Fudge and Fury

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Convention skit
TitleFudge and Fury
Fandom(s)Starsky & Hutch
Author(s)Paula Smith
Troupevarious fans
Related articles on Fanlore.

Fudge and Fury was a Starsky & Hutch-themed con skit written by Paula Smith.

It was a takeoff on the zine Judge and Jury and encompassed references to fanon and fandom

The play was performed at ZebraCon in 1985.

This is one play in Play by Playbook: Collected ZebraCon Plays (1995).


Author's Comments: 1985

No doubt zines debuting at this con will incorporate many of these themes in them, or will link up episodes or commemorate previous stories. I myself intend to give Jane Ellicott's Judge and Jury a sound parodying with "Fudge and Fury" over the weekend. But after all, why not? When we are in front of a gold mine, foolish is the one who doesn't dig it. [1]

Author's Comments: 1995

From Paula Smith:

You do something once, it's a tradition. You do something twice, it's a sacred tradition. I had played Hutch twice in a row, with a different actress doing Starsky, so it was now de rigueur that I find another leading man, er, woman. I had not met [[[Billie Phillips]]] before the first rehearsal, but I had been told "She's really good at charades." Good enough for me; acting is simply talking with your body. I understand that [Billie] found my first letter a wee bit preemptory — "Here's the script. You're going to play Starsky"—but I was right. She was a terrific Starsky. [2]


Fan Comments

A big THANKS to everyone who: sat a panel, had pieces in the art show, participated in the entertainment (Paula Smith for writing "Fudge and Fury" and to our performers Paula Smith, [Billie Phillips], Suzan Lovett, Carole Swoboda, Pat Massie, Lucy Cribb, [ Karen B. ], and [Jean C]) [3]

Many others participated at the con and I'd like to acknowledge all those who were on our panels as well as the cast of Paula Smith's hilarious play, "Fudge and Fury." [4]

Paula Smith (Hutch) and [Billie Phillips] (Starsky) were shot, stabbed, bombed, and otherwise mauled by the fan writers in "Fudge and Fury," the con play, ending with the appearance of [Jean C] (Bodie) and [Karen B] (Doyle) as someone new for us to torture in our zines. Great fun, as usual. [5]
