Wolfpup's Den

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Name: Wolfpup's Den
Owner/Maintainer: Wolfpup
Dates: 09 June 1997 – 10 August 2007 (last update)
Type: fiction archive, show resource
Fandom: The Sentinel
current website version
2001 to 2003 version

Wolfpup's Den - Yahoo!Groups
2005 to 2009
Wolfpup's Den - Yahoo!Groups
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Wolfpup's Den was a Sentinel website by Wolfpup. It hosted gen and mild het fanfic. Sections included fanfiction, quotes, zines, mailing lists, links, Arkadas (inspirational sayings, poems), extras, awards, condolences. It was a member of The Sentinel Webring.

Site Gallery



Agnes Mage | Andromede | Anna Rennie-Clark | Artos | Audrey Lynne | Blixa | Carole | Carolyn | Cindy Combs | Crowswork | Datalore | Deanna Jordon | Debra Baschal | Eagle Eye | Emerald | Fidus Amicus | Java Head | Jess Riley | J.J. | K. Hanna Korossy | Kateri | Laura | Laurie Borealis | Linda Stoops | LRHBalzer | Marlene A. Becker | Nickerbits | Paula | Pauline A. | P.B. | Rimilod | Rivanna Michaels | Robin | Sam Mallory | Sandra McDonald | SandraD | Shallan | Storm | Tara | Teresa Buckley | Trishbsc | Yum@

Fan Comments

Wolfpup's Den

An award-winning small collection of The Sentinel GEN fanfiction by about twenty different authors, this archive is owned and moderated entirely by Wolfpup. Updated frequently, it is a simple and colourful guide to good TS genfic. This website also includes a comprehensive up-to-date links section, and a fun quotes page[1]

Featured Fanfic
