Cody & Sierra

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Gen Relationship
Relationship: Cody & Sierra
Alternative name(s): n/a
Fandom: Total Drama
Type: Friends(?), Sierra has a one-sided crush on Cody
Female & Male
Canonical?: Canon
Prevalence: Common
Archives: n/a
See also: Cody/Sierra, the romantic interpretation of their relationship.
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Cody & Sierra refers to the gen relationship that Cody and Sierra have on Total Drama. On the show itself, Sierra has a one-sided crush on Cody from Total Drama: World Tour to Total Drama: All-Stars.

Their relationship is a popular tagged gen ship in Archive of Our Own's Total Drama category as of 2024. Cody & Sierra is a common background pairing.

Cody/Sierra, the romantic interpretation of their relationship, is more common.

Common Tropes

  • Obsession: Cody's and Sierra's dynamic is a larger parody of celebrity worship, with Sierra "falling in love" with Cody after seeing him as part of the Drama Brothers, (an in-universe boy band parody,) and on Total Drama: Island (2007) when that aired on TV in-universe. She's obsessed to the point of not respecting Cody's boundaries and acting like they're canonically are a couple when they are not. Cody & Sierra works may have Sierra get over her obsession and turn her relationship with Cody into a friendship.
  • Geeks Attract: Both characters have geeky hobbies such as coding, (with Cody having the self-given nickname "the Codemeister" and Sierra canonically known to have coded for her own Total Drama fansites.) Fans often extend this to them both being media fandom fans.
  • Hurt/Comfort: Both characters are hinted canonically to have neglectful parents and both have experienced major injury, (Cody was mauled by a bear, Sierra temporarily lost her hair after being burned by an exploding plane.) Fans may have them bond over this.
  • Works may include their friendship, but pair Cody or Sierra with other characters.
    • Cody/Noah works commonly include their friendship.
    • Meanwhile, the friendship is rarely included in Heather/Sierra works.

Cody & Sierra Fandom


Example/Notable Fanac


References/Further Reading