The Councils of Despair

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Title: The Councils of Despair
Author(s): Parhelion
Date(s): 2004
Length: ~8,800 words
Genre(s): gapfiller, m/m slash, first time
Fandom(s): Vorkosigan Saga
External Links: Copy of original from Yuletide archive @AO3, @AO3, @personal website

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The Councils of Despair is a Vorkosigan story by Parhelion, first published in November 2004. The author's first (and so far only) work in the Vorkosiverse, it was written for Dira Sudis in the Yuletide exchange. A gapfiller set during Shards of Honor – after Escobar but predominantly before Cordelia Naismith's return to Barrayar – it is m/m slash, with the non-canonical pairing of Aral Vorkosigan with Simon Illyan.

The author's original summary simply reads Aral Vorkosigan/Simon Illyan; slash / Please note: mild spoilers for *Shards of Honor*. At the republished version at Archive of Our Own, the summary is The Vor have their own way of dealing with disaster. First, start with a new disaster... At the author's personal site, the summary is Certain acts of desperation are best done with a friend. The title is taken from Martin Luther King, quoted at the end. The author rating is R.

Plot, Characters & Themes

The story's focus, despite an explicit Aral/Simon first time scene, is on Aral's self-destructive despair after Escobar being partly ameliorated by Simon's loving friendship. The final scene is set after Cordelia & Aral's marriage, and the story slips back into canon, with no indication of an ongoing slash relationship. A sympathetic Captain Negri also features, with minor roles for several original characters who flesh out Vorbarr Sultana's caravanserai. The point of view throughout is Simon in the third person.


The story was well received. Reviewers particularly praised the characterisations and the way the non-canonical pairing is achieved believably, even for readers who had previously considered it impossible or who didn't generally enjoy slash. Several reviewers commented favourably on the fact that the story doesn't compromise Aral's subsequent canonical relationship with Cordelia. Also praised were the canon-like feel, the accuracy of the pastiche of Lois McMaster Bujold's style, the well-chosen details, the realistically gritty setting and the complex portrayal of Barryar's society & politics.

Philomytha calls it her "favourite fic in the fandom",[1] and cites it as the inspiration for her Aral & Simon novel, Aral Vorkosigan's Dog.[2] It has also been recommended at Crack Van and by Beth H, Espresso Addict, Gloria Mundi, Sahiya, The RCK and Templum Bellonae, among others.

Recs & Reviews

This is the only Aral/Illyan slash story that I know of, probably for the very good reason that it's not an easy task to get them together without ignoring their canon back stories and without twisting their characters beyond recognition. But Parhelion manages to make it believable, and it's a good "friendship" slash story. (raveninthewind at Crack Van)[3]

Wonderfully written and conceived, and takes nothing away from Cordelia, for those who - like me - care about such things.(Beth H)[4]

Despite the extracanonical pairing, this piece feels like a missing chapter from Shards of Honor, with believable characterisations and a strong portrayal of the darker, seamier side of Barrayar (Espresso Addict)[5]

Aral/Simon post-Escobar. Absolutely beautiful in every respect, this one is canon for me. I'd like to write this pairing, but I can't bring myself to it because I'd just end up rewriting this. (Philomytha)[6]

It just occurred to me that although I don't know of any Miles/Simon, I do know of a most excellent Aral/Simon: The Councils of Despair, from Yuletide 2004, which has spoilers for Shards of Honor and nothing else. It might have been the very first Vorkosific I ever read, come to think of it, and it is excellent. (Sahiya)[7]

This is a great fic about Aral's despair and dangerous drinking after Escobar, and how Simon is able to help him cope--in an unexpected but powerful way. (Zoya1416)[8]

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this, and how clearly both characters came through for me. It's been a while since I read this, but you brought it back to me so clearly that this was no handicap. You handled it all deftly, in a way that was no dishonor to anyone, including Cordelia, which pleased me immensely. And I'm particularly fond of this bit: Many years afterward, Illyan would still be consoled by the fact that his first reaction was of relief. His third was pleasure: he'd liked and been impressed by what he'd seen of Cordelia Naismith, the Admiral's Captain. His second reaction was his own problem. That hint of possibly greater affection than Illyan allows himself to admit is bittersweet and lovely. (Elynross)[9]

This is a beautiful story. I wouldn't have thought that this pairing was possible without going OOC. Aral is Aral, in a black mood following Excobar, weighted with too many deaths and a personal horror. And Illyan is Illyan, deliberate and secretive even in his own thoughts. The ancient custom of leaving a weapon with one's lover was a lovely touch. In "Mirror Dance", Cordelia says to Aral, "I think Simon Ilyan would still turn himself inside out for you after you were dead and buried, love." This is the story of that Simon. If I have one moment of hesitancy, it's at wondering if Negri would be comfortable with this the amount of loyalty (and love) his chosen successor shows Vorkosigan. Surely he would prefer devotion to Gregor directly? (Keerawa)[9]


  1. ^ Comment by Philomytha dated 28 September 2011 to the reposted version at Archive of Our Own
  2. ^ Philomytha in Archive of Our Own: The Councils of Despair: Bookmarks (accessed 19 August 2014)
  3. ^ crack-van: The Councils of Despair by Parhelion (R) (accessed 19 August 2014)
  4. ^ Recs Recs Recs: Vorkosigan Books (Bujold) (accessed 19 August 2014)
  5. ^ Espresso Recommendations: LM Bujold – Vorkosigan series (accessed 19 August 2014)
  6. ^ Philomytha: Favourite Vorkosigan fics (accessed 19 August 2014)
  7. ^ Comment on bujold-fic: Rare slash requests (accessed 2 July 2016)
  8. ^ Zoya1416 in Archive of Our Own: The Councils of Despair: Bookmarks (accessed 19 August 2014)
  9. ^ a b Comment on 'The Councils of Despair' posted to Yuletide & archived at AO3 (accessed 23 June 2016)