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Name: Elisabeth
Alias(es): dragonydreams
Type: fanwriter, moderator, archivist
Fandoms: BtVS, Ats, Heroes, Brothers & Sisters, Arrowverse
URL: LJ, When Dragons Dream, Ao3, Tumblr
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Elisabeth, also known as dragonydreams, is probably best known for her contributions to the Buffyverse fandom. There she wrote fanfiction, established fanfic archives, modded communities and was webmistress to various fan sites. Her own fanfiction and fanart, in the form of banners and icons, were hosted at her personal site When Dragons Dream.

After moving away from Buffy fandom, Elisabeth continued to establish and run fan communities in her new fandoms. On LJ, Elisabeth ran trdmarkstoicism (an Oz-centric fan community created September 1, 2009). She also created otherworldlyric (a multi-fandom icon contest community that uses song lyrics for prompts). Elisabeth is also mod for btvs_hush (a text-less BtVS icon contest community).

From Elisabeth's LJ profile:

I have been writing BtVS fanfic since September 2002. Almost all of the stories that I write have Willow as the central character. To date she has been paired with: Giles, Spike, Spike & Angel, Angel, Angelus, Giles & Spike, Lindsey, Oz, Oz & Giles and done crossovers with Charmed and Numb3rs. I have also written a few stories without her (Giles-centric, Spike-centric, Oz-centric, Giles/Spike, Giles/Ethan & Angel/Lindsey). Willow/Giles is the first pairing I read and remains my OTP.

Like most people, I read many more pairings than I write. Obviously, I read all of the above pairings, but I also tend to favor: Spike/Angel, some Lindsey/Spike, Giles/Faith, Spike/Faith, Spike/Fred, and Willow/Xander.

The first fandom to pull my interest away from BtVS was Heroes, specifically Peter/Claire. When the show premiered in September 2006 I knew I'd love it, but I had no idea that it would capture my interest so fully. I quickly became obsessed with Peter/Claire fic, even after it was revealed they were related. It didn't take long for me to be completely depraved and become addicted to Peter/Nathan, Peter/Nathan/Claire and Nathan/Claire fic too.

My next obsession was Justin/Rebecca, from Brothers & Sisters. The chemistry between these characters was so obvious that the producers unrelated them so that they could be a couple. They really are so perfect for each other.

Next came Olicity on Arrow. The chemistry between Felicity and Oliver is undeniable. Although I quickly started shipping Smoaking Billionaires (Tommy/Oliver/Felicity), Flommy (Felicity/Tommy) and Toliver (Tommy/Oliver) too.

My current obsession is Captain Canary (Sara/Leonard) on DC's Legends of Tomorrow. I haven't written so many stories in such a short period of time for any of my other fandoms. Being me, I also ship Rogue Canary (Sara/Mick/Leonard), Coldwave (Leonard/Mick), and Canarywave (Sara/Mick); along with a spattering of other pairings.[1]


Notable Fanworks
