The Road Between the Walls

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Title: The Road Between the Walls
Author(s): Keiko Kirin
Genre(s): slash, fanfiction
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
External Links: The Road Between the Walls (Keiko's Stories)

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The Road Between the Walls is a Jack/Daniel story by Keiko Kirin.

Reactions and Reviews

A terrific interpretation of the "aliens making us have sex" cliche (which is my fave cliche, and so I recommend these stories without shame) - with a couple of twists to upend conventional thinking about what Jack and Daniel might have done in their respective pasts. What makes this story so damned good, tho, is the characterisation. Jack and Daniel are beautifully written in this; the dialogue is good, the situations understated, the characters true to the way I see them.[1]

Best FF Featuring Daniel Making Yet Another Unfortunate Translation Error. Unfortunate for Him, Anyway. I Myself Am Strangely Comfortable with It. The Road Between the Walls, by keiko_kirin. Stargate: SG-1, Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson.

So, here we have the other aliens-make-them-do-it story, and where one Stargate is, should not the other be? (Because, hey. If McKay and Sheppard are going to have embarrassing public sex, it's only justice that Jack and Daniel join them. And, um. No one should cry "plot bunny" right now, OK? No. Seriously. Stop that right now.) Here we have a story with all the trimmings, including a pitched battle, an incomprehensible alien culture, and a new and novel use for a stargate. (No. Not as a sex aid. Don't even think it; frankly, I'm sort of sorry I thought it. Also, immediately stop pondering the various bad puns one could make out of "wormhole.") Plus, of course, imperious and perverted aliens. Strange how many of those the universe has produced, but I suppose that's what infinity is all about. And I, for one, am not complaining. No, not even a smidgen, because it leads to brilliant stories like these. See, Keiko has many gifts, and one of them is her ability to turn fandom cliches inside out, shake them vigorously, and build them into something substantial and wondrous to behold, and if my metaphor sort of derailed there, I refuse to care, because it's true. That's just what she does. Here, she gives that treatment to several of them; in addition to the aliens-make-them thing, note her skillful and persuasive handling of the "I'm secretly gay" concept. But most importantly, she gets these characters. And then she gives them to us, on a platter. And an ox-cart. And aliens. And sex. I don't see how any fan could ask for more.[2]
