Those Who Share One Shield

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Title: Those Who Share One Shield
Author(s): Ursula (Ursula4x)
Date(s): late 1990s?
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch/The Commish/Kalifornia
External Links: Those Who Share One Shield at AO3 (locked to registered users; originally at FHSA)
Those Who Share One Shield at The Nick Zone (Wayback link)

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Those Who Share One Shield is a crossover story by Ursula.

Pairing: Starsky/Hutch, Ricky Caruso/Brian Kessler

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To start with a little tipper on these characters in case you don't know who they are. Brian Kessler was a character played by David Duchovny in the movie Kalifornia, he was a writer researching a book on serial killers. Ricky Caruso was a young cop played by Nick Lea on the tv show the Commish. It you want further info on them Ursula gives you more of a run down in the story headers. If you don't know who Starsky & Hutch are, where have you been for the last 20 years or so? Just to help you understand the story better she moved S/H into the present time period instead of the 70's. So expect them to be young bucks. She had Ricky quit the police force and join the FBI. So in case you haven't gotten it yet, this is an AU. I'm an M/K slut in case you haven't guessed by now. Nah, not a clue around here anywhere. Unless you look at the X-files Recs or notice all the pics of M/K, DD, and NL on the site. There might be clues there. So any story that can pull a couple of DD's and NL's characters together has a vote in my book. I'm up on that. I liked the more grown up, beginning to get world-wearied version of Ricky she brought us. I've always liked Brian from Kalifornia too. I could buy these two getting together. There is a pretty good case that they are trying to solve. More case driven with some sex on the side.<wg> Brian and Ricky really just start to connect in this one, from there it is up to your imagination where they go. I like how she gave Ricky a past with men too. Also, gave him a good swift kick in the ass reason to grow up and do something more with his life. I enjoyed this one. As an M/K slut it always makes me feel better to see any of DD or NL's characters together in fic. I'm seriously loyal to M/K. The boys are totally my favorites. I'm still in need of comfort since that bad thing that didn't happen to Alex in the season 8 finale. Denial, denial, denial. Not just a river in Egypt or for breakfast any more. You can have it all day long. Like me. I'm not coming out of denial no matter what any one says. I know a good number of chicks who are totally with me on this. We're in denial and staying that way. So be it. [1]


  1. ^ from Slash Slut