Catalyst! Collected

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Title: Catalyst! Collected
Publisher: Jeanine Hennig
Editor(s): Galactic Winds Press & Graphics
Date(s): 1986
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Wars
Language: English
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front cover

Catalyst! Collected is a gen 243-page anthology of Jeanine Hennig's fiction about Luke's mother. They are from the original SW trilogy written long before SW Episodes 1-3 were done.

The art is by Dani Lane, Mary Jean Holmes and Jeanine Hennig.

This zine is offset and GBC bound.

All stories were previously published in other fanzines, and according to this statement in 1984 in Far Realms #6, they have been edited:

For the followers of my "Catalyst!" series, there will be a 'Catalyst!, Collected'. I've already contacted some artists to help me on the monster, a dear friend of mine has offered to help edit, and in it will be some never-before-published stuff. I will also be pulling a 'Marion Zimmer-Bradley' in that I've gone back over the older stories and TOTALLY revamped them, using that worthy author's excuse that 'I was a different person when I wrote them, and much younger'. Maybe not in years, but in mileage, huh? It looks as if it will be interesting, though it will be a while before it makes it out. We're talking about over 500 pages of manuscript, here! I have also debated putting the conclusion to the 'Seeds' trilogy in it, but I'm not sure, yet. If you're interested, or want to give an opinion on this, please let me know. I'd like to hear from you.

"Catalyst! Collected" Does Not Contain All Catalyst Stories

There are "Catalyst!" stories in other zines that do not appear in this collected volume. At least they don't with the same title, or perhaps they were rewritten/integrated into other "Catalyst!" stories.

The original Catalyst! story was printed in Far Realms #1. It may have been revamped into other stories, and with a different title? It was also printed as the standalone called Catalyst!.

Some other examples:

  • Ties of Life -- and Death (printed in Shadowstar #17)
  • Like Father, Like Son (filk to the tune of "Like Father, Like Son" by Rick Springfield, printed in Echo Seven)
  • filks (StarQuest)
  • Introspection: Emergence (by Violet Nordstrom in Far Realms #2)
  • Interlude: Dreams & Settlements (Far Realms #2)
  • Interlude: Fear (Far Realms #3)

Summary from the Author

"A riveting alternate Star Wars universe of Truth within Falsehood, Love within Hate, Light within Dark, and friendship that transgresses yet is divided by war. Containing the first stories in the series (many which are now long out of print), all extensively rewritten and reilloed, along with totally new material.

The year is 3000. The Jedi have fallen. Rebekah Nightrider-Skywalker is pregnant with the child of a rape - a child whose father destroyed her whole race... A child who can bring the galaxy to the greatest of glories, or the greatest of despair. So begins... Catalyst Collected."


  • Legacy (also in A Tremor in the Force #1) (3)
  • Tamlin (also in Echo Seven) (102)
  • Tiny Dancer (also in unknown zine) (103)
  • Alpha (originally titled "Safe-House" and "Lady in the Woods", 1st drafts co-authored with Violet Nordstrom, first appeared in Far Realms #2 and #3) (104)
  • Beginnings (also Southern Knights #1) (135)
  • Mourning (also in Dagobah #1) (136)
  • A Lesson in Love (also in A Tremor in the Force #1) (140)
  • Apology (also in Kessel Run #3) (142)
  • Coercions (also Crossed Sabers) (146)
  • The Desert (also in unknown zine) (154)
  • Nexus (also in Catalyst!) (155)
  • Catalyst! Timeframe (239)
  • For Jessami (also in unknown zine?) (242)

Reactions and Reviews

Jeanine Hennig's "Catalyst" series has sprawled through any number of zines besides Far Realms, and those who discovered it late have been hard pressed to find all the stories. This first volume includes all the material up to the trilogy, "Seeds of Destruction," that appeared in Far Realms 4/5, 6 and 7. Jeanine has re-written much of the material; as she explains it, "The kids grew up, and can tell their story better now." A time line and chronology are added at the end of the volume and are much appreciated, since "Catalyst" has an intricate plotline and a horde of characters. [1]


  1. ^ from "The Wookiee Commode Guide to Star Wars Zines - 1986", in The Wookiee Commode #6