Doey Week

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Name: Doey Week
Date(s): 14-20 December 2013, 2014, and 2016
Moderator(s): Creator(s) of the first doeyweek, Archived version (2013 and 2014)
Mod D of the second doeyweek, Archived version (2016)
Founder: Creator(s) of the first doeyweek, Archived version (2013 and 2014)
Mod D of the second doeyweek, Archived version (2016)
Type: Fanweek
Fandom: Total Drama
Associated Community: Total Drama fandom on Tumblr
URL: various
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Doey Week was a semi-annual fanweek held in the Total Drama fandom. It celebrated Duncan/Zoey with fanworks of all kinds, though mostly with fanart and fic. Because the ship was far more popular on Tumblr than anywhere else, the event was primarily held there. There was a fanweek in 2013, 2014, and 2016. A Doey Week 2018 was planned but never happened.

Doey Week 2013

The first Doey Week was held from December 14th, 2013 to the 20th. It was featured on Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar.

Prompts & Fanworks

Saturday, Dec 14: Flowers

Sunday, Dec 15 - Fashion

Monday, Dec 16 - Jail

Tuesday, Dec 17 - Crossovers

Wednesday, Dec 18 - Affection

Thursday, Dec 19 - Animals

Friday, Dec 20 - Winter Holiday[1]

Doey Week 2014

The second Doey Week was held from December 14th, 2014 to the 20th. It was featured on Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar and was hosted by the same team/person as Doey Week 2013. After this week, there would not be a Doey Week 2015. Another fan hosted the fanweek for 2016 and took the old doeyweek URL.

Prompts & Fanworks

Sunday, Dec 14: Dates or Selfie(s)

Monday, Dec 15: Hair or Pets

Tuesday, Dec 16: Exes or Future

Wednesday, Dec 17: Personality Swap or Spectrumslide

Thursday, Dec 18: NSFW or Fairytale

Friday, Dec 19: Comfort or Music

Saturday, Dec 20- AU or Regret[2][3]

Doey Week 2016

Doey Week 2016 Prompts by Mod D

The third Doey Week was held from December 14th, 2016 to the 20th.

Prompts & Fanworks

Wednesday, Dec 14: Dates or Selfie(s)

Thursday, Dec 15: Hair or Pets

Friday, Dec 16: Flowers or Future

Saturday, Dec 17: Personality Swap or Spectrumslide

Sunday, Dec 18: NSFW or Crossovers

Monday, Dec 19: Comfort or Music

Tuesday, Dec 20- Winter Holiday or Regret[4]

References/Further Reading