Essential Snarry Reader Interview with Lizard

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Essential Snarry Reader Interview with Lizard
Interviewer: Aubrem
Interviewee: Lizardspots
Date(s): January 7, 2005
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: interview is here, Archived version
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

In 2005, Lizard (Lizardspots) was interviewed for Essential Snarry Reader.

For others in the series, see Essential Snarry Reader Interview Series.

Some Excerpts

In terms of random drawing, I've always vaguely drawn since I was a child. Nothing serious. I actually began in the Harry Potter fandom as a writer since I had no idea of the existence of a fanart side of fandom. Back then (in about 2002)fanart was very much on the sidelines. I then stumbled across three wonderful artists at the same time - seviet, squirmy and glockgal in March 2003. And I thought 'Wow! I want to try that!', and consequently I never wrote again. :D After plodding along on Deviantart for a while, I met duckpuppy, who introduced me to lj and to lunulet, who introduced me to fiendling, and it's just been a rollercoaster of fanart and smut and squee since then. Hee.

In an arbitrary sense, yes [I have always considered myself an artist]. I consider myself knowledgeable in art to know what I'm talking about, if you get what I mean. But professionally? No way. This is staying firmly as a hobby - I've thankfully been commissioned by some wonderful generous people on livejournal (*bows to you*) but beyond that, I don't intend to pursue a career in art. I intend to follow my dream, which is to become a doctor, hopefully a surgeon. :) Besides, calling oneself an 'artist' sounds terribly aristocratic, doesn't it? Hehe. If I were to call myself anything, it'd be 'fanartist', or 'illustrator' if I was feeling egotistical. The distinction is slight, but 'artist' just doesn't seem like me. *grins*

Gah, I'm not nearly eloquent enough to explain what I love about Snarry in general, but I'll try. I've always liked enemy-slash, where the author slowly develops the characters' relationship to a point where they are on the opposite side of the emotional spectrum from where they started. I love that, I love reading about the progression from hate to obsession to respect to dependence, and possibly to love. Snape has always been my favourite character in the HP series, starting from book 1 - he was just so openly horrible, there had to be more to his character. A good Snarry story always has to have a very solid Snape characterisation. I wouldn't know where to begin describing his character, but I love an author who can really get stuck into his mindset, leaving the reader fascinated by this complex man.

Strangely enough, I used to hate Snarry, absolutely hate it. It squicked me terribly - I wasn't very fond of Harry, and Snape in my mind was far too intelligent for the likes of a teenaged boy. Plus the teacher/student idea made me uncomfortable. (this was when I'd begun tentatively stepping into fandom in early 2003). I just couldn't see it in the books (I know, I must have been blind!). So along came Nym with her series "Shattered" which was being rec'ed like nobody's business all over LJ, and I thought "Eek, ok, I'll give it a shot." ...And that was that. Totally fell in love with the ship, scrounged around for all the 'classic' fics, went hunting for Snarry moments in the books and was shocked at myself for finding the pairing so squicky beforehand. I think it was the age gap that put me off - I'm only 19 (17 when I first delved into HP fandom) and having a relationship with someone 20 years my senior just did not compute in my head.

Now of course, I love older/younger pairings, Snarry being my favourite. My tastes have changed from my 17 year old self, and I've fallen in love with teh Snarry even more. Canon Harry is still rather annoying, but I have to keep reminding myself that he's only a 15 year old boy, and will be prone to idiotic actions now and then. *grins* I love reading older Harry fics - there's so much room for exploration with adult Harry. His characterisation varies a lot from fic to fic, and I love reading them all. As long as he's not too defiant and whiny. ;)

And when it comes to drawing them... it's all about the intensity. They're both dark haired, which makes for some very nice black and white pictures, and the contrast between Harry's lithe youthful body and Snape's more masculine larger one is great fun to draw. Larger person/smaller person slash always looks more pleasing to my eye, and Snarry is no exception - it's all about that diagonal slant I mentioned earlier. I'm also very fond of drawing manly Snape *cough*chest hair*cough* with his chiselled jawline and long fingered hands. Many people draw Snape as slightly effeminate, but that really doesn't work for me, not for grown-up Snape. Teenager!Snape, yes, but not Snape-the-Potions-Master.:)

Fan Comments

[saturn92103]: This is an awesome interview. I'm awed by the animated tutorials and the difference once you (Lizard *g*) adds the cross hatching.

[tagore]: Another fascinating post, this time with hot and lovely illustrations! Much appreciation to interviewer and interviewee.

[melora98]: Very awesome! I'm glad to read about Lizard, as I've enjoyed her work for quite a while now! VERY cool to see the arts "in progress"... I'm hopeless when it comes to art so it always fascinates me to see how a real artist does it! Thanks for this interview!!

[__hibiscus]: Ohmy! And THIS is why I fangirl Lizard so very much. ♥ ♥ ♥ The art is so beautiful and she's such a nice person. Yay, Lizard!

[cassandramalfoy]: I'm glad you got to interview Lizard.

I loved reading it.

She's very talented and she's one of my heros of Snarry Art here in the HP Art Fandom and HP Slash world about here on LJ and on the net.

I loved the advice and tips she gave.


[snailfin]: Lurved this interview.

and glad there was so much information and even animations and how-to pics!


[leni jess]:Thanks, aubrem, for doing that interview. You asked so many of the questions I too wanted answers to. And thanks to lizardspots for explaining so clearly and illustrating so fully. That was great. It was wonderful to see the development of a picture (and several sorts, too).

[bad feeling]: That was really interesting/awesome-sauce to read. :D What beautiful art~

[jazzy pom]: I must admit, I hesitated in clicking on it, thinking that it would be a bit... precious but it's not. The fanartist is cool, and it's nice to know that she takes her work seriously (but having fun!), and the questions weren't at all fluff.

Love your backgrounds, eh? I must remember that...

[lizardpsots]:...precious?? *boggles* I'm really curious now, how can an interview be precious? And what would you class as fluffy questions? *grins* Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and yes, learn to love your backgrounds. Hey, it worked for me.... :)
[jazzypom]: in terms of English artists, they tend to go on about 'their craft' and the handwringing that they have to do, and the agonies of colour and subject choice and you don't. You're just here to have fun, and do your collabs and allow people to make icons of your stuff.
That's what I meant.
In terms of 'fluffy' questions, I rather expected the interviewer to ask you questions re: the ship that you draw, and what you expect the viewer to take away and all that nonsense. My apologies, it seems I spend too much time reading the broadsheets (and as such, having a dim voice of the whole 'artist as society's beacon process) and I was happily surprised at being thrilled by the interview and being wrong, that's all.
[lizardspots]: Ah, right! I had thought that's what you meant, and I dare say it's true for some artists who really *cough* take themselves too seriously. *grins* But like you said, I'm just here to have fun. I'm not an 'artist' in real life, never have been, this is just my dirty little online hobby. ;) And I have yet to meet a fanartist in this fandom who takes him/herself too seriously - we're all a pretty laid-back bunch with better things to do than go into agonies over fanart. Hehe.

[silverbelle]: My playlist spit up Big&Rich's "Holy Water" just as I landed my greedy little eyes on Lizard's "Hourglass" drawing.

I now confess to wanting to mosey over to London, find Lizard, and keep her locked away in my residence so she can do nothing except drawn Snarry concepts for me at any hour of the day.

However, I am most in awe of the fact that Lizard is a medical student. I think that is a wonderful and worthy pursuit, and I wish her much luck in that field.

Aubrem, thank you for a fascinating and insightful interview! ^_^

[the smirker]:dude....i- thats awesome. now i want a wacom tablet... i saw one at apple when i was getting my new computer and i was like.... *drool, drool* daddy??? that was really inspring and if my stupid teachers didn't assign so much homework i would be drawing my ass off right now.

[sine_que_non767]: Oh, I really enjoyed this! (Late to the party, but...) Fantastic explanations - Lizard, you're this generation's Tony Hart! (I hope you remember who he is...) And the animation is a wonderful idea. Plus, pointing out - yes, it's the NOSE!