The Janitor

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Title: The Janitor
Author(s): jans_intentions
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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The Janitor is an Angel/Spike Human AU story by jans_intentions. In 2009 (?), Jans_intentions removed their fanworks from the internet, with the intention of filing off the serial numbers and publishing professionally. The Janitor was published by the author as a pro-novel with the same name.

Liam is a part time boxer and janitor, who meets and crushes on shy Will, a reclusive student. Liam only wants to be close to Will, and will surrender himself completely to Will's every desire.

Reactions & Reviews

This is the fic that convinced me that sexymermaid was going to become one of my favorite authors. How could anyone read this tale of a slow-witted boxer and a crippled student and not be moved to tears many a time? This is one heck of a tale![1]
