Zoe Takashi

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Name: Zoe Takashi
Type: fan writer
Fandoms: X-Files
URL: LZL Slash Factory (wayback)
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Zoe Takashi is an X-Files slash writer who co-wrote and shared a website (now down) with Louise Wu and Loren Q. Collectively they were known as LZL.

From her bio:

Zoe was seduced into the world of slash. She was minding her own business, having an occasional homoerotic fantasy and not even watching the X-Files, when Louise started giving her slash to read. Loren gave her tapes of Krycek episodes. Then Louise asked her to co-write a story and Zoe took a chance on the crazy Method Writing thing. Zoe's characterization of Krycek was fabulous. The rest is history.

Amazingly, Exigency was Zoe's first attempt at fiction writing. She's a natural. Too bad there's no Pulitzer Prize for slash. On the downside, she was horrified by the appearance of her inner submissive who just turned up (uninvited) in the story after a few pages.

Zoe's Krycek ranges from the damaged submissive killer (Exigency) to the neurotic, but controlled killer topman (Sleep & Tackle). Besides becoming our consummate Krycek, she writes a little Scully from time to time.

Zoe caught Louise's too-many-stories-in-progress syndrome. She's currently embroiled in numerous sequels and new stories. If only we could get her a paid sabbatical from her job, to keep her in applesauce and cranberry juice, while she finishes her stories.

Sometimes, Louise & Loren think they've created a monster… but at least it's one with talent.

Notable Works