Essential Snarry Reader Interview Series

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Essential Snarry Reader Interview Series
Interviewer: Aubrem
Date(s): the first one was in 2002, the rest in 2005
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
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Essential Snarry Reader Interview Series were conducted by Aubrem for the website Snarry Reader.

Q: How do you go about choosing what author you want to interview?

A: Mm, it's entirely subjective. Because I'm doing the interviews I interview the authors whose work most interests me. : ) I am trying to go for well known people because I figure those are the writers most of you are most interested in. I also try to choose people who have a fairly large body of snarry to read. There is a long list of authors I want to interview - ten more at least before I look over the ML and choose a second round of interviewees. So far I've been lucky in that no one has turned me down. I don't know how long that will last though. [1]

The Series
