The Dawn of Discovery Series

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Title: The Dawn of Discovery and sequels
Author(s): Cindy Leuch
Date(s): 2000-2006 and 2016-18
Length: Over 500,000 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Batman
External Links: Works by the author on the Lois & Clark Fanfic Archive

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The Dawn of Discovery and its sequels are Lois and Clark stories by Cindy Leuch, futurefic focusing mainly on the activities of the children of Clark Kent and Lois Lane who become superheroes in their own right, although neither son has all of his father's powers. Some of the stories are Batman crossovers. Story descriptions below are from the Lois & Clark Fanfic Archive:

  • The Dawn of Discovery (2000) As Lois and Clark's fifteen-year-old son Jon works his way through a shocking discovery about himself and his parents, he learns what it really means for a father to be a hero to his son.
  • How I Spent My Summer Vacation (2000) Clark's youngest son CJ interns as "Robin" for his dad's friend, Batman, in Gotham City. While there, he learns the ups and downs of being a superhero, dealing with another identity, and trying to hide his secret identity from the new love of his life. How would he have ever guessed that being a superhero could be so complicated?
  • Professional Loyalties (2000) When she finally meets her son CJ's girlfriend, Lois takes an instant liking to Jenny, most likely because she has Lois's nose for journalism -- and trouble. The two women soon find themselves in over their heads in a local university scandal, and with his dad and brother tending to superhero duties out of the country, it's up to CJ to save his mom and girlfriend.
  • Personal Loyalties (2001) Metropolis' superheroes are faced with a deadly threat against their family and betrayal as loyalties are tested to the limit.
  • It Runs in the Family (2002) When you're 15 years old, sometimes it seems like the whole world is against you. Laura Kent, mild-mannered high school student-to-be, knows that all too well, especially after learning about her family heritage. But she is about to discover that some of the toughest challenges can lead to the biggest successes.
  • I'll Be You For Christmas (2004) The whole Kent family gets into the act in this Christmas tale that continues the "Dawn of Discovery" series.
  • Meet Sam Wayne (2006) CJ Kent, fresh out of college and recently home from his honeymoon, is ready to enter the real world with a couple new jobs waiting for him in Gotham City. He quickly finds out that his new life will be different, and much more difficult, than he had bargained for.
  • Gotham Nights (2016) In this next installment of the “Dawn of Discovery” series, red kryptonite finds its way to Gotham City, wreaking havok with the resident superheroes, just as a big movie about the Man of Steel is released. Meanwhile, Laura Kent is confronted by growing feelings for her best friend and questions about how he might react if he knew her darkest secrets.
  • Relative History (2017) A simple burglary sends Jonathan Kent back in time to 1997, where he has to balance his desire to help with his fear of messing up his future. It’s up to the extended Kent family, and some friends from their superpowered social club, to bring him home, if they can.
  • Free Falling (2018) When something causes the Kent family’s superpowers to disappear, they suddenly find themselves in sticky situations. They will need to rely on their ingenuity, and have a little help from their friends, to get themselves home safe and get things back to normal. But will they be able to do that before the criminal element realizes what happened?

The series was well-received within this fandom, and most of the stories were nominated for Kerth Awards in their respective years.