The Name of the Game

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Title: The Name of the Game
Author(s): Anne Elliot
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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The Name of the Game is a Kirk/Spock story by Anne Elliot.

It was published in the print zine Singing in the Wilderness.


"Kirk plays a terribly high price for breaking The Prime Directive."

Reactions and Reviews

What should Kirk’s pet-name for Spock be? Lambkin? Chickadee? Honeybunny? This two page hilarious story asks that question in all seriousness, and I roared. I can only remember one other story that addressed this thorny question, and know of only one other author who actually incorporates a pet name into her stories. (Audrey Baker has Kirk call Spock “Ears” in private moments in her early 70s series of K/S stories. Spock calls Kirk “Jimmie.” I guess you had to be there....) Spock hears Kirk singing in the shower and thinks: “That was an excellent sign: Kirk was always good in bed (all that past experience had at least been good for something), but when he was relaxed and happy he could be inspired. Spock was most definitely in the mood for inspiration.” I am struck by the image of Kirk emerging, “still naked, now flushed from the shower and, to Spock, looking perfectly adorable,” and moving on to inspiration. This is a good way to end any kind of day! Handling K/S humor is difficult, this writer does so with aplomb. Cute![1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #33