Temple of Trek

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Temple of Trek was a Star Trek 1984 to early 1990s fan activity at conventions. It was a communal parody and filk sing and skit at cons called "Temple of Trek Revivals."

from Enterprising Women, photo from Shore Leave in 1990, Bacon-Smith calls the activity a skit
from The Temple of Trek Revival Hymnal #2 (1986): "Stand Up! Stand Up for Trekwell!" (filk to the tune of "Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus!")

"Temple of Trek" was created and originally led by Reverend Trekwell aka Weston Scrimger.

The first Revival was in 1984 at Shore Leave #6.

From Weston Scrimger in the 1988 Shore Leave program book:

My first Shore Leave was Shore Leave III. I came for one day and joined STAT in November. For seven years I've worked on the con and have seen it grow into the largest fan run con east of the Mississippi.... At Shore Leave VI, a short skit went over so well that now it's a regular business, the Temple of Trek Revival -- Praise Trek! To everyone I've met over the last seven years, I say Thank You; Thank you for helping us to make Shore Leave so to much fun to be at and to work for.

The fans who participated in these sings (aka club members) were called "The Choir of the Robes of Many Colors."

The club also sold items such as t-shirts and videos, see Temple of Trek Merchandise.

The cost of joining the club was "a small Love Offering of $2.50." In return, fans received a "membership card signed by Dr. Trekwell, an official lifetime TEMPLE OF TREK membership badge," and a one-year subscription to the official newsletter of the TEMPLE OF TREK, YE OLD CHOIR CRIER, published quarterly" [1]

See: The Temple of Trek Revival Hymnal.

Some Con Appearances

Some of these conventions were Shore Leave, Farpoint, ClipperCon, Fan-Out, and OktoberTrek.

In later years, it appears that the Reverend himself did not perform, but instead fans would gather to sing his filks and carry out his work. Trekwell filking at 2007 Shore Leave 2007 (begins at about 1:29)

Some Descriptions of the Revivals

From the program book for OktoberTrek (1990):

The TEMPLE OF TREK REVIVAL, now in its sixth year, brings the words of the Great Bird to his Faithful Fen at conventions in the Mid-Atlantic area. Join Dr. Trekwell and his Choir of the Robes of Many Colors as they sing hymns such as "Amazing Spock," "Kroyka T'hylla Kroyka,II "Great Bird Loves the Little Children" and other standards like you've never heard them before. If you want to get a flavor of the Temple services, visit Dr. Trekwell at his table in the Dealers' Room where he sells his "religious articles" for a small love offering. The TEMPLE OF TREK however isn't always out for fun. Collections taken at services go to various charities as have profits from bake sales and other endeavors. If you're a faithful fan, the Temple is for you! PRAISE TREK!

From a fan's con report in 1990:

I did manage to drag myself out of bed in time for Rev. Trekwell's Temple of Trek service Sunday morning. This year they had a children's service for the next generation. Praise Trek!" [2]

From the Fan-Out program book:

REVEREND TREKWELL'S TEMPLE OF TREK: is open for worship Sunday morning. The Reverend expects to see you in church, and will revive the holy Trek spirit in his own zealous fashion. Praise Trek!

Temple of Trek Merchandise

The club sold items such as diplomae, verse in calligraphy, t-shirts, and videos.

Some of these videos were recordings from:

1: Shore Leave #6, ClipperCon #2 and #3, and "Trekkie Shriner"
2: Sisters of the Faithful Fen (at Shore Leave #8 -- the wedding, the Costume Call), Trekkie Shriner, and ClipperCon #4
3: "The Revelation" - Shore Leave #9, ClipperCon #5 (the telethon), and Trekkie Shriner
4: "The Anniversary" - Shore Leave [[#10, ClipperCon #6, Trekkie Shriner, Temple Fashion Show
5: "The Cleansing" - Shore Leave #11, Beach Trek #3, Fan Out '90, Temple Labs/Shops
6: Shore Leave #12, OktoberTrek '90, FanOut '91

More details about these videos can be seen in the scans below.


  1. ^ from an undated flyer
  2. ^ Another Shore Leave Convention Report dated July 18, 1990