The Tower (Merlin story)

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You may be looking for Towers, a LoTR/Sentinel novel.

Title: The Tower
Author(s): astolat
Date(s): 26 February 2009
Length: 2,657 words / 20:50 min
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: The Tower (author's page)
The Tower (AO3)
The Tower (podbook)
The Tower.jpg

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The Tower is a Merlin/Arthur story by astolat. It features bondage, breathplay and a D/s dynamic with sub!Arthur.

Summary: Outside the city walls, the tower stood black against the sky.

suzume_tori made a manip illustrating powerful!Merlin and his tower.[1] eosrose podficced the story and turned it into an audiobook.[2] The podfic is 20:50 min long and available at the Audiofic Archive.

Recs and Reviews

ambiguously dark, Merlin lets his magic loose after Gaius is hurt, Arthur goes after him. “I came *for* you, you *idiot,*” laying out his claim, and then Merlin’s eyes were still glittering, but not with gold.[3]

"I roll over and die for sexual manipulation and magical manipulation and combining those two is like teh equivalent of drowning me in delicious. [...] I love Merlin. I do not think he is a bad person. I think he has this neat little switch I like to call Override. Somehow along the way, the Override button was exclusively devoted to Arthur and so you know, in any decent complex sitch, where Arthur is anywhere in evidence, that button gets hit and Merlin kills everyone. You think I am joking. Watch the show. The only way this works as a really terrifying device is that Merlin is actually a really good guy. He is. [...] And this confirms what I have always thought of the Old Religion--they were reading Mallory and not Machiavelli and apparently didn't even know to check out Freud because they took this normal adolescent wizard with Amazing Cosmic Powers and no complicating loyalties and threw him at Arthur Pendragon of assholeness and bonus points of charisma, and said hey, have fun and make him king so we can be free again because there is no possible way you could possibly develop really strong feelings for an ultrahot asshole with a hidden core of honor who will one day be king and hey, would you like to be the one who dresses, undresses, bathes, and waits on him in highly intimate ways? That can't end in disaster! Old Religion == never got laid, I swear to God. So Merlin going nuts is not like, this huge stretch here. Merlin going nuts for Gaius--wow, who would have seen that coming? And having his Override hit when Arthur shows up sweaty and looking all "I am pretty and your destiny", well, no one could have seen that coming either. So this story == oh my God yes."[4]


  1. ^ Art by suzume_tori for The Tower. (Accessed 25 April 2011)
  2. ^ PODFIC: "The Tower" by astolat (20:50) [ Merlin (BBC) | Arthur/Merlin | Mature], 09 April 2011. (Accessed 25 April 2011)
  3. ^ The Marci Rating System. (Accessed 25 April 2011)
  4. ^ Seperis. rec - the tower by astolat, 26 February 2009. (Accessed 25 April 2011)