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Name: Ana Claudia
Alias(es): Unquiet, Ana Claudia Snape, ana_snapeana, anacrowe_00
Type: fan writer
Fandoms: Harry Potter
Communities: Mania de Escrever, A Masmorra, sexysnape, others
URL: Unquiet at FanFiction.Net
Unquiet at Walking The Plank
ana_snapeana at LiveJournal
Mania de Escrever (Portuguese fic site; Wayback link)
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Ana Claudia, known in English-speaking fandom as Unquiet, is a Brazilian fan who writes fanfiction in both English and Portuguese.

Unquiet is best known for writing A Different Lesson, believed to be the second Harry/Snape fanfic ever to be posted online. The first part of A Different Lesson was posted to the hpslash mailing list on October 31, 2000. The second part of the story was posted to FanFiction.Net on November 9, 2000,[1] but was later deleted by the site. Unquiet reposted it to FF.net in September 2005.[2]

She also has run several Portuguese-language Harry Potter fansites and communities, including A Masmorra, a Severus Snape character shrine, and sexysnape, a Snape-focused mailing list.

Fan Comments

ptyx wrote in August 2005:

Unquiet is [...] a very important member of Brazilian HP fandom, and founded many HP groups back in 2000/2001. She's writing slash again, in Portuguese, and she has just told me that both stories ["Midnight Confessions" by Majolique and "A Different Lesson" by Unquiet] were written around October/November 2000, and that Majolique's story was written about two weeks before "A Different Lesson". Majolique also betaed "A Different Lesson".[3]

ptyx previously wrote in November 2003:

In Brazil, HP fandom is dominated by children and teens. There was an HP slash list, but it's dead now - nobody posts anything there anymore. And even when that slash list was alive, if you dared to mention "Snarry" people would say: "Ewww! That's creepy!"

The sad reality is that after ten months searching I couldn't find any intelligent life in Brazilian HP fandom. Except for morgan_d, of course (but she's a Sirius fan and writes mostly gen fics),


a girl



Unquiet was one of the first persons in the world to write a Snarry fic in English!!! [...] Yeah, she is Brazilian. She has a SS shrine named A Masmorra[4] ("The Dungeons"), which is the best Brazilian Snape shrine. She has another pen name in Brazil, and she has translated her fic (A Different Lesson) into Portuguese editing out the most graphic parts (which is sad, but if you think that Brazilian HP fandom can't conceive the possibility of this pairing, it's comprehensible). I've sent her an e-mail, but she didn't reply. I heard she's in a Snape/Hermione mailing-list now. She's also the moderator of sexysnape, a list for Snape fans that has 150 members, but she never posts anything. And the list is chaotic, as most Brazilian lists. There are more OT posts than anything else.[5]


  1. ^ ptyx on LiveJournal, Snape/Harry: The Beginnings, posted 13 November 2003 (accessed 09 April 2017, WebCite), & accioslash at snape_potter on InsaneJournal, Snarry: A History, posted 11 October 2010 (accessed 09 April 2017, WebCite).
  2. ^ Unquiet at FanFiction.Net. Her bio states in part: "Wrote A Different Lesson in English, in october/november 2000. Second Snarry ever written. Fanfiction dot net erased my fic and the reviews. So I published it once more. I have another profile here, where I write fics in Portuguese (some I translated to English): Ana Claudia Snape." Unquiet joined FF.net 04 November 2000. Page accessed 09 April 2017; user "Ana Claudia Snape" no longer found. A Different Lesson (re)posted 16 September 2005.
  3. ^ ptyx on LiveJournal, The first Snarry Ever?, posted 31 August 2005. (Accessed 09 April 2017, WebCite.)
  4. ^ http://www.geocities.com/a_masmorra/, archived 28 November 2002 by the Wayback Machine.
  5. ^ ptyx on LiveJournal, Brazil & Snarry's Origins, posted 11 November 2003. (Accessed 09 April 2017, WebCite.)