dark" to Picard.
  • Jason Vigo's sudden arrival-and then departure-from Picard's life brings back memories of old friends. Beverly Crusher helps him to understand his "Connections.") (50)
  • Home by Ulrike Schafer (It's not where it is so much as who it's with. "Home," by Ulrike Schaefer.) (57)
  • What Has Gone Before by D.J. Nicholson (The past or the future? Archaeology or space? Cadet Picard makes a choice in What Has Gone Before.") (67)
  • Melinkah by Margaret A. Basta (He had seen five lights. The challenge was gone, so Madred shipped him off to New Hebetia XII and a new life on a new planet. An alternate *ending to "Chain of Command.") (73)
  • Connections by Becky J. Wood (113)
  • Resistance by Ulrike Schafer (What if Riker never rescued Picard? What if the Borg weren't destroyed at Wolf 359? As Riker, and Company discover, "Resistance" is indeed futile.) (123)
  • The Lady's Not For Taking by Gail Molnar (Not if Picard can help it. And the contest is on. Who will 'win' Beverly Crusher?) (125)
  • Vive La Q by J.C. Medina (A misunderstanding causes a rift between Jean-Luc and Beverly. But a little advice from a friend brings them closer than ever.) (140)
  • Re-Attached by Ulrike Schafer "Maybe we should be afraid..." Picard begs to differ in "Re-Attached." ) (160)
  • Awakenings by Marilee Rafferty (When Jean-Luc returns from the renegade ship from "Gambit", he and Beverly admit their feelings for one another. But their happiness is all too fleeting when Jean-Luc comes down with a mysterious ailment.) (163)
  • In Closing by Jo-Ann Lassiter (181)

Issue 11

Involution 11 was published in January 1997 and edited by Jo-Ann Lassiter. It contains 174 pages. The front cover is by Beverly Chick. Other art by Renee Levy, Joey Rodrigues, and Beverly Chick.

cover of issue #11, Beverly Chick

From an ad in The New Monthly:

Involution features stories which are explorations of the character Captain Jean-Luc Picard. it is no longer enough to just look at the evolution of a character; it is now time to delve into the psyche of the crew of the Enterprise. This zine features stories which explore Picard's relationship with Beverly Crusher, his relationship with his father, and his reflection on his first command as well as what his future holds after 'All Good Things.


Dixon Hill rides again—the rails, that is. Riker's birthday present to Picard is a hoIodeck adventure aboard a train where he's joined by his favorite redheaded doctor. Oh, what they can do with handcuffs! "On the Right Track" by N. B. Thayer.

Throughout his life, Jean-Luc Picard has lived with the Imowledge that nothing he ever did could please his father. In D. J. Nicholson's "Fathers and Sons," a young Jean-Luc Picard comes to understand at least a little of what his father expected of him.

After the destruction of the Enterprise-D, Picard takes a little R&R on "Historia," a planet with a peaceful, Earth-like environment. Yet peace is hardly what he finds; sadness and despair fill his days, and nightmares plague his nights—until Megan. By Marilee Rafferty.

When Crusher is injured during treaty negotiations gone bad, Picard discovers "Unexpected Insights" into his relationship with Beverly Crusher. By Sally Bradstreet.

After his trip through time in "All Good Things...", Picard wonders about his future. Is he destined to spend it sick and alone as Q predicted, or with Beverly by his side? "Endings" by Anne-Marie Flowers.

When Jean-Luc is given a copy of his unauthorized biography, long-ago but never forgotten memories of life on board his first command are dredged up. Set after Star Trek: Generations, Miranda Greene takes us on Picard's bittersweet journey in "Stargazer Days."

What would life have been for Jean-Luc Picard if Q had left him "A Dreary Man in a Tedious Job" (from the episode "Tapestry")? How would Starfleet's top captain take to life in the lower levels? Find out as Margaret Basta gives Picard a life far removed from the one he's come to know (and love?).

Issue 12

Involution 12 was published in January 1998 and edited by Jo-Ann Lassiter. It contains 276 pages.

cover of issue #12
  • Coming to Terms by D. J. Nicholson—When Picard becomes ill during treaty negotiations, he sees his failure to bring the parties to settlement as a personal deficiency.
  • Inheritance by Becky Woods—After the events of "All Good Things..." Jean-Luc remembers his grandfather and Irimadic Syndrome.
  • Unstable Element by Miranda Greene—Picard goes on trial for his part in the events of Star Trek: First Contact.
  • Doubts by Nan—Picard wants to get closer; Crusher doesn't. It's up to Picard to erase her doubts.
  • The Roads Not Taken by Margaret A. Basta—Picard and Guinan have a conversation about life...and love.
  • Duties by Terry S. Bowers—When Picard receives word that Crusher has been killed, he determines to carry on. But when it appears that the doctor may be alive, he works just as hard to bring her back.
  • Echoes of Madred by Lindsey Shelton—Picard, still suffering from the effects of his treatment at the hands of the Cardassians, takes a vacation with Will Riker.
  • Aftermath by Lindsey Shelton—A bit of poetry about our captain and his demons.
  • Restoration by Sandra K. Davies—Picard and Riker share a drink and a little talk. Set after "Best of Both Worlds."
  • Learning to Dance by Robin Lyster—Guess who teaches whom to dance?
  • The Other Dreamers by Margaret A. Basta—An intact space ship with beings in stasis is found inside a destroyed Borg ship, and Picard is called upon to investigate. But the thrill of the hunt takes on a different meaning for him once he learns the origin of the ship: Kataan.
  • The Naked Later by D.J. Nicholson—It looks like the crew's been exposed to the virus from "The Naked Now" again. Or have they?
  • The Rescue by Lindsey Shelton—When Picard's and Troi's shuttle goes down and Picard is injured and missing, Troi "talks" to him, using one of her lesser-utilized talents.
  • This Uncertain Hour by Robin Lyster—After "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II," Picard is spending a little time in Labarre. While his visit is pleasant, he is lonely...until Crusher decides to join him.
  • Guilty As Charged by Anne-Marie Flowers—With the events from "All Good Things..." still fresh in his mind, Picard has a talk with Riker about the animosity between Riker and Worf. Using a part of his own past as an example, he reveals a little more about himself than he had planned.
  • Artwork by Janet D'Airo, Renee Levy, and Anne Davenport. Color cover by Janet D'Airo.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 12

And so, dear readers, we come, regrettably, sadly, to the end, Involution 12.

Involution 12 starts out with a big bang—another D'Airo cover. This time it's that literally slimy Borg queen pawing our beloved, and sweaty browed, captain. Maybe she was just trying to help him get rid of that tight red turtleneck? What else can the Tipster say other than, Janet, you've done it again!

The fun doesn't end there either. "Coming to Terms" by D.J. Nicholson is nothing short of wonderful. Picard is called upon to mediate a treaty between two very irascible and cantankerous planets, both of whom respect the Enterprise's captain, but not enough to put aside their petty bickering. Until Picard gives them an ultimatum, and in a manner they cannot ignore. Along the way, Picard receives some wonderful advice from his always concerned and supportive staff. Perfect characterizations and settings; marvelous as always, D.J.

The loss of life during a mission is always a matter of concern. But when that loss of life comes during the breaking of orders, then a court martial is understandable. "Unstable Element," by Miranda Greene, explores the aftermath of "First Contact," and the clamor for an explanation into the deaths and maiming of Enterprise crewmen. Plagued by nightmares and regrets, Picard enlists the help of longtime friend, Phillipa Louvois, as his defense. Picard of course is ready to accept whatever punishment the tribunal deems just, but his senior staff and Louvois will also defend him and justify his decisions in every way legally possible and honest. The court room scene is gripping and the officer's testimonies are perfect. But the highlights of this story are Picard's visit to an injured crewman and the dream he has that ends the story. So very touching and absolutely perfect, Miranda! Keep up the excellent work!

Poor Broccoli, ahem, Barclay. Everyone's favorite klutz and daydreaming Starfleeter. In the wonderfully clever, "The Naked Later," D.J. Nicholson suggests that maybe Barclay wasn't such an accidental artist of mayhem. Delightful!

In "Inheritance," by Becky Woods, Picard reflects on the strong bond between the Picard men. Father, Robert, himself, and his grandfather. And the fact that that strong bond may just have a connection with Q's version of Picard's future.

Margaret Basta creates an intriguing what-if ? in "The Other Dreamers." Picard is called to Starbase DS5 to investigate the discovery of a sublight ship aboard a destroyed Borg cube. For on this sublight ship are some people Picard would like to think he knows very well, thanks to his 28 minutes of inner light. As the Tipster said, an interesting idea - how would Picard react if reunited to those people of his dreams. And how would they react to him? The only negative aspect to this story is Basta's insistence on throwing characters into the story and connecting them to Picard and to each other in bizarre and totally "out of character" fashions. Creative license is permitted, and his is after all, fanfic, but it's annoying for bits to be thrown into a story which do nothing to advance the plot or veer the characters from their established personalities. Lindsey Shelton's "The Rescue" shows a strong and capable Deanna Troi rescuing her captain from a cave in. As TNG progressed, Troi's talents as a counselor were demonstrated, and in this story, she uses both her Starfleet training and professional counseling talents. A good character study.

Robin Lyster gives us yet another "Picard going home to LaBarre after Generations" tale in "This Uncertain Hour." He's joined some days later by Beverly Crusher and the two struggle to come to terms with the attraction between them. With some helpful prodding by Marie Picard. Very well written, especially the emotions and tensions between the two friends.

Lastly, but certainly not least, in "Guilty as Charged," Anne-Marie Flowers helps the Captain and First Officer have a heart-to-heart following the events in "All Good Things." Picard is anxious to help his friends avoid some possible future pitfalls and in so doing, uses an example that hits just a little too close to home for the good captain. Excellent and very touching.

And there you have it, fan fie fans. The best of a delightful collection of stories. Hopefully, although Involution ends with this issue, these talented authors will continue writing and send their latest creations to the editors of Idylls and Eridani/Four Lights. One can never have enough Picard fiction!

And speaking of fiction, some new internet creations have recently been discovered by the Tipster's trusty ferrets. So next time, the Tipster will catch up with all those goodies! [4]


  1. ^ yes, spelled that way
  2. ^ from IDIC #39
  3. ^ from IDIC #46
  4. ^ from Coach's Club House #12 (May 1998)