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Title: Hatred
Author(s): Maya
Date(s): 10 September 2002
Length: 3,700 words (one-shot)
Genre(s): angst, slash, bystander fic
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: (offline)

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Hatred is a Harry Potter story by Maya. It is told from the point of view of Dudley Dursley, and contains Harry/Draco and one-sided Dudley/Harry.

This story, along with Maya's other fics, was taken offline in November 2008 when Maya went pro. Though Maya has requested that fans not share her work with others, copies of the story can still be found uploaded online or exchanged via email, either on its own or as part of The Complete Works of Maya.

The story opens with a quote from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone:

"Harry had never believed he would meet a boy he hated more than Dudley, but that was before he met Draco Malfoy."[1]

Author's Summary

The story header at FictionAlley included the following information:[2]

Category: Angst
Sub Category: Romance
Keywords: Harry Draco Dudley hatred
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: SS/PS, CoS, PoA, GoF
Summary: The nature of hatred is more complex than people would think. How deep is yours? (H/D, the tiniest mad squicky hint of one-sided Harry/Dudley. That is all.)
Author notes: For Lasair, who I made weep by referring to this as Harry/Dudley.

An alternate summary:[3]

This is my Harry/Dudley fic. I insist upon it being so called. See Dudley. See Dudley fancy Harry. Fancy Harry, Dudley! Good Dudley. All right, the only bit of reciprocal action is Harry/Draco. Sue me. PG-13

Works Inspired by Hatred


  • Hatred (revisited) by taradiane (May 2003) — "Draco has turned spy for Dumbledore, and is about to embark on a mission. Harry doesn't want him to go, and Draco is determined to make him admit the reason why. *Please see notes below - this is a companion piece to a story no longer online, though it is not necessary to have read that fic for this piece to make sense. Hopefully my summary of that story in the notes below will suffice in setting up where my story begins." Continues from the end of Hatred, told from Draco's POV. (also at Skyehawke)


Recs & Reviews

Hatred received 9 pages of reviews at FictionAlley's Review Board.[5]

The story was also "niffled" (recced) at FictionAlley Park on January 2, 2003.[6] Other fans left reviews on the recommendation thread:

I was planning on niffling this story as well, and I'm very happy that I haven't been the only one! This fic is perhaps my favourite short story, and it proves (yet again) Maya's talent. It's dark and very intense story, and it shows complicated feelings, as well as the thin difference between hate and love. It deserves to be praised endlessly![7]

Intense is the only word that I can find appropriate here. This is one of the most intense stories I have ever read and I loved every minute of it.

I'm consistently impressed with the things I read by Maya and am always blown away by the way she makes you feel with her. To me that is that mark of a great author, when they make you feel what they are writing. Stories like this make me want to throw in the towel on my own writing. I loved this, great niffle.[8]

"Hatred" is one of my favourite fics. I'm glad it has been niffled, otherwise I probably wouldn't have come across it.

What makes this story so special to me is that it's not just another H/D-Story from Harry's or Draco's POV; it allows an outsider, Dudley, to comment on what' going on between the two of them - the mutual loathing and distrust which changes slowly into attraction and love. It's such an intimate take on the characters, to have Dudley (and us) watch them from afar, only hinting at what's really happening.

Maya gives the reader ample opportunity to fill in the missing details with his or her own imagination - maybe that's why I like this fic so much. There's just so much going on between the lines.[9]

Hatred is definitely one of the more unique H/D fics out there. I have great respect for Maya for her ability to keep thinking outside the H/D formula plots and presenting us all with new perspectives, new levels, of H/D slash.

I loved how perfectly Dudley was characterized here. Maya has a way with characterization that explores the persona and adds depth to him without making him OOC. This is a wonderful fic, people, go see it for yourselves.[10]

Recs of the story elsewhere include:

A startling insight into Harry's relationship with Draco, as seen through the eyes of Dudley. Realistic characterization. Boykissing.[11]

I rather liked this fic, a simple but effective story wherein Dudley comes to a realization about himself in this short tale. Dudley takes pride in and nurtures his cousins hatred and anger towards him, but he discovers he has a rival for Harry's loathing and upon meeting the competition, comes to an understanding that (at least in my interpretation of it) love and hate may be two sides of the same coin.[12]

Absolutely amazing. I loved that the story is told from Dudley’s view, and I found the one-sided Harry/Dudley (not slash) very realistic. Wonderful read, but then again it is Maya, what more could you expect![13]


  1. ^ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling, Chapter Nine: "The Midnight Duel".
  2. ^ Hatred at FictionAlley's The Dark Arts, archived 02 April 2004.
  3. ^ Summary from Maya's author page at the Potter Slash Archive, archived 18 February 2007. Probably also from Lasair and Maya (see semirose's rec, posted 31 December 2004, WebCite).
  4. ^ Last Google cache copy 05 June 2016. Posted to Wordpress 20 January 2014. Translator: Anh Anh. Beta-reader: Nobu Nakira. Summary: Harry cứ tưởng cậu sẽ chẳng ghét ai hơn Dudley được, nhưng ấy là trước khi cậu gặp Draco Malfoy.
  5. ^ archive.is copy of the first page of reviews at FictionAlley's Review Board. (Archived 30 September 2016.)
  6. ^ SunKitten at FictionAlley Park's The FicNifflers Recommend... forum. Hatred by Maya. 02 January 2003. (Accessed 18 June 2016; WebCite Page 1, Page 2.)
  7. ^ Adelina at FictionAlley Park, Post ID 442093. 04 January 2003. (Accessed 18 June 2016.)
  8. ^ graceless at FictionAlley Park, Post ID 490015. 18 February 2003. (Accessed 18 June 2016.)
  9. ^ Miss Bingley at FictionAlley Park, Post ID 490267. 18 February 2003. (Accessed 18 June 2016.)
  10. ^ slumber at FictionAlley Park, Post ID 719166. 25 August 2003. (Accessed 18 June 2016.)
  11. ^ laudation. Fic: Harry Potter, posted 28 March 2007. (Accessed 18 June 2016; WebCite.)
  12. ^ Teetee's review at Goodreads, 30 November 2015. Teetee gives the story four out of five stars ("really liked it"). (Accessed 18 June 2016.)
  13. ^ Anastasia at ferretlovesscarhead. Hatred, posted August 2013. (Accessed 18 June 2016.)