Gossamer Interview with an Author: Tay Nelson

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Gossamer Interview with an Author: Tay Nelson
Interviewer: Widjojo, Yasinta ("Observer")
Interviewee: Sheryl Martin
Date(s): July 18, 1996
Medium: online
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Gossamer Interview with an Author: Tay Nelson, Archived version
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The Gossamer Interview with an Author: Tay Nelson was conducted in 1996.

It was posted in the non-fiction section of Gossamer's Specialty Archive.


When and why did you start writing x-files fan fic?

I started short after getting on-line. It was March or April 1995, depending on if you go by when I started writing or when it was posted. I had been writing stories since about 7th grade (12 years old). For a long time I wrote a series of stories based on Doctor Who. One day I figured that other people would like reading them - that's the day I decided to become an author for a living. I started X Files Fanfic because the show offered me a new outlet and direction since Dr Who hadn't been in production since 1989! That, and the unexplained (UFOs, ghosts, etc.) has always interested me!

What fascinates/irritates/moves you enough about x files to write fan fic?

<smiles> Probably sitting there every Friday night and thinking to myself "That's not how I would have done it," or "Why didn't they do this instead?" Everyone thinks that, but there are few who can really do something about that. I also like their relationship, their 'banter' if you will. <no worries, I'll explain that soon enough>

Do you usually base your stories or characters on your life?

Oh, sure! It'd be tough not to! Writing is therapy. <what does *that* say about angsters?> In my writing I've developed Andrew MacNeill (me) and Nicole Raynes (Carol Ann) and they're Las Vegas Bureau agents since that's where we thought of them with Sheryl Martin and Rosie Passanisi. And a lot of things that happen to them have happened to us. In my stories I also love to pay homage to people I know or other TV shows I watch. They're small things from just a line to minor characters. Watch for them and if you think you found one, email me and I'll tell you if you're right!!

How would you define Mulder and Scully's relationship?

Oh dear, everyone's got a different slant on this, don't they? I tend to see them as almost the epitome of the perfect friendship. They argue as much as they agree and that's what a real relationship is! They respect each other! That's what it's all about, folks! I say almost simply because they don't show as much affection as I'd expect. I know they're at work and all, but if a case is disturbing enough they should feel okay to open a little. And so I love it when CC allows them a small moment. Yes, I *am* a relationshipper at heart.

Have you written any other types of stories besides x files fan fic?

I'm proud to say I wrote the first Sliders fanfic ever called "Vacation". It was very short and came out before there was even an alt.tv.sliders.creative!! I also think I'll have the first 3rd Rock From the Sun fanfic out soon. It's an XF crossover. And, like I said, I wrote Dr Who fiction when I was younger. I tried my hand at fantasy once and it didn't pan out as well as I had hoped. My home is really in Science Fiction, though my vacation home is in poetry.

You have published one of your stories in a Fanzine. How did this happen and why did you decide to publish the story?

Yeah, I decided that if I'm going to be an author for a living, I can't sit on my duff waiting for someone to come out of the blue and offer me a book deal. So I got some addresses out of the X Files FAQ and contacted them. I also wanted what I got published to be a real decent story - as close to an actual episode as I could - and so I wrote "Throwing Fire at the Sun." Thankfully, I struck gold on the first try with Property of the FBI vol5!!! That's gotta be a good sign for the future! :D If any publishers read this, contact me!!!

What do you think is your best story so far ?

Oooh, um...I think there's a tie for that one! "Army of Me" because it just seemed real fun and I used a topic that I knew real well - Civil War Re-enacting! All the dialogue, description, and characters were just right. "Throwing Fire at the Sun" simply because it got published. And "A Waltz With the Devil" because it's my longest and most complex so far.

Are you going to continue writing x-files stories?

Oh, certainly!! As long as the show keeps going, I'll keep writing. With planning a writing career, fanfic really gives me a great opportunity to hone my skills and develop my style. I think as time goes by I'm going to slowly spin MacNeill and Raynes off into their own series and hopefully strike that big book deal with them. So, years from now, if you see Andrew MacNeill and Nicole Raynes in a bookstore near you....you'll know where they got their start!

In some of your stories you have borrowed characters from other authors. For example. St George from Sheryl Martin. Why did you decide to build the story around these characters?

I usually borrow characters because I'm good friends with the creator and they let me borrow them. I don't necessarily set out to build a story for a character, it just seems like the opportunity presents itself. Currently, RaEnright and I are cowriting a story where her Erin Mulder meets my MacNeill and Raynes. I have been good friends with Sheryl Martin for about a year now and Jackie (St George) had always fascinated me. There's such a mystery around her! So when we met at theLas Vegas America OnLine X Files Gathering last summer we created Andrew and Nicole and then discussed having them meet at least once. I think so far it's been at least twice. For the future, who knows? :D

Other Interviews in This Series
