The Seal

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Title: The Seal
Author(s): ratherastory
Date(s): 14 August 2011
Length: 29,767 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: The Seal (AO3)

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The Seal is a Steve/Danny story by ratherastory. It was written for the h50_bigbang.

Summary: A figure steps out of the shadows, and it takes all of Danny’s training not to shoot then and there. "Have no fear, citizen!" a voice calls out. "Everything is under control!" Or, the AU in which Steve is a superhero and Danny is still a cop, and they still sort of drive each other nuts. Together, they have to save the world from certain doom.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: Who can resist a good super-hero romp? Not us! This fic is a well written, deftly handled Super-hero AU with great dialogue, characterizations you will easily recognize, and a solid plot. Danny is still a cop but Steve? Steve is something else. This one is lots of fun.[1]
