Yesterday's Nightmares

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Title: Yesterday's Nightmares
Date(s): 1980
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Yesterday's Nightmares is a gen Starsky & Hutch story by Naomi Marrow.

While the author had planned for it to be in "the new British zine which will appear this year sometime" (a zine that might have been The Striped Tomato), it likely remained drawerfic.

This story was written in response to The Banned Starsky & Hutch Episodes in the UK.

Author's Comments

[Yesterday's Nightmares] is a story I put together a year ago (and had invaluable assistance and encouragement from our own Dottie Wilkerson) called "YESTERDAY'S NIGHTMARES." It is to be the anchor story in the new British zine which will appear this year sometime. Before this story goes into print and I have the whole of letterzine down on my neck, I would like to offer a word of explanation. The S&H classic episode THE FIX was never shown on British BBC, the powers that be thinking it might corrupt its audience by revealing that drugs can be addictive! Try as they may, petitions and letters of protest have fallen on deaf ears and an effort to send a video tape of that episode has proven beyond any doubt that these tapes are not transactable. Pulling their hair out in rage, several friends in England asked me to write a Hutch on drugs story that would placate them and offer some of the love and agony of that episode. I don't claim to have any prior knowledge of drug addiction or abuse, but to please these dear friends, I agreed to give it a shot (metaphorically speaking) and so NIGHTMARES was born. When I wrote it, I had no thoughts of it ever seeing print or being read by anyone except those friends for whom it was intended. However it was well received and I was approached with the idea of giving my blessing to it being used in the fanzine. I did argue folks ... honest I did ... wanted to rewrite ... let someone edit ... a few screams and yells ... but finally submitted WARNING ... most of you are going to hate it ... find so many flaws In it that it will look like a grandmother's old shawl after the moths got to it ... but all I ask is to please remember it was written with love ... and very little else. I don't lay claim to much talent ... haven't had any of my other stories accepted by any reputable fan zine ... and right now am terrified of the US reaction to that story from giants like you, Connie and Teri and ... hey, Lori (wish you'd write to me!) I KNOW ... I KNOW you're gonna say if I can't hack it with the big time ... then put up, so I will but I just wanted you to know that NIGHTMARES was never written with any eye to sensationalism but more in a humble effort to please some friends in their time of 'need' (well how would YOU feel if you weren't allowed to see that episode??? Incidentally they were never allowed to see NIGHTMARE or MURDER WARD either.) [1]

Fan Comments

Naomi, let me set your mind at ease about "Yesterday's Nightmares." It's one of the best stories in all of fandom. The British zine is very lucky to get it. And my hat's off to this British zine for being the first to use one of this wonderfully talented girl's stories. It's about time somebody did. [2]

I agree with you about Naomi's story "Yesterday's Nightmares." I'm so glad someone else feels the same way I do about this lovely lady's writing. She has such a love for the characters and it comes across so beautifully in her stories. "Yesterday's Nightmares" is my very favorite S&H story and I mean that sincerely. I love you Naomi — keep writing. [3]


  1. ^ from S and H #8 (March 1980)
  2. ^ from S and H #9 (April 1980)
  3. ^ from S and H #10 (May 1980)