Lindsey McDonald

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Name: Lindsey McDonald
Occupation: Lawyer
Fandom: Angel the Series
Other: Played by Christian Kane
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Lindsey McDonald is a character on Angel the Series.


Lindsey is a lawyer at evil law firm Wolfram & Hart. Unlike many of his coworkers, Lindsey is conflicted about his work and on one occasion worked with Angel to save innocent children. Despite his morals, Lindsey continues to work at Wolfram & Hart and loses his hand in a subsequent fight with Angel. At first, Lindsey uses a prosthesis but later, he receives a hand transplant from his employers. It later transpires that this was an evil hand and this revelation resulted in Lindsey leaving his job.

In season 5, Lindsey returns seeking revenge, when he learns that Angel has become the new CEO of Wolfram & Hart's L.A. office. He ultimately helps Team Angel in the final battle to defeat the Black Thorn. However Angel doesn't believe Lindsey has changed and instructs Lorne to assassinate Lindsey once their mission is complete.


Common Pairings

Lindsey was a very popular character in both slash and het shipping fics. He has been paired with almost every AtS character and several characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer as well. The lack of canon interaction was not a barrier to determined shippers. Lindsey's most common pairings include

There are also a small number of crossover works pairing Lindsey with Eliot Spencer, the character Christian Kane plays in Leverage

Common Tropes & Storylines

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