Alternate Timelines (X-Force Archive)

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Name: Alternate Timelines
Date(s): 1999-2004
Archivist: Jen Morrioghan, Alicia McKenzie
Founder: Jen Morrioghan
Type: fanfiction
Fandom: X-Force
URL: (Original link) (Wayback, alt); (2nd location) (Wayback)
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Alternate Timelines was a fic archive focused on X-Force, Cable and Domino, created by Jen Morrioghan. It was later merged with Alicia's archives - Dayspring Archive and various others - making it one of the largest archives since Fonts of Wisdom.

The original archive was set up by Jen in January 1999[1] and besides the fanfiction archive included a "Feature of the Month"[2], Announcements and a Story Challenge. Background art was provided by jilko-art. The site also hosted discussion message boards and Dex's IMHO review column.

Between September 2001 and December 2001 (according to the Wayback captures), Alternate Timelines relocated to a new domain and became an "archive group" similar to It collected a number of pre-existing archives, including Alicia's Cable and personal fanfic archives, her DuAnn and Dandelion collections and the Shadowlands site.[3] Submissions were accepted for some collections via the Alternate Timelines mailing list on YahooGroups.

Around March 2004, the archive group was merged with the Itty Bitty Archives to create


The archive featured the following collections:


  1. ^ "January 2, 2000: Alternate Timelines is one year old!" - Alternate Timelines - Additions - January 20, 2000.
  2. ^ "The Alternate Timelines' Feature of the Month is chosen in a very unscientific manner (by me), from amongst the stories posted to the site within the past few months. I strongly recommend these stories. IMO they represent some of the best you will find on the web. Enjoy and be sure to send lots of feedback to the authors." Alternate Timelines - Main Page - Wayback, Sep 17/00
  3. ^ Alternate Timelines Archive Group - Main Page - Wayback, Dec 4/01
  4. ^ Jen's Message - Property Damage, Wayback Jun 12/03