The More is My Unrest

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Title: The More is My Unrest
Author(s): Arabella and Jedi Boadicea
Date(s): 01 August 2002
Length: ~12,500 words (standalone)
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: The More is My Unrest on SugarQuill

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The More is My Unrest is a Harry Potter fanfiction story. It is a one-sided Draco/Ginny story from Draco Malfoy's perspective and was intended to remain a one-shot, but the authors found that they "could not stop writing this story, partly because the lure of the forbidden is strong and partly because [they found] Draco endlessly entertaining." [1] A few months later, they began posting a sequel, Rising from Ashes.

The title of the story comes from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

A review from The Fire and Ice Archive's list of Draco/Ginny classics states:

Completion is usually what we look for in our favorite stories. However, who could deny that Draco and Ginny's relationship was not destined for completion? The cooperation between these two H/G writers resulted in an impeccably canon-abiding and realistic insight of Draco's mind, one that takes into account his pettiness and maturity alike, and hints about the tantalizing possibility of more--only to carry us back into the real world, where Malfoys and Weasleys don't exchange civil words, and much less date. If you're looking for fluff, angst, humor, or drama, look elsewhere: this fic will give you a taste of the bitter and unadorned truth.[2]


  1. ^ Arabella. Rising from Ashes F.A.Q., published March 12, 2003.
  2. ^ FICL Team at The Fire and Ice Archive. Fire and Ice Classics Library. 03 May 2007. (26 October 2011.)