X-Files Drinking Games

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X-Files Drinking Games were common fan creations, especially on Usenet.

Some Examples

From 1994

Scully's hair is a different color from the last time you saw it--2 drinks

Scully's hair is a different length from the last time you saw it--2 drinks

Scully's hair is a different color *and* length from the last time you saw it--3 drinks

Mulder says "Can you at least entertain the possibility..."--2 drinks

Scully says "You still believe that..."--2 drinks

Mulder says "The truth is out there"--3 drinks

Scully says "The truth is out there"--4 drinks

Mulder meets with "Deep Throat"--2 drinks

Mulder thanks "Deep Throat" for what he thinks is useful information--2 drinks

The information is actually useful--3 drinks

Mulder gets annoyed with "Deep Throat" for giving him pointless/insufficient information--4 drinks

Mulder figures out that "Deep Throat" is not really on his side and decks him--10 drinks

Scully's medical skills are called upon--2 drinks

Scully's pathology skills are called upon--3 drinks

Mulder says something thuddingly insensitive to a witness and Scully takes over questioning--3 drinks

Mulder and Scully get the cold shoulder from local authorities--2 drinks

Mulder and Scully get cooperation from local authorities--3 drinks

Something obviously paranormal occurs and Mulder witnesses it--1 drink

Something obviously paranormal occurs and Scully misses it because she is locked out or unconscious--2 drinks

Something obviously paranormal occurs and Scully witnesses it but manages to half-heartedly explain it away--3 drinks

Something obviously paranormal occurs and Scully acknowledges it--5 drinks

Mulder wakes Scully up in the middle of the night--2 drinks

Scully wakes Mulder up in the middle of the night--3 drinks

Scully is in her bathrobe--3 drinks

Scully is in her bra and underwear--4 drinks

You are watching the pilot with one or more women who get annoyed because they felt it necessary to show Scully in her bra and underwear--2 additional drinks

You are watching the pilot with one or more men who can't figure out why the women are annoyed that they show Scully in her bra and underwear--2 additional drinks (Disclaimer: the authors of the drinking game cannot be held responsible for a bar brawl erupting at this point.)

Someone makes a comment about Mulder's nickname (Spooky)--2 drinks

Someone makes a comment about Mulder's given name (Fox)--3 drinks

Mulder makes a comment about his nickname--4 drinks

Mulder jumps on a false clue that supports his theory--1 drink

Mulder fails to jump on an actual clue that supports his theory--2 drinks

Mulder begins a case certain that it is UFO-related--1 drink

The case is actually UFO-related--2 drinks

Mulder and Scully have a close encounter of any kind--3 drinks

Whatever has been killing people goes after Scully--2 drinks

Whatever has been killing people goes after Mulder--3 drinks

Whatever has been killing people goes after Scully *and* Mulder--4 drinks

Whatever has been killing people shows up at FBI headquarters and surrenders--10 drinks

Scully is wearing pants--3 drinks

Scully and Mulder are tromping around woods outside Vancouver regardless of where they're supposed to be--2 drinks

Scully is tromping around the woods in a suit and dress shoes--3 drinks

Scully is tromping around the woods in sensible attire--4 drinks

Mulder smiles--2 drinks

Scully smiles--4 drinks

Whatever has been killing people smiles--5 drinks, you're gonna need 'em

Mulder goes to acquaintances in weird organisations for information--2 drinks

Scully is less than impressed with said acquaintances--2 drinks

Said acquaintances comment that Scully is "hot"--3 drinks

Mulder compares a case to an old X-File--1 drink

The comparison is valid--2 drinks

The comparison is off but gives them a clue--3 drinks

The comparison is totally off-base and useless--4 drinks

Someone is reported to have fifth- and sixth-degree burns over 90% of his/her body--3 drinks

Short version of opening credits--3 drinks

Two episodes air in one week--2 drinks

Scully and/or Mulder draw their gun(s)--1 drink

Scully and/or Mulder fire their gun(s)--4 drinks

Firing the gun(s) accomplishes nothing--1 additional drink

Firing the gun(s) accomplishes something--2 additional drinks

The bad guy decks Mulder--2 drinks

Mulder decks the bad guy--3 drinks

The bad guy decks Scully--3 drinks

Scully decks the bad guy--4 drinks

The bad guy decks "Deep Throat"--10 drinks

Scully throws up--3 drinks

Scully looks like she's going to throw up--no drinks, happens too often

Mulder is eating some kind of seeds--1 drink

He offers some to Scully--3 drinks [1]

Fan Comments

Jesus, that's a lot of rules! About halfway through any given episode, most participants would be too crocked to follow all that. I guess that's part of the fun though. [2]

Just a coiuple [sic] of sugestions [sic] for possibles additions and a reminder that alcohol can be fatal in large enough quanties [sic] (paralyzes the respiratory system it does) [3]


David Duchovny comes to my place for coffee: By this point, I'd be in an alcohol induced coma.

Any reference to something discussed on this newsgroup that is undeniably as a result of someone on the show reading this newsgroup: 6 drinks. [4]

I need to know the rules. I'm desperate. I have vowed to not have another sip of alcohol until I can get a hold of these rules and sit down in front of my t.v. with a bottle of tequila and watch the show. You can see how desperate I'm getting. Heeeelllllppppp. Some kind soul out there, please e-mail me a copy of these rules. Me and my liver will be forever grateful. [5]

Wouldn't it be neat to see what Darin Morgan would do with a copy of the X-Files Drinking Game? :-) [6]

This is a true challenge. To make the rules clear, must you watch the show with a fellow xphiler or can you do it solo? Next question, since I tape each episode and view it on Saturday morning, could I still get my housework done after several shots of tequilla? [sic] It sounds fun and wish I had a group of xphilers to play along. I'll let you know if the vacuum whirls after next weeks episode. [7]

I'm so chuffed, I can't help telling everyone...

Yes! My XF fanfic web-page has made it into a national magazine :-) Probably.

In the latest Satellite TV Guide here in the UK is a double page spread about XF. It's main purpose is of course to reprint the Aus RS pix which they have pulled off a web-site, and the article's content is about the Internet being 'awash with pages devoted to XF, its characters and plots.' One of the ten or so sites mentioned is MINE - well, that's what I think, anyway. They don't give the URLs of any of them, but the 3rd of 4 paragraph states:

Other stranger X-Files net pages include one dedicated to the 'X-Files Drinking Game', one detailing what might happen next after each X-File episode has screened.......

Now, I don't know of another web-site that description fits .....so yippee! Someone's going there and reading the fanfic :-) Strange indeed - ha!

Now I know it's pathetic to be so pleased, but I have to try and grab any moments of reflected glory that I can as they fly by.....

Stef [8]

Here at Twin Peaks (in San Francisco) we play a looser drinking game with cider or juice in which we drink anytime anything lame, cool, or stereotypically "X-Filesish" occurs. A rather nice drinking game was on a university website, but now i think it's defunct. does anybody have this site? or a copy of the detailed instructions? [9]

I thought drinking games were for the occasional drink, not for an hour-long barrage of liquid! The only time at least one of those occurrances [sic] isn't happening is during the commercial breaks. Anyone playing this game would spend so much time in the bathroom they would miss the entire episode! <G> [10]

Check out the new book on DD - the Duchovny Files. It has the drinking game in it. [11]

Real simple. Every time they show another crappy, boring, continuity destroying Morgan & Wong ep, have a drink. The rate they've been going you should be sauced in no time. :-) [12]

I actually have this...although its probably not up to date as for as new story arc/themes are concerned. Maybe there is an updated version. We tried to play it once, but the situation just deteriorated. Anyway, I will gladly forward it to anyone who e-mails me for it. [13]


  1. ^ The X-Files Drinking Game, Mk. 1 by by Valerie Meachum, Jack Kessler, and Sharon Himmanen (April 1994)
  2. ^ The X-Files Drinking Game, Mk. 1 (April 1994)
  3. ^ The X-Files Drinking Game, Mk. 1 (April 1994)
  4. ^ The X-Files Drinking Game, Mk. 1 (April 1994)
  5. ^ from X-Files Drinking Game for X-philes (March 16, 1995)
  6. ^ from Darin Morgan and the X-Files Drinking Game (January 1996)
  7. ^ from X-Files Drinking Game - Third Season! (February 1996)
  8. ^ My XF web-site in UF magazine!! (April 1996)
  9. ^ X-Files Drinking Game (April 1996)
  10. ^ from X-Files Drinking Game... (Jun 21, 1996)
  11. ^ Looking for XFiles Drinking Gamee (November 1996)
  12. ^ Looking for XFiles Drinking Gamee (November 1996)
  13. ^ X-Files drinking game???? (November 1997)