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Beauty and The Beast: The Newsletter/Issues 005-006
Zine | |
Title: | Beauty and The Beast: The Newsletter |
Publisher: | Beauty and the Beast Fan Club (US) |
Editor(s): | Deb Hense |
Type: | |
Date(s): | March 1988-June 1990 |
Frequency: | four times a year |
Medium: | |
Fandom: | Beauty and the Beast (TV) |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Beauty and The Beast: The Newsletter is a Beauty and the Beast fanclub newsletter and letterzine published out of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
It was published four times a year: March, June, September, and December.
The first issue was published in March 1988 and ended in June 1990. The newsletter spanned from the end of the first season to two months before the show was cancelled. As a result, the letters, fan discussion, and translation of information doled out to fans by TPTB reflected a cycle of excitement and optimism, fear and anxiety about characterizations and show cancellation, fervent mobilization to keep what they loved, and finally, for many fans, the crushing defeat and sense of betrayal that fractured the fandom.
This zine series was informally continued in Passages, which began the month "Beauty and the Beast: The Newsletter" ceased.
v.2 n.5 (March 1989)
Beauty and The Beast: The Newsletter v.2 n.5 was published in March 1989 and contains 40 pages.
Editorial and Layout Staff: Patricia Adams, Rita Adams, Scott Coppemon, Eileen Hartwig, Deb Hense, and Linda Palm.
This issue has a long letter about the Viewers for Quality Television. See that page.
This issue includes photos taken in January 1989 at ICON, Iowa's oldest science fiction convention. The club had helped bring Roy Dotrice to Iowa for a mini-B & t B convention within ICON.
A request from the Editors - We love all your drawings of Vincent, but we would really like to see some drawings Of the other characters. Vincent does not exist in a vacuum. There's Linda, Roy, Jay, David, and the list of tunnel people; Jamie, William the cook, Rebecca the candlemaker, Mary (my personal favorite), Paracelsus. The list truly goes on. Or how about some of the guest stars? Lin, Elliot Burch, Howie...
BatB goodies for all:
The spoken word album by Ron Perlman, is making headway. I know that it has been recorded. Or at least most of it. I've heard several rumors that it should be out in late March, but then I just heard it won't be until May. The only confirmation I do have is that it will be out on the Capital label sometime this year. So keep checking the stores.
Ahh Romance. Avon books is planning a series of books based on the show. They will be written by a well known romance writer. She is basing her work on the scripts. Originally plaimed for a June release, but now delayed until September. The reason for the delay? She wanted to put in more background details than what is in the scripts. She is in touch with the writers and getting more info all the time. I can hardly wait!!! We will have more details for you in June.
Comics have grown up. Yes, there is going to be a graphic color comic book series based on the series. The artwork that I've seen is fantastic! The book will be published by First Comics - with Wendy Pini (of Elfquest fame) doing the artwork. I heard that it's scheduled to be out late May, and will retail for $5.95 for 50 beautiful pages of artwork. Ask your local comic book dealer to keep an eye out for you. I've already put in my order with mine.
Antioch will be bringing out a new calendar for 1990 on Beauty and the Beast. This time they are going to double the print run, and give us two sizes. Large, and a smaller 4x6 size. I haven't seen the galley proofs yet, but I'm sure the photos will be great! The club will hopefully have them available again in the fall. WE ARE OUT OF THE 1989 CALENDARS!!! Antioch reports that they were a complete sell out everywhere.
The six foot door poster of Vincent is starting to show up everywhere door posters are sold. I found mine in Spencer Gifts ( a nationwide gift store).
Don't fret:
Don't panic over the network pre-emptions of B&tB. Because of the late start in Aiming, there are not enough episodes 'in the can'. The show needs the extra time to get another episode through post production. The episode the actors are working on this week will be on the air in three weeks. Because it takes seven working days (and they don't work weekends), they keep losing their lead time. So the Peanut's specials and such are aired to give them a week to catch up. So please don't panic!
Write to the producers and CBS and let them know if you like/dislike the Monday night airtime (Early March). And even more importantly, please explain why you like/dislike the move.
- Whispering Gallery (3)
- Chamber Musings: An Interview with David Greenlee (5)
- Notes from Deb (11)
- Tunnel Visions: Episode Guide (12)
- Con Report for ICON, see that page (15)
- Chamber Musings: Interview with Margaret Besarra (the person who did Vincent's make-up, this interview contains many interjections and comments by Ron Perlman) (17)
- Heard It Through the Pipeline, penpal listings (From the editor: "Correspondence: It has come to my attention that some of you are treating the club correspondence secretary Pat, as a penpal. Please resist the urge. She really doesn't have time for penpals. Please, write to the people who want to be penpals. Several are listed in each issue. I'm positive they are just as nice and interesting as Pat. We must prevent Pat from suffering burnout and possibly quitting. Otherwise, the club will soon be looking for another secretary. And I don't want that to happen!!!") (26)
- Nothing Less, filk by O. McMenomy to the tune of "I Won't Take Less Than Your Love" (27)
- Vinnie, Vinnie, filk by C. Jones to the tune of Get Along Home Cindy, Cindy (27)
- Answers to the Puzzle in the previous issue (34)
- More Candleglow, letters of comment (35)
- Pascal's Pipeline, fan club listings (37)
- Addresses to Write, sponsors and others (38)
v.2 n.5: Excerpts from Interviews
From the interview with David Greenlee:
Little by little people [repeating and using the phrase ["ok good ok fine"] is starting to increase. I find myself saying it. I say that to people sometimes on the phone.
Mouse is sort of creeping up on me. I have people telling me that can't tell the difference between Mouse and me. As an actor I sort of say "Oh No". But I know what they mean and it's true. It's the closest thing to me that I've ever gotten to play. I think Mouse has some of my best features and some of my worst features. I don't think Mouse uses his head. I might use my head. Yeah, we're very similar.
Yeah I was surprised, very very surprised [by my convention experience]. My agent called me up and asked if I'd do this and I said why? And she said they'd asked if I would. So I said "Really?" I expected to have to tell jokes and dance or something the whole time. But people had more questions than we had time for. And they weren't all about Vincent like I thought they would be. And also not just questions, but knowledgeable comments. And queries that weren't just how do you leam all those lines, but things like a ... just really interesting questions about the relationships between the characters and our work process. And literary references galore. They were asking me about different myths and they read the lines. My eyes popped out. I'd only done four episodes. So I knew far less about the show than anybody in that room and they'd ask questions and I'd say I'll field that to Stephen.
I enjoyed it very much. I hadn't worked on TV and movies for quite a while and not on stage very much. So you rarely get to actually talk with your audience If you do you're walking down the street and they say "Loved you on Fame." The convention was a nice way to have an exchange.
My cat. Solstice doubles as my acting coach when I learn my lines. She's very good. She gives me eye contact and everything. She's a smart cat. She listens. She knows a lot of words for a cat. Smartest cat I've ever had. I teach her new words every week. And she remembers them.
She's a big help to me in general. I always used to think pet owners were nuts. I did! I had a friend with this dog, and he would talk to this dog. Then I got this cat. I hadn't had a pet in adult life and so its been a long time. Living alone and all, its very nice. She's always happy to see me come home. Now that we're back (to work) she's panicked. She doesn't know where I go. I come home smelling like everything from raccoon to dry ice.
My sister married the cameraman who was on Star Trek and they were invited [to a convention]. I was a major trekker and I spent all night staring at them. All three of them were there together. They were chatting. Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, DeForest Kelly. Just in case this gets around to anybody else, I'd die to be on Star Trek the Next Generation.
I was crushed when Tasha Yar was killed. She was my favorite character.
From the interview with Margaret Bessara:
I have an assistant that does his hands now. I did them, last year. His hands take an extra hour and a half. So now I bring in someone else to do his hands while I do his face, so Ron's not in the chair as long.
Once in a while I sit back and realize that I just see Vincent all day and I hardly ever see Ron. I see him for fifteen minutes in the morning and then twenty minutes when we take the make-up off. But most of my talking to him or dealing with him is in the make-up. Sometimes I only know him as that character and it does seem odd sometimes. I look at him out of make-up and say "Oh Yeah! That's what he looks like." But once you see him everyday like that, that's all you see and that all you really think about. He was even commenting to somebody tonight about how most of the crew don't know what he looks like because they have never seen him without makeup. Especially this season. He's had a lot of early calls and been here before anybody else and after everyone's gone. So a lot of crew members have never seen him out of makeup.
Not constant, but I always have to watch it and [touch up his make-up during the shooting]. I kind of baby-sit the make-up, I guess. Usually, its about 10 hours before I need to do any major touch up. Some days his face holds up exceptionally well. But usually after 10 hours you have to watch things. After lunch, there's touch up around the mouth. But not much, because he's very careful while eating.
Being in the chair for four hours [having his make-up applied]. It's pretty incredible for any actor — for anybody — to have to sit still for four hours. We take breaks. But still after several weeks of doing it everyday, it's pretty confining.. It gets very tiring. But he's still right there for whatever I need.
v.2 n.5: Excerpts from Fan Letters
The new season, I haven't been disappointed. However, personally, it has been painful to see Vincent and Catherine still struggling to find a way to consummate their love. Has there ever been a love so pure, so passionate, so deserving as theirs? As Vincent said in "Ashes, Ashes". "One either moves toward love or away from it, there is no other direction." Where does that leave Vincent and Catherine?
I understand the producers want to maintain the dignity and integrity of the characters. I agree wholeheartedly, after all that is the very reason most of us find the drama refreshing, indeed stimulating. Consummation of their love, however, does not have to be graphic. Innuendo and inference through actions and dialogue would maintain the integrity and grace which has been established. A gentle kiss will do for now, after all Catherine has kissed Father. Is Vincent any less deserving? There is no longer time for procrastination, either Vincent and Catherine move toward love or away from it. There is no other direction.
On my views relative to the general reference of Vincent as "the beast", there can be no greater misnomer. Hasn't he demonstrated that he is indeed the embodiment of all that we aspire to be. I have always likened Vincent to Hawk in "Buck Rogers", as far as heredity goes; not as a beast at all. I have also developed an entire scenario on Vincent's origins and this scenario is congruent with all that is Vincent.
This letter is written jointly by Joyce and myself and does not necessarily reflect the views of any other staff members. We would like to talk to you about the new season. Rumors have it that there has been a lot of negative response to what has been shown thus far. Many of you have called and talked to us personally about your views on what has been shown and a lot of it has not been overly favorable. To this, we would like to respond, "Be careful of what you wish for. You may get it." The studio has listened to us and tried very hard to give us what we told them we wanted. We said we wanted more romance...they gave it to us. We said we wanted to see more of the tunnels and learn more about the society...they gave it to us. We said we wanted to get away from the danger and rescue episodes and they did. They have given us exactly what we asked for and now we are not pleased. WHAT exactly DO we want? Most of us have been amazed to be dealing with studio personnel who actually listen and deal with fans; who care enough to try to give us what we want. We are extremely worried that we are going to bum them out. We are going to teach them that fans can never be pleased and they will STOP dealing with us. It must be very frustrating for them to present us with what they view as the perfect season and have us react in such a manner. If we keep this up, we will probably see the end of the magic this season. Why should they continue with a no-win situation? Enjoy the beauty, for they have given us so much. We are not suggesting that you shouldn't write and express your views, but keep in mind what kind of an impression of fandom you are giving them. Be constructive. It would also be nice to tell them what you DO love. Positive input is so important. We have something very special here. Do we really want to mess it up? [1]
v.2 n.5: Sample Interior
from v.2 n.5, photos from the mini-con at ICON (January 1989)
from v.2 n.5, photos from the VQT Awards
v.2 n.6 (June 1989)
Beauty and The Beast: The Newsletter v.2 n.6 was published in June 1989 and contains 35 pages.
Editorial and Layout Staff: Patricia Adams, Rita Adams, Scott Coppenoll, Eileen Hartwig, Deb Hense, Linda Palm, and Janet Schmidt.
The art is by Phyliss Berwick and others.
In the previous issue, the editor anticipated that this issue would be smaller than it is due to problems with the postal service, and with theft by fans. [2] Fans rallied [3], and this issue was of normal size.
From the editor:
First Publishing has the comic book based on our series "Beauty and the Beast" out now. You can order direct from the publisher if you are unable to obtain the illustrated novel from your local comic book dealer.
Did you know... that if the series is renewed and the comic is a complete sellout, that First might consider doing a regular monthly series? Let's make sure the comic sells out! 11 Buy one for the painting on the cover if nothing else!
The painting by Olivia deBerardinis that we saw in the episode "When the Blue Bird Sings" is on the cover of the comic book. If you are interested in obtaining a print of the painting. Helper's Network is keeping track of the numbers of fans who are interested in this. Please write and let her know if you would like to own a copy as a print or as a poster, or as a door poster. Their address is in Pascal's Pipeline. When writing to Helper's Network, please include a self addressed envelope with 45 cents postage. And if you could include a donation of a dollar I'm sure she would send you the latest update of her publication.
The long awaited (was it only nine months?) spoken word album "Of Love and Hope" by Ron Perlman should be at your record stores now.
Have you heard that CBS was putting up wall posters advertising B&tB on the subways of New York, and on the walls in Los Angeles, and they were disappearing overnight. It's true! Diehard fans were carefully removing the posters. Does this tell those network execs something or what! Even more importantly, were they listening?
- Whispering Gallery (3)
- Chamber Musings: Interview with Kathryn Spitz (the candlemaker on the show) (6)
- Tunnel Visions, episode guides (11)
- She is My Beauty, poem by Brenda K. Geraci (15)
- Chamber Musings: Interview with Kim Leigh Clark (miscellaneous tunnel dweller) (Excerpt: "I have to credit for getting me into this business is fandom. I went in as a fan. Wanting to get into them not knowing how to go to conventions. Finally going. Thank-you George Lucas for inventing Star Wars. And through the conventions talking to people, meeting friends that last a lifetime. Meeting friends in the industry. We've all gone from making these things in our back yards. To watching us all grow. Watching friends of mine that are getting screen credit for their work. A few of us decided to go into acting, but what got me into this really - was the conventions. I love the conventions and I would like to make something out of my career that I can give to people that the actors and actresses gave to me.") (17)
- Of Finer Things, poem by Carol Richard (23)
- Theory for a Phenomenon: Dedicated to Ron Koslow, Rick Baker, Ron Perlman by Lois Caton (24)
- Double Crosstix, puzzle (25)
- LOC about Aggiecon (27)
- A Rose By Any Other Name: Some Thoughts About Beauty and the Beast and Romeo and Juliet, article by Reed Cockrell (Last paragraph: "In many ways, Vincent and Catherine have chosen a much more difficult path than either Romeo and Juliet or Bridgit and Ian [4] did. But, so far, they have managed to hang on to what they have. They are indeed, like Romeo and Juliet, tragic heroes in the best sense of the term. But with a little luck, "Beauty and the Beast" might avoid becoming a tragedy.") (29)
- Tunnel Con 1 ("Start saving your pennies, nickels, dimes, dollars now. There will be an all Beauty and the Beast convention in Las Vegas the summer of 1990. Not this year, next year!!! All the fan groups are banding together to help on this one. It's going to be wonderful!!! ") (31)
- Whispering Gallery, continued (32)
- Pascal's Pipeline, fan clubs (33)
- Standard Policy/Addresses (34)
v.2 n.6: Excerpts from Fan Letters
My husband and I met George R.R. Martin at Aggiecon on April 1 in College Station, Texas, and he said that renewal still is 50/50. He said that he is staying optimistic and encourages everyone to keep writing, especially to Kim LeMasters. Should the show not be renewed, he said syndication/cable continuance would depend on (with the cost of production) a cost-effective deal being made quickly, as the cast and crew cannot be held but for a short time before they move on to do other things. Mr. Martin also showed convention goers an episode of the show from the 1st season and discussed character developments for the episodes he has written. It was really interesting to listen to his discussion of how much network importance is placed on the addition of "jeopardy" or imperiled action to an episode because it is felt that "jeopardy is what the public wants" above all else. Mr. Martin was so gracious to fans, taking time to talk and to sign autographs; he was certainly a captivating keynote speaker. I have enclosed a couple of pictures from his presentation. In the meantime, my husband, our friends, and I have been writing hundreds, of letters to CBS, sponsors, and local affiliates. We are really trying to do all we can for this wonderful cause. If we can help further, please let us know.
v.2 n.6: Sample Interior
from v.2 n.6, Phyllis Berwick
from v.2 n.6, photo of G.R.R. Martin, likely taken at Aggiecon
- ^ This was reprinted with permission from the January 1989 issue of Once Upon a Time... Is Now.
- ^ "The June issue will be smaller than normal for us. Because the post office lost approx. 100 issues of the December mailing to California, we have to replace those issues at no cost to those members. This represents a drain on our resources. Also affecting the June issue size is the cost of replacing all the B&tB zines that were stolen from our con-suite in January [at ICON (US SF Convention)]. These zines were loaned by friends so that those attending the con would have a chance to see what was available. Unfortunately, all of them disappeared. If one of them had disappeared, I might reasonably expect to see it mailed back, but all of them disappearing? This represents deliberate theft, and not an accidental walking off with an issue." -- from issue #5
- ^ "A big THANK YOU to those members who sent in copies of the Beast storyzines and/or money to replace those that were stolen at our convention in January of this year."
- ^ from the book "Three Hundred Days"