The Lying Series

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Title: The Lying Series
Author(s): Frankie
Date(s): February 1999
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: The Lying Series (TER/MA)

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The Lying Series is a Mulder/Krycek series by Frankie. The Theban Band created a fanfic cover for the series.


  • Part 1 - Alex pays Fox a visit. Oh, the games people play.
  • Part 2 Private Storm - Sequel to "Lying". Mulder does some thinking and comes to a decision.
  • Part 3 The Door - It's New Year's Eve and Alex does some drinking and some thinking.
  • Part 3 alternate Going Down - "WARNING WARNING WARNING!!! This is one of the three alternate plots that popped into my head while I was writing Lying III. It is completely different from the one I finally decided on, so if you don't want to read a darker Fox and Alex, don't read this. I showed it to Sue (thanks for the beta, babe!) and she thought I should post it. Here goes... "
  • Part 3 alternate Cruel Inventions - When Alex goes back to Fox, things will never be the same.
  • Part 3 alternate Cruel Inventions II - Krycek and Mulder have to deal with the consequences of their actions... or do they?
  • Part 4 Raised on Promises - (February 1999) The unexpected manages to knock the boys off course.
  • Part 5 Standing Still - (February 1999) Scully reflects on what happened.
  • Part 6 The End - (February 1999) Where the boys are...

Recs and Reviews

Just to prepare you something bad happens to Alex in Part 4, just thought I'd let you steel yourself for it. Not gonna tell you what, wanted to give you a heads up though. Oh, Part 3 has two alternate version of how that scene could have gone. One of those is in Cruel Inventions is in two sections. You don't have to read those, they are just variations on a theme. Another way they could have turned out that Frankie decided to go. This series is about the lies that we tell ourselves. The lies that bring us comfort, if not joy. The lies that we tell ourselves to protect us from emotional harm. The lies we pretend other are telling us, because the sweetness of the truth would just hurt to much. Krycek is really the one telling himself lies in this one. M/K are in a sort of relationship together, one where about all the do is have occasional sex. Krycek keeps telling himself that Mulder means nothing to him, he's just a convenient fuck. Thinking that if he tells himself that enough he might just believe it. Mulder lies through his actions. Hiding behind non-chalance, acting as if these encounters mean little to him, as well. He's really just afraid if Alex knows the depth of how he feels about him that he will leave him and never return. There be angst in here, always a good thing in my book.<g> Sadness too. You just feel for these two, lying to each other and themselves. Trying to protect themselves from hurt, only they end up hurting anyway. Mulder finally risks all and decides to tell Alex how he feels, because the not telling him hurts far to much. However it turns out he needs some resolution to things. Just when things start to get better though, they get worse. They pick up again though, don't worry.[1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 29 March 2015)