Double Talk (Professionals/UFO zine)

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Title: Double Talk ("Continuum")
Publisher: Entropy Press
Author(s): Adam Jenson & Jack Heston
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): 1985, reprinted in 1993
Medium: print zine
Fandom: The Professionals/UFO
Language: English
External Links: Entropy Press flyer
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Double Talk is a 53-page gen crossover novel by Adam Jenson and Jack Heston.

Originally, the zine was to have been a multi-fandom anthology with the title "Continuum," and this story was to have made up the bulk of it. Due to lack of submissions, "Double Talk" was produced as a standalone novel.

Both Adam Jenson and Jack Heston are pseuds used by Jane of Australia. In Syndicated Images #3, JJ Adamson (also one of Jane of Australia's pseuds) wrote: "The story which dominates the first issue is on-the-shelf already: Jack Heston and Adam Jenson are together, co-writing the same story - and what a story it is!"

Related Work

"Darkside" by Jack Heston in Dead Reckoning #1 takes place in this universe.


From a flyer:

CI5 vs. SHADO—The Best vs. The Best! CI5 and SHADO co-exist in the world of 1984. Though SHADO may know everything about CI5, no one ever knows anything about the Alien Defence organisation. Until the day agent 3.7 has a close encounter with a Mobile task force—and vanishes. Doyle is not about to let it stop there. Taking his orders direct from George Cowley, he sets out to breach the security of one of the world's most secret organisations. What follows is an intrigue of nation-shaking impact. Can the world allow SHADO to be made public? Will CI5 take 'no' for an answer? Who was the man seen shot dead at a London film studio—and can George Cowley hang a murder rap on a certain American film producer? Ray Doyle is getting closer to the truth while Cowley confronts General Henderson; it is a dangerous truth that no one wants to believe, but believe it, they must. Ed Straker is in the custody of CI5, while Doyle is out at the Harlington-Straker studio lot. And Bodie... What has become of agent 3.7, Bodie? Freeman and Foster know they are dealing with the best in the business. The final confrontation comes as no surprise to them—nor to the men from CI5! As the saying goes, Watch the skies! Double Talk is one of Entropy Express's most popular titles ever. Since it's first release in 1985 it has consistently held the position of our top-selling title. This one is really something!

From an ad:

Mixed universe stories can be a lot of fun; they can also have a lot to offer in a dramatic sense. We've been thinking for some time about a mixed universe zine, and it's coming together as we finish SI#2. We're calling it CONTINUUM, and here's the content of the first issue...

Adam Jenson and Jack Heston get together at last, and this story, a cross between THE PROFESSIONALS and UFO, is the product... Bodie drives Into the midst of a UFO incident and amid his close encounter he vanishes utterly, leaving Doyle to breach the security of the only organization In the world that can tell him the truth... SHADO. [1]

Reactions and Reviews


If there are any copies of this left, I shall be surprised, Almost as surprised wondering why no-one had thought to mix the universes of UFO and the professionals before! They blend beautifully in the story that takes up this cine Double talk. Written in the deft, highly readable style of Adam Jenson and Jack Heston, this is an action-packed story that won't disappoint fans of either show. Briefly, Bodie and Doyle uncover the SHADO operation, and true to form, they won't be put off finding out the truth! This is HIGHLY recommended! [2]


It's a crossover between The Professionals and UFO - and very well done, the way a crossover ought to: the characters *don't* know too much, and they react as they ought. My main gripe with it is that it ends too abruptly.[3]


  1. ^ from an ad in Syndicated Images #2
  2. ^ from Lodestar #5 (1986)
  3. ^ Lysator, February 1995.