5 of Hearts: The Collected Short Novels of Alexis Fegan Black

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Title: 5 of Hearts: The Collected Short Novels of Alexis Fegan Black
Publisher: Pon Farr Press
Date(s): 1993
Medium: print
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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5 of Hearts: The Collected Short Novels of Alexis Fegan Black is a K/S collection published in 1993.

"Some proceeds go to the benefit stray animals of the desert... For those who couldn't afford to buy each of the novels separately, now's your chance to get five novels for the price of two! Limited time offer! $40."—from an ad in The LOC Connection #54.

This zine contains a long editorial by Alexis Fegan Black regarding zine pirating. For more on this see, Open Letter to Fandom by Alexis Fegan Black Regarding Zine Pirating. She reprints much of this editorial in Otherwhere, Otherwhen #3.

This zine was a limited edition zine with 100 copies, signed and numbered.
